深圳牛津版英语最新八年级(下) 课文(带翻译) 下载本文

Unit 1 课文(翻译)

初二 (下)

课文(翻译) (1—4)



Voluntary['v?l?nt(?)r?]志愿的 work

三个青少年提出去做一些志愿工作,在学校假期期间。他们写了以下的报告。 Three teenagers['ti?ne?d??]青少年 offered ['?f?]提出;提供 to do some voluntary work during在...期间 the school holidays假期. They wrote the following ['f?l????]以下的 reports[r?'p??t]报告.


I did some voluntary work in a children’s hospital. The children there 那里all suffer from['s?f?]遭受 serious严重的;严肃的 illnesses['?ln?s]疾病. We organized ['?rɡ?na?z]组织 a painting绘画 competition [k?mp?'t??(?)n]比赛for them.


I met a girl called Cindy. She wanted to paint [pe?nt] 画a picture of the park near her home. I went there and took some photos 拍照of it. Cindy used them for her painting. Betty

有很多孩子没有父母。我和我妈妈遇见过一些这样的孩子,我们教他们讲故事。这帮助他们表达他们的情感。一个孩子说,“我的朋友不理解我的痛苦”。 There are many children without没有parents父母. I met some of these children with my mother. We taught教 them to tell stories讲故事. This helps them express [?k'spres; ek-]表达 their feelings情感;情绪. One child said, “My friends don’t understand my pain [pe?n]痛苦.”

我和一个叫Vivien 的女孩一起度过些时光。她的父母死于一次车祸,她心情不好并非常孤独。她需要友谊。我妈妈和我将继续去看望Vivien.


We spent 花费time with a girl called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident ['?ks?d?nt]事故, and she is unhappy不开心 and very lonely ['l??nl?]孤独的. She needs friendship ['fren(d)??p]友谊. My mother and I will continue[k?n't?nju?]继续 to visit Vivien. Mark


I want to help disabled [d?s'ebld]残疾的 children. They have difficulty ['d?f?k(?)lt?] 困难walking or moving移动. I taught教 them to sing because music can bring them joy[d???]快乐 and peace[pi?s]平静;和平.


I met a boy called Tim. He hurt[h??t]受伤 his legs 腿in an accident事故, but he has lots of courage['k?r?d?]勇气. We need to help children like 像是Tim and raise[re?z]提高 their spirits['sp?r?t]精神. I will continue 继续to do voluntary work in the future在未来.

Voluntary work志愿工作

Joe 在暑假期间想要去做志愿工作,所以他提出在当地医院帮忙。

Joe wanted to do voluntary ['v?l?nt(?)r?] work during the summer holidays在暑假期间, so he offered['?f?] 提出to help at a local ['l??k(?)l]当地的 hospital.

每个周六,他去那里照顾病人。当中一个走路有困难,所以他帮助他四处移动。另一个人看不见。Joe给她读新闻和有趣的故事,所以她不会感到孤独。Joe也跟病人聊天。这样能帮助他们表达他们的情感\\情绪。 Joe 乐于助人。有空的时候,他将继续在医院帮忙。


Every Saturday, he went there to look after 照顾the patients['pe??(?)nt]病人. One of them had difficulty walking走路有困难, so he helped him move around四处移动. Another one could not see. Joe read news and funny ['f?n?]有趣的stories to her so that 所以she did not feel lonely. Joe also talked with 聊天the patients病人. This helped them express[?k'spres; ek-]表达 their feelings情绪;情感.

Joe enjoyed helping people. He will continue to help at the hospital in his free time空闲时间.

They need help! 他们需要帮助! 你能帮助这些儿童吗? Can you help these children? Cindy, aged 12 12岁

Cindy 在住院,因为她遭受严重的疾病。Cindy 想去画她家附近的公园。我们需要一个人去公园拍些照片给Cindy.

Cindy is in hospital because she suffers from 遭受a serious ['s?r??s]严重的illness疾病. Cindy wants to paint画 the park near her home. We need someone to go to the park and take some photos 拍照for Cindy.


Vivien’s parents 父母died 去世in a car accident车祸. She is unhappy and very lonely孤独的. We need someone to talk to her and make friends with her交朋友. Tim 是一个健康的男孩。他过去常常喜欢运动直到腿在一次事故中受伤。我们需要一些志愿者教像是Tim 这样的孩子唱歌并帮助他们鼓舞精神。

Tim was a healthy ['helθ?]健康的 boy. He used to 过去常常love sport 运动until 直到he hurt受伤 his legs in an accident事故. We need some volunteers [,v?l?n't??]志愿者to teach disabled [d?s'e?bld]残疾的 children like Tim to sing and to help them raise their spirits鼓舞精神.



Success成功 for Spring Buds[b?d]春蕾


My name is Feng Guixiang. I want to tell you about the China Children and Teenagers’ ['tine?d??]Fund [f?nd] (CCTF 中国儿童少年基金会) and how it helped me.


One of the CCTF’s special activities [?k't?viti]活动 is the Spring Bud Project['pr?d?ekt] (春蕾计划). In 1989, 4.8 million百万 children in the country, aged from seven to fourteen, were unable to 不能attend [?'tend]参加;上学 school. Eighty-three per cent [p?'sent] 百分比of them were girls.


Because of 因为this, the CCTF launched [l??nt?] 发射;发起the Spring Bud Project 春蕾计划to help them. Since then自从那时以来, the project has helped millions of girls return 返回to school. It has also built建造 a lot of schools. The very first Spring Bud class was here in Guangxi in 1989. The Spring Bud Project paid for 支付me to attend[?'tend]参加 that class. It also rented [rent]租 a room close to 靠近the school for me. 在这个计划开始之前,我呆在家里帮我妈妈做些家务。上学改变了我的生活。我学会了阅读、写字,以及做很多其它的事情。

Before the project started, I stayed at home 呆在家里and helped my mother with the housework. Going to school changed 改变my life. I learnt to read and write and do many other things.



Now I work as 当a teacher at a Spring Bud school here in Guangxi. I wish to help other girls the way 方式;方法the Spring Bud Project helped me.

Raising money筹钱 for the APO


The Animal Protection [pr?'tek?(?)n]保护 Organization [,?rɡ?n?'ze??n] (APO)组织 looks after homeless ['homl?s]无家可归的animals. The APO needs money to give them food. The students from the Animal Club俱乐部;社团 at Mayfield School decided to [d?'sa?d]决定 raise [re?z]money 筹钱for the APO.


