深圳牛津版英语最新八年级(下) 课文 (带翻译) 下载本文


Success成功 for Spring Buds[b?d]春蕾


My name is Feng Guixiang. I want to tell you about the China Children and Teenagers’ ['tine?d??]Fund [f?nd] (CCTF 中国儿童少年基金会) and how it helped me.


One of the CCTF’s special activities [?k't?viti]活动 is the Spring Bud Project['pr?d?ekt] (春蕾计划). In 1989, 4.8 million百万 children in the country, aged from seven to fourteen, were unable to 不能attend [?'tend]参加;上学 school. Eighty-three per cent [p?'sent] 百分比of them were girls.


Because of 因为this, the CCTF launched [l??nt?] 发射;发起the Spring Bud Project 春蕾计划to help them. Since then自从那时以来, the project has helped millions of girls return 返回to school. It has also built建造 a lot of schools. The very first Spring Bud class was here in Guangxi in 1989. The Spring Bud Project paid for 支付me to attend[?'tend]参加 that class. It also rented [rent]租 a room close to 靠近the school for me. 在这个计划开始之前,我呆在家里帮我妈妈做些家务。上学改变了我的生活。我学会了阅读、写字,以及做很多其它的事情。

Before the project started, I stayed at home 呆在家里and helped my mother with the housework. Going to school changed 改变my life. I learnt to read and write and do many other things.



Now I work as 当a teacher at a Spring Bud school here in Guangxi. I wish to help other girls the way 方式;方法the Spring Bud Project helped me.

Raising money筹钱 for the APO


The Animal Protection [pr?'tek?(?)n]保护 Organization [,?rɡ?n?'ze??n] (APO)组织 looks after homeless ['homl?s]无家可归的animals. The APO needs money to give them food. The students from the Animal Club俱乐部;社团 at Mayfield School decided to [d?'sa?d]决定 raise [re?z]money 筹钱for the APO.


The Animal Club interviewed ['?nt?vju?]采访100 students at Mayfield School. Thirty of them decided to 决定give money to the APO. Twenty-four of them wanted to organize组织 a food fair [fe?]展览 to raise money. Twenty-six students planned to 计划collect [k?'lekt] 收集soft drink饮料 cans 罐and sell them. Fifteen students would like想 to take dogs home as作为 their pets [pet]宠物. Only five students did not want to do anything for the APO.

Unit 2 课文(翻译) Body language 肢体语言


Debbie 和Simon 是学生。他们在旅游公司都有兼职工作。

Debbie and Simon are students. They both都 have part-time jobs 兼职工作at a travel company ['k?mp(?)n?]公司.

一个穿着很好的女士进入办公室。她看着Debbie和Simon,然后走向Debbie. Debbie 跟她高兴地打招呼。

A well-dressed穿着很好的 lady 女士entered ['ent?] 进入the office. She looked at Debbie and Simon, and then walked over to走向 Debbie. Debbie gave her a cheerful ['t???f?l; -f(?)l]高兴的 greeting致意;打招呼. Simon 叹着气走开了。

Simon sighed [sa?] 叹气and walked away走开. 杨先生问,“怎么了?”

“What’s the matter ['m?t?] 怎么了?” Mr. Yang asked. “人们总是选择Debbie 而不是我。我不理解。”

“People always choose 选择Debbie instead of [?n'sted] 而不是me. I don’t understand.”


“I do. It’s the way 方式you communicate[k?'mju?n?ke?t]交流.” “那怎么可能?” Simon 问,“我说话的机会都没有。”

“How can that be?” Simon asked. “I don’t get a chance 机会[t?ɑ?ns] to speak.” “交流不仅仅是说话。你的肢体语言也是重要的。” “肢体语言?”

“Communicating [k?'mj?n?,ke?t??]沟通;交流 is more than 不仅仅just speaking. Your body language is important too.” “Body language?”



“It’s the way you stand and sit. It’s your gestures ['d?est??] 姿势and expression [?k'spre?(?)n; ek-] 表情on your face脸. Your whole 整个appearance [?'p??r(?)ns]外貌 communicates交流;表达 things. You don’t give people a good impression [?m'pre?(?)n]印象, Simon. You look down看着下面, you never 从不smile微笑 and you don’t turn转向 your head towards [t?'w??dz]朝向 them.”

“看看Debbie。 她总是抬起头。她总是微笑着,看起来是友好的。她的肢体语言使人感觉是受欢迎的。所以他们向她寻求帮助。”

Look at Debbie. She’s holding her head up举起头. She always smiles and looks friendly友好地. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help.”

Simon 决定改善他的肢体语言。他坐直并试着对别人微笑。

Simon decided[d?'sa?d] to决定 improve[?m'pru?v]改善 his body language. He sat up straight [stre?t]坐直 and tried 试着smiling 微笑at people. 几分钟后,一个漂亮的女孩进来。她走向了Simon。一会之后,她带着微笑离开。

Minutes later几分钟后, a beautiful girl entered进来. She walked over to走向 Simon. A few moments later一会之后, she left with a smile带着微笑离开. 杨先生立刻过来说,“你给她留下了一个好印象。”

Mr. Young came over 过来at once立刻 and said, “You made a good impression[?m'pre?(?)n]印象 on her, Simon.”

“那是我的姐姐(妹妹)”,Simon说,“她想提醒我明天是她的生日。” “That was my sister,” said Simon. “She wanted to remind [r?'ma?nd] 提醒me that tomorrow is her birthday.”


Simon: Mum, I’m thinking of考虑 leaving my part-time job 兼职工作at the travel
