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practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, increases the likelihood that the impact of a single crop disease or pest will be disastrous.

339. If additional deposits of oil are found, the amount that can be used as fuel will increase and the price of oil will drop, even if the deposits are not immediately tapped.

340. If any people at InterCom Financial Advisers had anticipated, or even suspected, the impending sale of the Koniko kelp processing plant, they would have advised owners of Koniko stock to unload all shares immediately.

341. If Dr. Wade is right, any apparent connection between eating highly processed foods and excelling at sports is purely coincidental.

342. If industrial pollution continues to deplete the ozone layer, the resulting

increase in ultraviolet radiation will endanger human health, causing a rise in the incidence of skin cancer and eye disease, and may even threaten global ecological systems.

343. If the new airboat does what it is supposed to do—travel at high speeds

undeterred by sandbars, crocodile-infested mudflats, or marshy hippo haunts—it could revolutionize transport on the 2,900-mile-long Congo River.

344. If the proposed expenditures for gathering information abroad are

reduced even further, international news reports will continue to diminish in number and quality.

345. If the reporter had known the landlord’s side of the story, she would not

have written an article so favorable to the 81-year-old tenant. 346.

Ignoring the admonitions of his staff, the chief financial officer accepted

the advice of the consulting company because he believed that the standardized accounting procedures would prove to be both inexpensive and reliable indicators of economic performance.

347. Iguanas have been an important food source in Latin America since

prehistoric times, and they are still prized as game animals by the campesinos, who typically cook the meat in a heavily spiced stew.

348. In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine

annulled so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. 349.

In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in

Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered his property. 350.

In 1922, when Truman was almost forty years old, he was living in his

mother-in-law’s house, watching the haberdashery store he had opened three

years earlier go bankrupt, and facing a future with no visible prospects. 351.

In 1929 relatively small declines in the market ruined many speculators who had bought on margin; they had to sell, and their selling pushed other investors to the brink.

352. In 1933 the rubber, clothing, and shipbuilding industries put into effect a

six-hour workday, not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to what many observers thought was an economy made overproductive by advances in technology.

353. In 1973 mortgage payments represented twenty-one percent of an

average thirty-year-old male’s income; in 1984 the figure was forty-four

percent. 354.

In 1978 a national study found that not only had many contractors

licensed by a self-policing private guild failed to pass qualifying exams, but

they had also falsified their references. 355.

In 1978 only half the women granted child support by a court received the

amount awarded; more than a million others had no support agreements whatsoever.

356. In 1980 the United States exported twice as much of its national output of goods as it did in 1970. 尽管是 1980 和 1970 对比,但 as 后面的助动词是要必 须能替换 exported 的,所以 had 是错的! 357.

In 1980, for the first time, the number of foreigners touring the United

States exceeded the number of Americans going abroad. 358.

In 1982 the median income for married-couple families with a


wage-earning wife was $9,000 more than that for families in which only the husband was employed. 359.

In 1990’s, there are more babies born by women over thirty years old than

under it. 介宾短语比较;than (by women) under it,省略了相同的词 360.

In a 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that two upstate New York counties owed restitution to three tribes of Oneida Indians for the unlawful seizure of their ancestral lands in the eighteenth century. 361.

At a time when women typically had a narrow range of choices, Mary

Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architect, and builder of a growing church.

362. In a plan to stop the erosion of East Coast beaches, the Army Corps of

Engineers proposed building parallel to shore a breakwater of rocks that would rise six feet above the waterline and act as a buffer, absorbing the energy of crashing waves and protecting the beaches. 363. 364.

In A.D. 391, as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world, later generations lost all but the Iliad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.

In a recent poll, 86 percent of the public favored a Clean Air Act at least as strong as the present act. 365. In addition to having more protein than wheat does, rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.

366. In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices;

their wines are priced to sell, and they do. 367.

In ancient times, Nubia was the principal corridor through which cultural influences were transmitted between Black Africa and the Mediterranean basin.

368. In Aristophanes’ Lysistrata women are seen as the means of bringing peace and good sense to a war-torn world.

369. In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working

poor is irrelevant. 避免了逻辑主语的问题 370.

In astronomy the term “red shift” denotes the extent to which light from a distant galaxy has been shifted toward the red, or long-wave, end of the light spectrum by the rapid motion of the galaxy away from the Earth.

371.In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches into

complex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze. 372.

In contrast to large steel plants that take iron ore through all the steps

needed to produce several different kinds of steel, small mills, by processing steel scrap into a specialized group of products, have been able to put capital into new technology and remain economically viable. 373.

In contrast to true hibernators such as woodchucks and hedgehogs,

whose body temperatures drop close to the freezing point during the winter months, bears maintain a nearly normal body temperature throughout their prolonged sleep.

374. In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to

criminal charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16 million in civil damages for having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected. 375.

In developing new facilities for the incineration of solid wastes, we must

avoid the danger of shifting environmental problems from the pollution of

water by landfills to the pollution of air by incinerators. 376.

In Egypt in the late Paleolithic period, the climate changed, pastures

became deserts, and the inhabitants were forced to withdraw from their

hunting grounds to the land bordering the Nile. 377.

In England the well-dressed gentleman of the eighteenth century protected his clothing while having his wig powdered by poking his head through a device that resembled the stocks.