The Animal Club interviewed ['?nt?vju?]采访100 students at Mayfield School. Thirty of them decided to 决定give money to the APO. Twenty-four of them wanted to organize组织 a food fair [fe?]展览 to raise money. Twenty-six students planned to 计划collect [k?'lekt] 收集soft drink饮料 cans 罐and sell them. Fifteen students would like想 to take dogs home as作为 their pets [pet]宠物. Only five students did not want to do anything for the APO.

Unit 2 课文(翻译) Body language 肢体语言


Debbie 和Simon 是学生。他们在旅游公司都有兼职工作。

Debbie and Simon are students. They both都 have part-time jobs 兼职工作at a travel company ['k?mp(?)n?]公司.

一个穿着很好的女士进入办公室。她看着Debbie和Simon,然后走向Debbie. Debbie 跟她高兴地打招呼。

A well-dressed穿着很好的 lady 女士entered ['ent?] 进入the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to走向 Debbie. Debbie gave her a cheerful ['t???f?l; -f(?)l]高兴的 greeting致意;打招呼. Simon 叹着气走开了。

Simon sighed [sa?] 叹气and walked away走开. 杨先生问,“怎么了?”

“What’s the matter ['m?t?] 怎么了?” Mr. Yang asked. “人们总是选择Debbie 而不是我。我不理解。”

“People always choose 选择Debbie instead of [?n'sted] 而不是me. I don’t understand.”


“I do. It’s the way 方式you communicate[k?'mju?n?ke?t]交流.” “那怎么可能?” Simon 问,“我说话的机会都没有。”

“How can that be?” Simon asked. “I don’t get a chance 机会[t?ɑ?ns] to speak.” “交流不仅仅是说话。你的肢体语言也是重要的。” “肢体语言?”

“Communicating [k?'mj?n?,ke?t??]沟通;交流 is more than 不仅仅just speaking. Your body language is important too.” “Body language?”



“It’s the way you stand and sit. It’s your gestures ['d?est??] 姿势and expression [?k'spre?(?)n; ek-] 表情on your face脸. Your whole 整个appearance [?'p??r(?)ns]外貌 communicates交流;表达 things. You don’t give people a good impression [?m'pre?(?)n]印象, Simon. You look down看着下面, you never 从不smile微笑 and you don’t turn转向 your head towards [t?'w??dz]朝向 them.”

“看看Debbie。 她总是抬起头。她总是微笑着,看起来是友好的。她的肢体语言使人感觉是受欢迎的。所以他们向她寻求帮助。”

Look at Debbie. She’s holding her head up举起头. She always smiles and looks friendly友好地. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help.”

Simon 决定改善他的肢体语言。他坐直并试着对别人微笑。

Simon decided[d?'sa?d] to决定 improve[?m'pru?v]改善 his body language. He sat up straight [stre?t]坐直 and tried 试着smiling 微笑at people. 几分钟后,一个漂亮的女孩进来。她走向了Simon。一会之后,她带着微笑离开。

Minutes later几分钟后, a beautiful girl entered进来. She walked over to走向 Simon. A few moments later一会之后, she left with a smile带着微笑离开. 杨先生立刻过来说,“你给她留下了一个好印象。”

Mr. Young came over 过来at once立刻 and said, “You made a good impression[?m'pre?(?)n]印象 on her, Simon.”

“那是我的姐姐(妹妹)”,Simon说,“她想提醒我明天是她的生日。” “That was my sister,” said Simon. “She wanted to remind [r?'ma?nd] 提醒me that tomorrow is her birthday.”


Simon: Mum, I’m thinking of考虑 leaving my part-time job 兼职工作at the travel




Mum: What’s the matter怎么了? You have a good chance机会 to learn about了解 travel there. Don’t you want to build 建造a career [k?'r??]职业;事业 in tourism ['t??r?z(?)m]旅游业?


Simon: Yes, but it’s more important for me to develop [d?'vel?p] 发展;培养other skills [sk?l]技能 at the moment在现在. I want to take a class上课 in communication沟通 skills 技能because I need to improve[?m'pru?v] 改善my body language. I can get another另一个 job工作 like像是 this later之后.


Mum: Well, I understand the feelings 感觉;情绪you have towards对于 your job,

but I don’t think you should leave it. This job will teach you something you can’t learn in a classroom.


Simon: Thanks, Mum. I’ll think it over考虑.

Eye contact ['k?nt?kt]眼神交流

眼神交流意味着看着另一个人的眼睛。这是肢体语言中非常重要的一个部分。 它可以是沟通的关键。眼神交流可以展现一些情感例如友好,兴趣以及理解。


Eye contact means looking into another另一个 person’s eyes. This is a very important part部分 of body language. It can be the key关键 to communication沟 通. Eye contact can show feelings情感 such as 例如friendliness['fren(d)l?n?s]友好, interest and understanding明白;理解.

在西方国家,在对话中使用眼神交流是非常重要的。如果你不实用眼神交流, 西方人也许认为你没有在听。如果你看着别处,他们或许认为你在撒谎。 In Western countries西方国家, using eye contact in conversations[k?nv?'se??(?)n]对 话 is very important. If you do not use eye contact, Westerners['w?st?n?]西方人 may think that you are not listening. And if you look away看着别处, they may also think that you are lying撒谎.

然而,在很多亚洲国家,当你和一位长辈说话的时候,例如老师或者父母,看 着下面,是有礼貌的。

However然而, in many Asian 亚洲的countries, looking down when talking with an older person, like像是 a teacher or a parent is polite [p?'la?t]有礼貌的.

这些差异能够引起一些问题。例如,一个亚洲人也许会看着下面当他听一个西 方人说话。这个西方人也许会认为这个人对他\\她所说的话不感兴趣。 These differences ['d?f?r?ns?z]差异 can cause [k??z]引起;导致problems. For example, an Asian person might 可能look down while当 listening to a Western 西 方的speaker说话者. The Western speaker might think this person is not interested in what he or she is saying.


不使用眼神交流会引起些问题,但是使用太多也是不礼貌的。在很多国家,看 着其他人,尤其是陌生人,盯着看太久是不礼貌的。这样也许会使他们感到紧 张。

Not using eye contact can cause 引起problems, but using too much is not polite有礼 貌的 either['a?e?; 'i?-]也. In many countries, watching other people, especially[?'spe?(?)l?] 尤其strangers ['stre?n(d)??]陌生人, for a long time is impolite[?mp?'la?t]不礼貌的. This may make them feel nervous['n??v?s]紧张.

