本溪水洞、关门山中英文介绍 下载本文


本溪水洞是数百万年前形成的大型充水溶洞,位于距本溪市26公里的东部山区太子河畔,东经124度5分,北纬40度18分,洞内分水、旱二洞。本溪水洞洞口座南面北,洞口高16米,宽25米,呈半月形,上端刻有薄一波手书“本溪水洞”四个大字。进洞口是一座高、宽各20多米,气势磅礴,可容纳千人的“迎客厅”。大厅向右,有旱洞长300米,洞穴高低错落,洞中有洞,曲折迷离,各有洞天,洞顶和岩壁钟乳石多沿裂隙成群发育,呈现各式物象,不假修凿,自然成趣,宛若龙宫仙境。古井、龙潭、百步池等诸多的景观,令游人遐想联翩,流连忘返。洞尽头是一泓清潭,深不见底,水气袭来,令人凄神寒骨。 关门山

关门山[1]素有“东北小黄山”之称,景色有五美:山美,山峰奇峭,拔地而起,峰顶松姿绰约,怪石林立,宛若天造地设的巨型盆景。水美,关门山水库碧波荡漾,两崖青山倒映,摇桨划船,其乐无穷。树美,关开山树木繁多,千枝竞秀,尤以枫林秋色而闻名。花美,天女木兰花和山杜鹃,漫山遍野,芬芳宜人。云美,云、山、美、雾浑然一体,分外娇娆,近年轻雾缭绕,扑朔迷离;远处云蒸霞蔚,织云弄巧;山峰若隐若现,妩媚含羞。此时的关门山占尽了黄山神韵,尽得江南的灵秀。每年,到这里写生绘画的人络绎不绝。 关门山一年四季五彩缤纷,景色各异。春天,满山满岭野杜鹃、映山红、天女木兰花,还有不知名


夏天,云起云落,云雾变幻奇妙。秋天,“晓来谁染霜林醉”,这里漫山枫叶,层林丹染,“霜叶红于二月花”。冬天,这里虽一如北国冰封雪飘,却突然奇崛,胸藏沟壑。 关门山森林公园占地3517公顷,森林覆盖率95%,园内植被保存完好,古树名木众多,风景秀丽,是一处集旅游、观光、避暑、度假、休闲于一体的森林旅游景区,也是辽宁50佳景之一,2001年被评为国家AAAA级风景旅游区。景区内有完善的旅游设施,游客可品尝水库鲜鱼宴,山羊宴,山野菜宴。旅游项目有:水上快艇、水上大游船、水上游乐中心、垂钓、游泳、深山探险、篝火联欢等。

Benxi Water Cave

Benxi Water Cave is a large-scale underground river Karst caves that formed millions of years ago. Ii is the longest underground river in the world that can be visited by boat , which has ever been discovered in the world. Benxi Water Cave is located in the Taizi river bank which is 26 kilometers away from the eastern suburb of Benxi city.It is 124 degrees 5 minutes east longitude, latitude 40 degrees 18 minutes. It is divided into two caves ,a water one and a dry one. The entrance to the cave is face to the North and back on to the South. It is 16 meters high and 25 meters wide, to be a half-moon shape. It is the biggest entrance to the cave in the whole country. There are four hand-written words “Benxi Water Cave” which written by Bo Yibo on the top. The Water Cave is 5800 meters long, 2800 meters of which has been developed. The total area is 36 thousand square meters and the total space is 400 thousand cubic meters. The widest point of this water cave is 38

meter high and 50 meters wide. The fresh floating air and the never exhausted clear river inside the cave. Day and night flow is 14,000 tons, with an average water depth is 1.5 meters, deepest point is 7 meters, the constant temperature ?inside the is 12 ℃. You can visit it all the year round. On the top and two sides of the river are various shapes of

stalactites , Along the river are more than 100 scenic spots , It is called the silver river with nine twists because of divided into “Three Gorges”, ”Seven Palaces\

It is as a fairy land .when you visit it by boat . Benxi Water Cave as the main body of Geological Park had also constructed Benxi Geological Museum and silicified Wood Park.

Mt. Guanmen

Mt. Guanmen is located in Benxi County, 48 kms from downtown Benxi. Tow peaks face each other like a traditional Chinese gate, hence its name. There are three gates in the mountain: the North Gate, the South Gate, and the Central Gate. Mt. Guanmen is charming with its beautiful landscape, and various species of flowers and birds. The peaks are precipitous, and the scenery is like man-made poted landscapes. After rains early in the morning, the mountain is enveloped by fog. In spring, flowers of various species blossom, covering the mountain. Autumn is the best season to enjoy the splendid view of maple leaves and ancient cypresses. It is very beautiful in four seasons. In spring, the mountain is carpeted with wild azalea, Magnolia and other kinds of flowers blossom. In summer, the clouds are miraculous. In autumn, “Xiao Lin drunk to who dye cream”, just like this poem, maple leaves are red all over the mountain, and “Maple leaf is redder than flowers in Feb” also described the scenery in Mt. Guanmen. When the winter is coming, North Country scene: A hundred leagues locked in ice, A thousand leagues of whirling snow. It is peculiar with deeply gully .you can taste fresh fish in the reservoir, and enjoy many kinds of entertainments, such as Bonfire party, fishing, swimming and so on.