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Section Four Real world A. Get the main idea

Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks to complete the graph.

无用户答案[Reference 1.

Answer:stays at home] 无用户答案[Reference 3.


无用户答案[Reference 2.


无用户答案[Reference Answer:both 4.

men and women]

Section Four Real world B. Watch for details

Watch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the following questions.

1. What's Sean's wife Regan's job?


a. She's an architect. b. She's an attorney. c. She's a doctor. d. She's a researcher. 2. Compared with men who

traditionally work outside the home, how much bigger is the percentage of chance of dying for men who have been stay-at-home dads for at least 10 years?

a. 8% b. 18% c. 80%


d. 3%

3. What is the reason all the men interviewed stay at home?


a. Their babies need Dad's care more than Mom's.

b. They have heart disease. c. Their wives' incomes are higher.

d. Their wives like

high-demand and high-control jobs.

Section Four Real world C. Listen and write

Listen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.

1. New research shows this role reversal may, in fact, be heart.

(stressful for) the

2.The idea of Mr. Mom, wives

(characterized) in the 1980's movie, husbands and

(switching traditional roles).

(househusbands), as far as we know, has never been

(unanticipated) finding.


(financially) and, you know, be the

3. This finding about

examined, and it's really an

4. Since we were kids, we were raised to, you know, be the know, take care of the family, you know,

macho male guy.

5. The same study also found women like her are three times more likely to (develop) heart disease than women who are

(in low-authority jobs).

Section One Child marriage in India B. Get the theme

Answer the following questions according to the video clip you've just watched.

1. What are the legal ages for girls and boys to marry in India? Your answer:

Reference answer: 18 for girls, and 21 for boys.

2. What do the two boys think of marriage? Your answer:

Reference answer: Marriage to them is staying together, looking after each other, and looking after the


3. What kind of cultures may have

difficulty accepting child marriage, according to the reporter? Your answer:

Reference answer: Cultures that base marriages on romantic love. 4. When will the newlyweds live together? Your answer:

Reference answer: They won't live together until the brides are at least 16.

Section Two Your turn

Work in pairs. Have a discussion with your partner on arranged and love marriages. You may refer to the following outline:

1. Define marriage, arranged marriage, and love marriage in your own words. 2. Take China for example, why did parents in the past like to arrange marriages for their children?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of arranged and love marriages respectively? Your answer: Reference answer:

1. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman approved by law. Marriages can be divided into arranged marriages and love marriages. An arranged marriage is a

marriage in which the parents choose the husband or wife for their child. A love

marriage is a union of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment, and attraction.

2. Arranged marriages are found in cultures in which the extended family is common. In extended families, marriage is inevitably a family affair, and individuals are expected to conform to the overall wishes of the group. Parents would like to provide their children with protection, wealth, security, and happiness, and they might assume that children are inexperienced in life, so they would rather select marriage partners for children.