Culture corner 文化角 与人打招呼的不同方式

Different ways of greeting打招呼 others其他人

在不同国家的人有不同的打招呼的方式。在世界上很多国家,当人们见面的时 候,他们经常握手。然而,在印度和一些其它亚洲国家,当人们见面的时候, 他们不会触碰彼此。相反,他们会把自己的手握在一起并抬起到他们的脸部。 巴西人和法国人跟男女打招呼的时候,都会亲下每个人的脸颊。

People in different countries have different ways of greeting others. In many countries around the world全世界, people often shakes hands [?e?k]握手when they meet. However然而, in India ['?nd??]印度 and some other Asian countries, people do not touch[t?t?]触碰 each other 彼此when they meet. Instead [?n'sted]相反, they hold握 住;拿住 their own hands together一起 and raise[re?z]提高 them to their faces脸. The Brazilians [br?'z?lj?n]巴西人 and the French 法国人greet both men and women with a kiss吻 on each每个 cheek[t?i?k]脸颊.


Unit 3 课文(翻译) 用鸟捕鱼

Fishing钓鱼 with birds


Wang Damin is a fisherman ['f???m?n]渔夫. Although虽然 he is over 65, he is very fit [f?t]健康 and still仍然 enjoys working.

大民使用鸬鹚捕鱼。鸬鹚是大的黑色的鸟。它们擅长捕鱼因为她们游泳很好。 它们能够潜到水下并在水里停留多达两分钟。大民经常在午后出发,然后准备 好鸬鹚开始工作。

Damin uses cormorants ['k??m(?)r(?)nt]鸬鹚 to catch fish. Cormorants are large black birds. They are good at catching fish because they can swim well. They can dive 潜 水[da?v] down and stay under the water呆在水下 for up to多达 two minutes. Damin usually sets off 出发in the late afternoon午后 and gets the cormorants ready for work.

首先,大民围绕它们的脖子绑一根绳子,避免它们吃掉大的鱼。然后,当大民 的船到达河上合适的地方的时候,他就把它们推到河里。

First, he ties系 a piece of grass 一根草绳around 围绕their necks [nek]脖子 to stop them from eating big fish. Then when Damin’s boat reaches到达 the right place in the river, he pushes 推them into the river. 大民使用几种方法捕鱼。在白天,他在船上跳上跳下。夜幕降临之后,他在船




Damin uses several 几种ways方法 to attract [?'tr?kt]吸引 fish. During the day, he jumps up and down跳上跳下 on his boat. After dark黑暗, he hangs [h??] 悬挂a light灯 on a post [p??st] 杆子at the front of the boat. The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat. The fish are then taken and thrown扔 into a big basket 篮子 by Damin. No nets [net] 网are required [r?'kwa??]需要for this type 种类 of fishing.

鸬鹚捕鱼曾经在中国东南很多地方实施,并且,这个地方有很多渔夫。但是如 今,很少的年轻人对此感兴趣了。在50年后,世界上或许不再有用鸬鹚捕鱼的 渔夫了。

Cormorants fishing was once曾经 practiced ['pr?kt?s]实行;练习 in lots of places in South-East China中国东南, and there were many fishermen渔夫 in the area地区. But today, few 很少young people are interested in it.In 50 years, perhaps或许 there will be no more不再 cormorants fishermen in the world.


Once一次 a year, a new cormorant is brought up [br??t]养大 by Damin.



壳而出。然后,它就被大民照顾。十天期间,每个小时都要给鸬鹚喂食。温度 也需控制好以保持鸬鹚的温暖。小鸬鹚日渐长大,在两个月后,它就能加入船 上其它的鸬鹚。

First, the cormorant eggs are checked [t?ek]检查. Then the best one is taken and given to a chicken. After 26 days, the baby cormorant breaks out of the egg破壳而出. Then it is looked after照顾 by Damin himself. For ten days, it is given food every hour. The temperature ['temp(?)r?t??]温度 is controlled [k?n'tr??l]控制 to keep the baby cormorant warm. The baby cormorant grows成长 stronger. After two months, it can join加入 the other cormorants on the boat.

Shadow ['??d??]影子 puppet ['p?p?t]木偶plays (皮影戏)

每个礼拜六,王卫方和他的朋友在靠近西安的一个小镇上演戏剧。观众能够听 到他们,但是看不见。 那是因为他们正在上演皮影戏。

Every Saturday, Wang Weifang puts on 上演a play戏剧 with his friends in a small town城镇 near Xi’an. The audience ['??d??ns] 观众can hear them, but they cannot see them. That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet play.

皮影是由坚硬的皮革制成的。皮革剪出人物、动物或者物体的形状。每个皮影 涂上鲜艳的颜色并放在一根木棍上。一些皮影有可以移动的手臂和腿。 Shadow puppets are made of 由...制成hard坚硬的 leather ['lee?]皮革. The leather is cut out剪出 in the shape of ...的形状a person, an animal or an object ['?bd?ekt]物


Each puppet is painted 油漆;画in bright鲜艳的 colors and put on a stick [st?k]木


Some puppets have movable ['mu?v?b(?)l]可移动的 arms手臂 and legs.


在皮影戏的表演期间,王卫方站在一个白色的屏幕后面,屏幕后面有着灯光。 观众坐在屏幕前面。王和他的朋友将皮影紧靠着屏幕握着,所以观众可以很清 楚地看到皮影的影子。然后他们四处移动这些皮影,并给不同的角色配音。

During a shadow puppet play, Wang stands behind a white screen [skri?n] 屏幕with lights behind it. The audience 观众sit in front of 在...前面the screen. Wang and his friends hold 握住the puppets very close to the screen so the audience can see the puppets’ shadows clearly清楚地. Then they move 移动the puppets around四处 and do the voices of 配音the different characters ['k?r?kt?]角色.

皮影戏是一种古老的中国技艺。现在有了电视和电影,皮影戏不再像以前一样 流行。

Shadow puppet plays are an ancient ['e?n?(?)nt]古老的 Chinese art艺术. Now with TV and films电影, shadow puppet plays are not as popular流行 as before. 王和他的朋友经常为了一点点钱而工作非常努力,但是他们不介意。他们想要 使这种传统的艺术形式流传下去。

Wang and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind介 意. They want to keep this traditional [tr?'d??(?)n(?)l]传统的 art form alive活着.

