江苏专用2019高考英语二轮培优复习 专题二 完形填空 第四讲 固定搭配习题.doc 下载本文

I may be a bit old school but I think that people who store all of their pictures on their smart phones are missing out on something.There is __1__ like seeing a loved one’s smiling face looking down on you from a picture frame on your wall.It is both __2__ and assuring,almost like they are watching __3__ you while you work at your desk.

As I work at my own desk I can see my Mom’s picture smiling down on me.She left us too soon.She was only 55 years old when cancer __4__ her.If one’s years here were __5__ on merit then she should have lived to be over 100.My Dad’s kind smile is __6__ hers.It has only been a few years since he passed.Sometimes I still __7__ the telephone wanting to call him and tell him something that has just happened to me only to remember that he is gone.My Nana’s picture is there too,__8__ the 90 years young sign at her birthday party 16 years ago.How I wish I __9__ walk into her kitchen again,have a talk,and __10__ a big slice of homemade Italian bread with her.

Sometimes looking at these pictures gives me a __11__ of sadness.I still miss them all and I don’t feel __12__ to be the oldest generation yet.Most of the time,__13__,I only feel the warmth and joy that comes from a million loving memories __14__ these pictures bring back.It makes me feel __15__ knowing that I had them all in my life for the years that I did.It makes me want to follow their loving example __16__ in my own life as well.

A lot of people say that you have to have a __17__ heart to get through life.Others say a soft heart is better.I myself think that a strong heart is best.We need a heart that loves through the __18__.We need a heart that keeps loving __19__ when we lose the people we love the most.

We need a heart that knows that “Anyone who lives in love lives in God,and God lives in him.” May your heart be strong then.May your love __20__ from your pictures and from your life.

【语篇解读】 文章主要通过家人的照片阐述了生活中最重要的是拥有坚强的心的道理。 1.A.something


C.everything D.nothing

答案 D [依照所在的句子的意思:再没有比看着他们的笑容让人觉得舒服安心,故此处应该使用nothing一词适合。] 2.A.confusing C.comforting

B.disgusting D.frustrating

答案 C [依照前一句的意思以及后面的词“assuring”可知此处表示的是“舒服安心”与选项中的“comforting”意义一致,故选C正确。A项表示“令人困惑的”;B项是“令人呕心的”;D项表示“令人沮丧的”。] 3.A.out C.for

B.over D.on

答案 B [此处考查的是与watch搭配的介词,watch over表示“看着”之意,watch out“小心,留神”;watch for“观察,等待”;watch on“在值班”。故B项正确。] 4.A.claimed C.sacrificed

B.eliminated D.took

答案 D [依照句意:她走得太早,55岁那年因癌症去世,此处表示的是“去世”之意,故D项“take”可表示“拿走”之意,与文章意思相符。A项应该是“claim one’s life”;B项表示的是“去除”;C项是“牺牲”之意,均不符合。] 5.A.based C.keen

B.dependent D.reliable

答案 A [空格处句子的意思为:假使以一个人的美德来决定她的寿命的话,那她肯定能活到100岁。此处构成短语“be based on”表示“基于……”;B项“依靠的”;C项是“热情的”;D项是“可信赖的”,故A正确。] 6.A.second to C.related to

B.next to D.inferior to

答案 B [空格处的句子意思为:有着父亲慈祥笑容的照片就排在母亲照片的旁边,故此处表示是“在……旁边”,故B项正确。A项是“仅次于”;C项是“与……相关”;D项表示的是“逊于……”。] 7.A.put up C.bring up

B.pick up D.hang up

答案 B [此处表示的是“拿起电话”,故B项适合。A项表示“举起,张贴”;C项是“抚养”之意;D项表示“挂断,耽搁”之意。] 8.A.celebrating C.compiling

B.catching D.holding

答案 D [空格处的句子意思为:我奶奶的照片也在墙上,那张照片拍摄于16年前,是她90岁大寿聚会照片,故此处表示的是“举办聚会”,故D项正确。A项表示“庆祝”,其后的宾语不对;B项是“抓住”之意;C项表示“编辑,编制”之意。] 9.A.could C.might

B.shall D.should

答案 A [此处表示的:我多想再走进她的厨房,和她聊聊天,一起分一块自制的意大利面包吃。考查的是“I wish”的虚拟语气的用法,依照句意A项适合。] 10.A.share C.bake

B.prepare D.purchase

答案 A [根据上一题可知,此处的答案应该是A项,表示“分享”之意。B项是“准备”;C项是“烤焙”之意;D项是“购买”之意。] 11.A.ratio C.logic

B.emotion D.touch

答案 D [空格处句意为:有时候看着这些照片让我忧伤难过。A项是“比例,比率”;B项是“情感”;C项是“逻辑”。] 12.A.satisfied C.happy

B.ready D.thrilled

答案 B [空格处句意为:我依然思念着他们,我还没有准备好成为家庭中最年老的一代。A项是“满意的”;B项是“准备好的”;C项是“高兴的”;D项是“兴奋的”,故B项适合。] 13.A.but C.though

B.therefore D.instead

答案 C [此处的句意为:但是大部分的时间这些照片带给我的是无尽的爱的回忆,让我感到温暖美好。此处表示的转折之意,故C项正确。A项在词语位置上不适合;B项表示因果关系;D项表示“相反”之意。] 14.A.that


C.where D.when

答案 A [此处考查的是定语从句,依照前一句的句意,先行词为memories,故需要用关系代词that。] 15.A.graceful C.cheerful

B.blessed D.despaired

答案 B [空格处的句意为:他们在我生命中的出现让我感到幸福。A项表示“体面的”;B项是“受祝福的”;C项是“高兴的,欢呼的”;D项是“绝望的”之意,故B项适合。] 16.A.purposely C.desperately

B.naturally D.frequently

答案 C [空格处的句意为:他们是爱的楷模,让我在自己的生活中极力学习效仿。A项表示的是“故意地”;B项是“自然地”之意;C项是“拼命地”;D项是“频繁地”,故C项适合。] 17.A.rigid C.tough

B.solid D.stubborn

答案 C [空格处的句意为:很多人都说度过一生需要一颗坚强的心,另一些人认为内心要柔软才好。对应后面句子中的soft一词可知选C适合。A项表示的是“严格的,僵硬的”;B项是“固定的”;C项表示“艰苦的,坚强的”;D项是“固执的”之意。] 18.A.harvest C.pain

B.future D.happiness

答案 C [空格处表示的意思为:我觉得一颗坚强的心是最好的,我们在痛苦中需要爱,哪怕失去挚爱也继续把爱传承。故此处表示的是“坚强的心是在历经痛苦之后”,故C项正确。A项表示“收获”;B项是“未来”;C项是“痛苦”;D项是“幸福”之意。] 19.A.since C.ever

B.even D.only

答案 B [依据上一题可知,此处表示的是“哪怕失去挚爱也继续把爱传承”之意,故B项正确。] 20.A.spread
