(16份试卷合集)贵州省凯里市第一中学2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷 下载本文

Join a club is a good choice! You can join a music club, a sports club and a reading club. Any one of them is very benefit to your future development. There are also many voluntary jobs for you to choose, such as looking after the old people, cleaning the streets, or keeping the traffic in order. You will know which teens do can also make the world better. Last summer I go to an English summer camp and my oral English has improved a lot since then. So you shouldn’t miss the chance to go to an English summer camp unless you want to speak English confidently in the public.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



2.此次活动的内容。(教育或惩罚那些有不良行为的人,如随地吐痰、乱穿马路等) 3.你对此次活动的看法。

参考词汇:文明的:civilized 吐痰:spit 注意:1.词数100左右。

2.开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Our city has carried out some city management activities since April, which are aimed at


听力:1-5ABBCA 6 -10CCCAB 11-15BBCBB 16 -20ABCAA

阅读理解:A: DBCB B: CABD C: BCA D: BCAD 七选五:FAEDG 完形填空:41 -45 BCCBA 46 -50 DCACD 51 -55 BDCAC 56 -60ADBBD 语法填空:

61. paring 62. is based 63. against 64. directly 65. permission 66. because/as/since 67. has bee 68. which 69. a 70. more difficult 短文改错:

The summer holiday is ing, which is really relaxed! Here is my advices for you: relaxing advice

Join a club is a good choice! You can join a music club, a sports club and a Joining or

reading club. Any one of them is very benefit to your future development. There are


also many voluntary jobs for you to choose ∧, such as looking after the old people, from

cleaning the streets, or keeping the traffic in order. You will know which teens do can what

also make the world better. Last summer I go to an English summer camp and my oral went

English has improved a lot since then. So you shouldn’t miss the chance to go to an English summer camp unless you want to speak English confidently in the public. if 去掉the 参考范文:

Our city has carried out some city management activities since April, which are aimed at helping citizens develop good habits of behavior and creating a clean and civilized city environment.

To achieve this goal, our government has taken some effective measures. Citizens are not allowed to behave improperly, such as spitting in public places, littering, or crossing the road without obeying the traffic rules. Anyone who breaks the rules will be educated or even punished. I’m totally in favor of these meaningful activities. Not only do they raise people’s awareness of the importance of good behaviors, but also they promote the development of city civilization. I do hope that everyone can take the responsibility to make a difference.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。



第一部分 单项选择( 共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. Sarah pretended to be cheerful, _____ nothing about the argument. A. says

B. said C. to say D. saying

2.It was so dark that I couldn’t ________what the newspaper said. A. let out B. speak out C. make out D. cry out

3. Word es _____ free books will be given to ______e first in this book fair.

A. which, no matter who B. that, anyone who C. which, whoever D. that, those who 4. My parents don’t mind what job I do _________ I am happy.

A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though 5. ---Is Jack on duty today? ---It _____ be him . It’s his turn tomorrow.

A. mustn’t B. won’t C. can’t D. needn’t 6. We had thought that we could rely on them, but they let us ________. A. down B. out C. off D. on

7. We lost our way in the forest and ___ made matters worse was ___ night began to fall. A. what; that B. it; that C. it; because D. what; because 8. Einstein is ______ success as a scientist in ______ history.

A. a , the B. a , / C. / , the D. the, the

9. It rained heavily in the south, _______ serious flooding in several provinces. A. caused

B. having caused C. causing D. to cause

10. things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A. Take B. To take C. Taking D. Taken

11.Though _____ of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice. A.warning

B.to warn C.warn D.warned

12._____ money, the man was very rich, but he was not happy at all. A.In spite of

B.In favor of C.In terms of

D.In need of

13. My mom suggests that we _______ eat out for a change this weekend. A. could B. shall C. would D. should

14. The quality of education in this small school is better than ______ in some larger schools. A. that B. one C. it D.this

15. He wrote many children’s books, nearly half of _______ were published in the 1990s. A. whom B. which C. them D. that


第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。


Jonathan Cranwell sat on a hard bench behind the long narrow desk and watched the flies fly lazily in the sun. The drone of the younger boys reading letters and the older boys reciting Latin verbs made him sleepy. Jonathan had to force his eyes to stay open. He wanted to learn something new!

He looked up at the schoolmaster’s high desk in the front of the room. The new teacher was from Harvard College. Jonathan’s father had been impressed with him. The boys had already had several other teachers, but none of them seemed to inspire Jonathan. So far, there was nothing to show that this one was special , though he’d only been there two days.

“It’s too hot to sit and memorize lessons,” the schoolmaster said. “We’ll move outdoors for the next part of our lesson.” He led the group of boys into the schoolyard. “You younger boys, dig for grubs and beetles ( 幼虫和甲虫). Count their feet. See if you can describe their shells.”

Jonathan watched the teacher surrounded by laughing young students. No one had ever used the schoolyard itself for a classroom. “What next?” he thought. Soon he didn’t have time to think about the younger boys, for he was running after butterflies and dragonflies himself.

Jonathan and his friends liked this new way of learning.

“It will be a clear night tonight. Go outside and look at the sky,” said the schoolmaster. “Look at the stars and notice their brightness and the patterns they make. These patterns have names from Greek mythology(神话), names like Orion, Aries, and others. Tomorrow we will learn about the ancient stories on them.”