Chinese knots [n?t]中国结

中国结通常是由一根细绳制成的。它可以是动物,花或者一个有着特殊意义的 中国汉字的形状。红绳通常被使用,因为对中国人来说,红色是一种幸运的颜 色。


A Chinese knot is usually made of由...制成 a thin薄的;细的 rope [r??p] 绳子. It can be in the shape形状 of an animal, a flower or a Chinese character ['k?r?kt?]汉字 with a special 特别的meaning意义. Red ropes are usually used because red is a lucky幸运的 color for Chinese people.




Many Chinese knots have special meanings ['mi?n??]意义. People think that these knots can bring带来 them happiness幸福 or good luck好运, so they carry携带 the knots with them or put them up 挂起来at home.

Unit 4 课文(翻译)


Jason is learning how to make cartoons[kɑ?'tu?n]卡通片. He has found some information信息 in a magazine[m?g?'z?n]杂志.


如何制作卡通片 How to make a cartoon


First, you need to decide[d?'sa?d] on决定 some basic['be?s?k] 基本的ideas for a story.


This story is about a robot ['r??b?t]机器人, Han. He always forgets忘记 things. 一.



One day, Han meets his friends Sarah and Tim at the underground station地铁站. He says, “I’m happy. I bought买 a new notebook ['n??tb?k]笔记本. Now I won’t forget things.”

沙拉说,是的。我也买了一本。你看。 Sarah says, “Yes. I have one too. Here it is.” 提姆问,汉斯,你的在哪里?

Tim asks, “Where’s yours, Han?” 汉斯说,哦,补,我忘记把它带来了。 Han says, “Oh, no! I forgot to bring带来 it!”


In the second stage [ste?d?]阶段, think about the kinds 种类of characters ['k?r?kt?] 角色you want and what they will look like.



Han is a tall robot. He has square[skwe?] 方形的eyes. They are actually['?kt???l?]实际上 video['v?d???] cameras['k?m(?)r?]摄像机. Tim wears glasses戴着眼镜, so he looks clever. Sarah is a pleasant girl['plez(?)nt]愉快的. She has straight [stre?t]直的, black hair.


Now make a rough[r?f] 粗略的sketch[sket?] 略图;梗概 of the story.


Next, use a computer to draw detailed['di?te?ld] 详细的pictures and add 添加color. To为了 make the characters 角色and things appear to 似乎move移动, each picture should be made a little different from不同于 the one before it.


In the next stage阶段, a computer program['pr??ɡr?m] 程序;节目is used to put the pictures together一起 as 作为a film. Finally, record记录 the voices and sound effects[?'fekt]声效. The actors 演员will do the characters’ voices给角色配音. Their speech[spi?t?] 语言must match 搭配the pictures. Sound effects, like the noise噪音 of the underground, must also be added 添加separately['sep(?)r?tl?]分开地. 在一切都准备好了之后,这个卡通片就准备好给大家播放欣赏了。

After everything has been checked[t?ek]检查, the cartoon is ready to be played播放 for everyone to enjoy欣赏,喜欢.


Jason is writing an email邮件 to his friend Anna in Germany['d???m?n?]德国. Hi Anna,



I’ve decided on决定 a story for my cartoon. It is about a boy called Jim. He lives on another planet['pl?n?t]行星 in the year 2200. Jim appears to be似乎是 a human from the Earth, but he’s actually ['?kt?u?li]实际上 a robot机器人.


I’ll make the cartoon myself, as因为 I have some basic ['be?s?k] 基本的drawing绘画 and computer skills技能. However然而, I need some people to help me record记录 the voices and sound effects音效. My friend Tom has always wanted to be an actor演员, so I’ll ask him to do the voice of the robot.

当它准备好了的时候,我将把我的卡通片展示给你看。希望你会喜欢。 I’ll show展现 my cartoon to you when it’s ready. I hope you’ll like it. Yours, Jason

画卡通人物的脸 Drawing cartoon faces脸


When we draw a cartoon face, some parts of the face should be made bigger to make the face look funny['f?n?]有趣的;滑稽的. So Let’s start to draw a cartoon face for the woman! A rough[r?f] 粗略的circle['s??k(?)l]圈 should be drawn first. Then a nose鼻子 and big glasses should be added.



Next, a pair of一副;一对 small eyes and a smiling mouth must be drawn. The mouth can be made larger to make the woman look friendlier有好的.


Finally最后, some hair should be added to the cartoon. The face can be colored with bright 明亮的colors.


How to make a comic['k?m?k] strip[str?p] (连环漫画)


To make a comic strip, first, a story must be thought of想好. The story should be made interesting with an exciting 激动的ending结尾. After the story is created[kri?'e?t]创造, pictures must be drawn.


Look at the comic strip below下面的. Speech语言 and thought bubbles['b?b(?)l] 泡沫;气泡 have been added so that 所以the pictures can be understood easily. A line of words 一行文字called a “caption” ['k?p?(?)n] 说明;标题is put at the top of the fifth picture to explain[?k'sple?n; ek-] 解释a change改变 of place地方 or time.

Tom and Jerry

Tom和Jerry 是世界上最流行的卡通人物之二。在这样一个短的卡通片里,Tom 总是努力去抓住Jerry,但是他从未成功。几乎每集卡通片都是以Tom 陷入麻烦,Jerry 嘲笑它结束的。这些故事充满乐趣并有着一段长的历史。


Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse are two of 其中之二the most popular 流行的cartoon characters['k?r?kt?]角色 in the world. In the short cartoons, Tom is always trying to catch Jerry, but he never has any success从未成功. Almost几乎 every cartoon ends with以...结束 Tom in trouble在麻烦中 and Jerry laughing at 嘲笑him. The stories are full of fun充满乐趣 and have a long history['h?st(?)r?]历史.


William Hanna and Joseph Barbera both worked for 为...工作MGM in the late 1930s. Their boss老版 told them to make funny cartoons. Together they thought of the idea of 想起..的主意a cat and a mouse. They thought 认为it would将 be funny if the mouse was clever聪明的 and always got the cat into trouble使猫陷入麻烦. 第一集猫和老鼠在1940年在电影院上映,取得了很大的成功。在接下来的17年中,他们制作了很多猫和老鼠卡通片。大多数大约7分钟长。

The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown上映 in cinemas 电影院in 1940. It was a great success. Over the next 17 years, they made many Tom and Jerry cartoons. Most of 大多数them are around[?'ra?nd]大约;周围 seven minutes long.


In total['t??t(?)l]总共, Hanna and Barbera made 114 Tom and Jerry cartoons. The cartoons were so good that they won a number of awards[?'w??d]赢了很多奖. The famous cat and mouse remain[r?'me?n]依然 popular流行,受欢迎 today, as因为 the cartoons are still shown on television['tel?v??(?)n电视 around the world全世界.

Havoc['h?v?k] in Heaven['hev(?)n] 天堂 《大闹天宫》 在中国最著名的卡通片之一是大闹天宫。

One of the most famous cartoons in China is called Havoc in Heaven.


大闹天宫是在20世纪60年代被王氏兄弟创作出来的。它讲述的是美猴王的故事。这个卡通片展示了很多中国元素特征。例如,它是由手绘的中国画制作而成的,并且一些音效是来自京剧。这个卡通片在国内外赢得了很多奖项,并且,自从被创作出来以来,影响了整个亚洲的卡通片。 你曾经看过大闹天宫这部卡通片吗? 你喜欢吗?

Havoc['h?v?k] in Heaven was created 创作in the l960s by the Wang brothers. It tells the story of the Monkey King. The cartoon shows many Chinese characteristics[,k?r?kt?'r?st?ks]特征. For example, it was made from hand-drawn手绘的 Chinese pictures, and some of the sound effects音效 are from Beijing Opera歌剧. This cartoon has won 赢,获得many awards 奖品at home and abroad[?'br??d]在国内外, and has influenced ['?nfl??ns] 影响cartoons卡通片 throughout[θru?'a?t] 贯穿Asia[?e???]亚洲 since自从 it was produced[pr?'dju?s]生产;创作.

Have you ever 曾经watched the cartoon Havoc in Heaven? How do you like it?


初二 (下)



Unit 5 课文(翻译)


Panda ['p?nd?]熊猫 facts事实

Adult ['?d?lt]成年的 weight [we?t]重量: about 100-150 kilograms


Life: Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild 在野外but in zoos动物园 they can live for up to 高达35 years.

Food: A panda eats about 30 kilograms of bamboo [b?m'bu?] 竹子a day.

Home: Pandas live high up in the mountains 住在高山上of Central ['sentr(?)l]中部 的 and Western ['west(?)n]西部的 China.

Population人口: There are about 1,600 pandas in the wild在野外. Behavior行为: Pandas spend 花费more than超过 12 hours a day eating.

THE GIANT巨大的 PANDA ['d?a??nt]熊猫 Giant Panda Fact File档案;文件

Population [p?pj?'le??(?)n]人口;数量 In the wild: about 1,600

Appearance [?'p??r(?)ns]外貌;出现 Weight重量 at birth出生时: about 100—200 grams克

Adult成年的 weight体重: about 100—150 kilograms Color: black and white

A giant panda is a kind of bear [be?]熊. It has a white face with black patches [p?t?] 斑点;碎片around its eyes. It also has black ears, shoulders ['???ld?]肩膀 and legs 腿. The rest of 剩下的its body is white.

家:熊猫生活在中国中部和西部的高山中。它们生活在那儿的竹林里。 Home

Pandas live high up in the mountains 住在高山上of Central中部的 and Western 西 部的China. They live in the bamboo forests [b?m'bu?]竹林 there.


食物:野生熊猫通常吃竹子。在动物园里,它们的菜单包括竹子、苹果和胡萝卜。一只大熊猫一天能吃30千克竹子。 Food

Pandas in the wild usually eat bamboo竹子. In zoos, their menu['menju?] 菜单 includes包括 bamboo, apples and carrots ['k?r?t]胡萝卜. A giant panda can eat as much as 多达30 kilograms of bamboo a day.

活动方式:熊猫喜欢独自居住。它们需要吃很多食物保持健康,所以它们一天要花费12多个小时吃东西。虽然它们很大、很重,但是它们爬树却不困难。它们身体很强壮,足可以保护自己。 Behavior [b?'hevj?]行为

Pandas like to live on their own靠自己生活. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy保 持健康, so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating. Although虽然 they are big and heavy, it is not difficult for them to climb爬 trees. They are strong enough to protect [pr?'tekt] 保护themselves.

寿命:在野外,熊猫大约可活20年,但在动物园里,它们可活到35年。 Life生活;寿命

Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in zoos they can live for up to 高达35 years.

未来:人们正在砍伐森林,所以熊猫正在失去它们的家园。一些人为获取它们的毛皮而将它们杀死。他们那样做是很残忍的。现在世界上的熊猫不是很多了。对我们而言保护它们很重要。 The future未来

People are cutting down 砍伐forests, so the pandas are losing their homes失去家园. Some people are killing them for their fur [f??]皮毛. It is cruel [kr??l]残忍的 of them


to do so. There are not many pandas in the world now. It is important for us to protect 保护them.

Rabbit['r?b?t] fact file[fa?l] (兔子档案)

一只兔子体重在0.4和2千克之间并能活高达12年。然而,在野外的兔子很少 能活超过一年。

A rabbit weighs [we?] 体重between在...之间 0.4 and 2 kilograms and can live for up to 多达12 years. However然而, a rabbit in the wild can seldom很少 live for more than a year.

出生时,小兔子看不见。成年兔子看的也不远,但是能不转头看到身后。 At birth出生时, a baby rabbit cannot see. An adult 成年的rabbit cannot see very far, but it can see behind后面 itself without不用 turning 转动its head.

成年兔子能生育很多小兔子,它们的数量增长非常快。这会给农民引起一些问 题,因为兔子喜欢吃农民的蔬菜。

Adult rabbits can give birth to生育 many baby rabbits, and their

population[p?pj?'le??(?)n]数量;人口 can grow very quickly. This can cause[k??z]引 起 problems to farmers农民, because rabbits like to eat the farmers’ vegetables蔬菜. Simon is talking about 谈论his trip旅行 to the nature park自然公园 with Emma.

Simon: Someone was throwing rocks at 扔石头a duck鸭子 in the park, but I was not brave[bre?v]勇敢 enough to tell him to stop doing it. I feel really sorry about it. Emma: That’s OK, Simon. At least 至少you’re honest ['?n?st]诚实的 enough to say


you were wrong. What happened to the duck then?

Simon: It flew away飞走 from us. I think it came close because it was hungry饥饿 的. Some other people in the park were kind enough to give it some food, so it was fine.

Emma: Did you see any other animals during your trip?

Simon: Yes, I saw some birds, some horses and some sheep. I did a lot of walking走了很长路. I’m tired 累enough to fall asleep入睡 right now现在!


The story of the red-crowned [kra?n] crane [kre?n]丹顶鹤

你有没有听过“丹顶鹤的故事”这首歌?它与一位叫徐秀娟的女孩有关。秀娟 1964 年出生在黑龙江省扎龙(自然保护区),她父亲的工作是看护丹顶鹤。秀 娟从小就帮她父亲(一起看护它们)。她对这些白色的鸟儿付出了很多爱,很 擅于帮助它们。

Have you ever曾经 heard of听说 the song “The story of the red-crowned crane”? It is about a girl called Xu Xiujuan.

Xiujuan was born in 出生于Zhalong, Heilongjiang Province ['pr?v?ns] 省in 1964. Her father’s job was to look after照顾 red-crowned cranes. Xiujuan started helping her father when she was young. She soon showed a great love for these white birds. She became good at变得擅长 raising[re?z]饲养;筹集 them.

当秀娟 21 岁时,她在江苏省的一个自然保护区找到了份工作。她一心投入到照顾小鹤宝宝(的工作中)。如果一只鸟生病了,她会每天与它呆在一起,给它悉心照顾,直到它强壮起来能够再飞起来。

When Xiujuan was 21, she got a job at a nature reserve [r?'z??v]自然保护区 in Jiangsu Province省. She enjoyed taking care of 照顾the baby cranes. If a bird


became sick生病, she took good care of 悉心照顾it and stayed with it 和它一起every day until直到 it was strong enough to fly again.

1987 年 9 月,有只鸟失踪了。自然保护区的工作人员到处寻找,但没有人能找到它。秀娟很是担心,她连续两天夜以继日地寻找它。第二天晚上,当她正在寻找失踪的鸟时,滑进河里牺牲了,享年 23 岁。

In September 1987, one of the birds went missing走失了. The workers in the nature reserve [r?'z??v]自然保护区 looked everywhere, but no one could find it. Xiujuan was very worried担心的. She looked for it day and night 夜以继日地for two days. On the second night, while 当she was looking for the missing丢失的 bird, she fell into 掉进a river and died. She was only 23.


Later, a song was written in memory of ['mem(?)r?]为了纪念Xiujuan. Though尽管Xiujuan died young年轻时去世, people always remember her when they hear the song or see a red-crowned crane.


The World Wide Fund [f?nd]基金 for Nature (WWF) was founded成立 in 1961. It was called the “World Wildlife['wa?l(d)la?f]野生动植物 Fund” in the past在过去. It uses a panda as its logo['l?g??; 'l??g??]标志.

The WWF is an important environmental [?nva?r?n'ment(?)l; ]环境的organization[???ɡ?na?'ze??n]组织. It aims to目的是 build建造 a future未来 where people live in harmony和谐的 with nature['hɑ?m?n?]. It works on around大约 1,300


projects['pr?d?ekt] 项目in over超过 100 countries, and has 5 million supporters[s?'p??t?]支持者.

Why do you think it is important to look after照顾 the environment环境?

Unit 6 课文(翻译)


Is it a good idea to keep pet dogs养宠物狗? Emma and Matt give their opinions[?'p?nj?n] 观点on this matter['m?t?]事情.




Keeping pet dogs is a good idea, says Emma.

Keeping pet dogs is a good idea. There are lots of reasons 理由;原因for this. First, dogs are really真的;十分 cute[kju?t]可爱. It’s nice to hold 拿住;握住them in our arms手臂, and it’s wonderful极好的 to see them grow up长大.


狗会许多年忠诚地爱你,并带给你很多快乐。 因此,我认为养宠物狗是个好主意。


Second, we can learn responsibility [r?,sp?ns?'b?l?t?]责任 from keeping dogs. We have to feed[fi?d]喂养 them, train[tre?n]训练 them and play with them. According to 根据my mum, this helps us become more responsible [r?'sp?ns?b(?)l]有责任的 people. Young people can learn how to care for others照顾他人 by通过 keeping dogs. A dog will love you faithfully ['fe?θf?l?] 忠诚地and bring you lots of happiness 幸福for many years.

So I think it’s a good idea to keep pet dogs. 马特说,养宠物狗不是个好主意


Keeping pet dogs is not a good idea, says Matt. It’s not a good idea to keep pet dogs.

Pet dogs leave留下 their hair 毛发on the floor地板, on beds and on sofas ['s??f?]沙发, and they need to be washed often.


Dogs are noisy ['n??z?]吵闹的. Nearly['n??l?]几乎 all dogs bark[bɑ?k]吠叫 at strangers陌生人. Some dogs bark more loudly than others. A few 一些dogs bark all night整夜. This stops people from 阻止getting any sleep. Not all dogs are friendly. A small number of一小部分 pet dogs even甚至 attack [?'t?k]攻击 people.

更为重要的是,人们通常住在公寓里,他们除了将狗养在小空间里别无选择。然而,狗需要新鲜空气和大的开放空间,以便它们自由走动。 最后,拥有狗可能很昂贵。 因此,养宠物狗不是个好主意。

What’s more更多的是, it’s common ['k?m?n]普通的;常见的 for people to live in flats [fl?t]公寓. They have no choice选择 but 除了to keep their dogs in small


spaces空间. However然而, dogs need fresh air [fre?]新鲜的空气 and large open spaces空间 where they can run free自由奔跑.

Finally最后, owning 拥有dogs can be expensive昂贵的. So keeping pet dogs is not a good idea.

Emma interviewed ['?nt?vju?]采访40 people to find out找出;查明 which pet centre宠物中心 is the most popular流行的;受欢迎的.

I interviewed 40 people who keep pets养宠物 at home. They think the animal doctors at TEP check [t?ek]检查 pets most carefully仔细地 and the helpers 助手help look after 照顾pets more patiently ['pe??ntli]耐心地 than those at LOVE and Ken’s. However然而, among 在...之间the four pet centers, people go to Heart most regularly ['r?ɡj?l?li]定期地. They think the animal doctors and helpers there did their jobs 工作 best. They seldom很少 go to Ken’s because the animal doctors there usually work more slowly 慢地than those in the other centers中心. Of all these four pet centers在这四个之间, Ken’s helpers care least [li?st] 照顾最少about pets.

一只狗的故事 A dog’s story

我的名字叫 Robbie,与我的兄弟姐妹出生在一个农场。有一天,一个男人和两个小男孩来到了农场。 “你想要哪只狗?”男人问。 “我们要那只!”男孩们说。他们选择了我!


My name is Robbie. I was born 出生on a farm 农场with my brothers and sisters. One day, a man and two little boys came to the farm. “Which dog do you want?” the man asked.

“We want that one!” the boys said. They chose [t???z]选择 me!


They drove me to my new home in the city城市. The boys promised ['pr?m?s] 许诺they would look after照顾 me very carefully, and they did.

They fed[fed]喂养 me, played with me and walked me every day. Then one day, they got a computer. After that, the boys played computer games all the time一直. They did not play with me or feed喂养 me any more不再.

最后,男孩的父亲把我带到的宠物中心。他告诉工作人员,他的孩子们爱自己的电脑比我多。该中心给了我很多食物并把我照顾得很好。有天,一位叫 Emma 的漂亮女孩来(宠物中心)参观。

Eventually [?'vent???l?]最后 the boys’ father took me to a pet center宠物中心. He told the staff [stɑ?f]员工 that his boys loved their computer more than me. The center gave me lots of food and took good care of 照顾me. One day, a nice girl called Emma came to visit.


“汪!”我说。她笑了,于是把我带回了家。 Emma 每天喂我,带我散步。

我知道我将在这里快乐地度过我的后半辈子了。 “Do you want to come home with me?” she asked. “Woof [w?f]!” I said. She smiled and took me home.


Emma feeds me and takes me for walks 带我散步every day. I know I will live here happily for the rest of my life余生.

How sayings 谚语about dogs have changed改变

In the old days在过去, people kept dogs, but they used them for hunting ['h?nt??]打猎 or to help with farm work. Dogs often had a very difficult困难的 life. So we have sayings such as “to lead 带领;导致a dog’s life” or “as sick生病 as a dog”(病得很严重).

Feelings感受;情感 towards对于 dogs began to change when life became more prosperous ['pr?sp(?)r?s] 繁荣的for people. People came to see dogs as 看作friends or companions [k?m'p?nj?n]陪伴. Today we call a dog “man’s best friend” and tell people “Love me love my dog”.

Do you know any sayings about dogs? What are they?

Unit 7 课文(翻译)


Aliens ['el??n]外星人 Arrive!



Tina woke up 醒来at midnight ['m?dna?t]午夜. She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived [da?v]潜水;俯冲 towards朝向 the ground地面. She heard a noise and saw a red light.


The next morning, Tina mentioned ['men?(?)n]提及 it to her brother Tom.

“I’m sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last night,” she said.

“Let’s explore [?k'spl??]探索 after school.”


At 6 p.m., Tina and Tom reached the forest. They heard some voices speaking a strange language, so they hid behind some bushes [b??] 灌木and kept quiet保持安静. Then they saw an alien! It was tall, with a round head and a silver ['s?lv?]银色的 body. It was standing next to a long spaceship. The spaceship宇宙飞船 was ill damaged ['d?m?d?]损毁 because of a crash [kr??]坠毁.


The children were frightened ['fra?tnd]害怕的. Suddenly, another alien appeared from the bushes in front of them. It discovered [d?'sk?v?]发现 them and made a terrible 可怕的;糟糕的noise! The children ran away in fear [f??]害怕地.



The next morning, Tina and Tom told their parents about the strange creatures['kri?t??]生物. “They were very ugly ['?gl?]丑陋的. They had some hair, but they didn’t have any feathers ['fee?]羽毛,” said Tina.



“There was something written on the spaceship,” said Tom. “It looked like this. I wonder ['w?nd?]想知道;怀疑 what it means.” He drew some lines on a piece of paper.

But Dad said, “Since no one else saw these aliens, I refuse [r?'fju?z] 拒绝to believe相信 you. Now go to school!”


The children spread [spred] 展开their wings翅膀 and flew to school together. Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange marks [mɑ?k]符号 on it. “It looks strange,” he said, as he looked at the word “EARTH”.

“UFO” Seen in West Jersey

At around大约 7 p.m. last night, the Johnson family heard a loud noise and saw a bright light in the sky. Something then fell into the bushes灌木. There were more noises, and then all became quiet. In fear害怕地, the family called the police. The police discovered发现 some feathers羽毛 in the bushes. Since the feathers were spread out展开, the police believed that a bird was killed. Next to 靠近the feathers, 35

there was a broken 断的power line电线. The police wondered how the bird was killed. The Johnson family, however, refused to believe it was a bird. “It was a UFO, I tell you!” said Mr. Johnson.

Tina and Tom are telling a police officer 官员what they have seen.

Police: Why did you go to the forest?

Tina: We went there because I heard a loud noise last night. Police: What happened?

Tina: We woke up醒来 at midnight and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived 潜水;俯冲towards 朝向the ground. Then I heard a noise and saw a red light. Police: I see. So when did you reach the forest? Tom: We reached the forest at 6 p.m. Police: What happened there?

Tom: We saw an alien. It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. Police: What else did you see?

Tina: We saw a long spaceship. It was damaged ['d?m?d?] 损毁because of a crash [kr??]坠毁.

Police: Interesting! What happened next?

Tom: Another alien discovered us, so we ran away in fear. Police: Thanks, Tina and Tom. We’ll explore[?k'spl??]探索 the forest to try and find out 找出;查明more about these aliens.

不明飞行物 UFO

很多人说他们看到过不明飞行物。这里有个著名的故事,就是于 1947 年发生在美国所谓的“罗斯威尔事件”。

Many people say they have seen UFOs. Here is one famous story. It is called the Roswell Incident['?ns?d(?)nt]事件 and it happened in the US in 1947.


个案 A(姓名未祥):


Person A (name not given): My wife and I were sitting outside because it was a warm night. Suddenly we saw something very bright flying through the sky.

个案 B(William Brazel,农民):

我发现我的农场有一些奇怪的金属碎片,我打电话给军队。Marcel 少校来收集碎片,他告诉我不要跟任何人提起这件事。

Person B (William Brazel, a farmer): I found some pieces of strange metal ['met(?)l] 金属on my farm. I called the army['ɑ?m?]军队. Major Marcel came and collected 收集the pieces金属片. He told me not to talk to anyone about this.

个案 C(Marcel 少校):


Person C (Major Marcel): I went and collected the pieces. I gave them to an army expert['eksp??t]专家. He said the pieces came from a weather balloon[b?'lu?n](气象气球). However, since因为;自从 I have not seen this kind of metal before, I think this was a lie.

个案 D(姓名未祥):


Person D (name not given): My parents and I were in the countryside ['k?ntr?sa?d]农村. Suddenly we saw a silver spaceship on the side侧面 of a hill. There were the bodies of three aliens lying on the grass. Then some soldiers came and told us to leave. So what is the truth[tru?θ]真相?



Perhaps some or all of the people lied. Perhaps a US rocket crashed and people thought it had come from space. Perhaps an alien spaceship really crashed in Roswell.

Science fiction ['f?k?(?)n]科幻小说

Science fiction (or “sci-fi) is a popular kind of story found in many books, comics ['k?m?ks] 连环漫画and films.

The War of the Worlds is a famous science fiction story. It is about aliens from Mars (called “Martians['ma:?i?nz] 火星人”) attacking[?'t?k]攻击;袭击 the Earth. It was written by the English writer, H.G. Wells, who is called the “Father of Science Fiction”. Many people in America thought it was real when they heard the story on the radio 收音机in 1938!

Unit 8 课文(翻译) 鲸鱼酒店

The Hotel Whale [we?l]


The Hotel Whale is built under the water. It is in the shape of呈…的形状 a whale. This hotel has 50 bedrooms, a café ['k?fe?]咖啡馆 and a shopping center购物中心.



Mrs. Peng: “When we were staying at the hotel recently ['ri?sntl?]最近, my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window. They were never bored[b??d]无聊的!” 常绿房

这些房子既“环保”又“智能”。房子外面有玻璃。热能储存在玻璃下面,然后用作每座房屋的能源。在浴室,你的药橱柜与医生的电脑相连。在厨房,当你需要更多食物时,你的智能冰箱将会告诉超市的电脑。 Forever永远 Green Houses

These houses are both “green” and “smart” [smɑ?t]聪明的. There is glass outside the houses. Heat[hi?t] 暖气;加热is held under the glass and is then used as energy['en?d??]能源 for each house.

In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard ['k?b?d]橱柜 is connected to连接 your doctor’s computer. In the kitchen ['k?t??n; -t?(?)n]厨房, your smart fridge[fr?d?]冰箱 tells the supermarket’s computer when you need more food.


Mr. Yu: “When we were living in our old house, we were using more energy. I would certainly recommend [rek?'mend]推荐 Forever Green Houses to my friends. They will satisfy ['s?t?sfa?]满足 everyone. CJ3汽车


CJ3汽车是一种新型的氢气汽车。汽车中的氢气与空气中的氧气混合后为汽车发电。CJ3有一幅电子地图,它由电脑控制驾驶。你只要告诉电脑你想去哪里,当汽车带你去那里时,然后你坐在后面休息。 The CJ3

The CJ3 is a new type种类 of hydrogen ['ha?dr?d?(?)n] 氢气car. The hydrogen in the car is mixed with 和..混合oxygen ['?ks?d?(?)n]氧气 from the air to make electricity [?'l?k'tr?s?ti]电for the car. The CJ3 has an electronic [?lek'tr?n?k] 电子的map and is driven by a computer. You tell the computer where you want to go. Then you sit back and relax [r?'l?ks]放松;休息as 当the car takes you there.


Mr. Hu: “While I was driving my old car, I was polluting污染 the city. Now, with the new technology [tek'n?l?d??]技术 in my CJ3, I’m helping protect the environment [?n'va?r?nm?nt]环境.”

Matt: I’ve decided to 决定build a space hotel when I grow up长大. Nelson: Really? What will the hotel be like?

Matt: It’ll be in the shape形状 of a star. And it’ll use solar ['s??l?] energy ['en?d??] 太阳能to run its electronic [?lek'tr?n?k] 电子的parts, so it’ll be environmentally friendly[?n,va?r?n'm?ntl?]环境友好型的. With this technology[tek'n?l?d??]技术, the hotel will also be able to move from place to place, like a spaceship. Nelson: What else will it have?

Matt: There’ll be a computer in each bedroom. It’ll be connected to 连接the Internet. In this way用这种方法, you’ll be able to communicate with[k?'mju?n?ke?t]和…沟通 your family and friends on Earth while you’re staying in the space hotel. Do you like my idea?

Nelson: Certainly. I’d recommend[rek?'mend]推荐 it to all my friends!


2050 年的问题

Problems in 2050


Lily: I was staying at the Hotel Whale with my friends last week. After going shopping and having tea at the café['k?fe?]咖啡馆, I went back to my room to rest. But when I opened the door, I saw that water was coming in through the window! I knew I should not just stand there, but I did not know what to do…

Mike:前天上午 11 点半,我在我家的永恒绿屋吃午餐,当时我们正在从冰箱下菜单。

突然一道光,接着大量的食物开始从超市送过来:肉,蔬菜,水果,牛奶等。 “停!”我对冰箱大喊一声,但食物仍在不停地送进来……

Mike: At 11:30 a.m. the day before yesterday前天, I was having lunch in our Forever Green House while our fridge[fr?d?]冰箱 was ordering预定;点餐 food. Suddenly a light went on亮了 and a lot of food started to arrive from the supermarket: meat, vegetables, fruit, milk, and so on. “Stop!” I shouted at大喊 the fridge, but the food continued to come in...

Benny: Dad was driving us to the airport['e?p??t] 机场in his CJ3, and suddenly the car stopped. The hydrogen['ha?dr?d?(?)n] 氢气in the car failed to[fe?l]失败;未能 mix with和..混合 the oxygen['?ks?d?(?)n]氧气, so the car did not work. “Oh, no!” said Mum. “We’re going to miss our plane错过飞机. What shall we do?

Shanghai Expo ['eksp??]世博会: Dream inspires [?n'spa??]激发;鼓舞 future cities


What will cities of the future未来的城市 look like? At the 2010 Shanghai Expo, countries around the world displayed [d?'sple?] 展示their dreams of future cities.

The UK displayed the ZED Pavilion [p?'v?lj?n]展览馆. “ZED” (零能耗) means “zero energy能源 development发展”. The idea of this building is to show that we can have more environmentally[?n,va?r?n'm?ntl?] friendly buildings and houses.

Shanghai displayed its eco-home(生态园). This house is built completely of 完全是由...建造的recycled [?ri?'sa?kld]可循环的 and reused['ri:ju:zd]重复利用的 materials[m?'t??r??l]材料. It has a solar power system 太阳能系统and provides [pr?'va?d] 提供all its own power.

How might cities develop [d?'vel?p]发展 in the future?