短文记忆初中词汇 下载本文

27. One Real Man

In an ancient kingdom(王国),all men were ruled by their wives. The king didn’t believe it. In order to prove it was not true, the king had all the men of his kingdom brought before him. He warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be seriously punished.

Then he asked all the men who followed their wives' orders to step to the left side of the hall. All the men did so but one little man who moved to the right side.

“It's good to see,”said the king,“that we have one real man in the kingdom Tell these chicken-hearted men why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall.”

“Your Majesty(陛下),”came the reply in a weak voice, “it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds(人群). I don't dare to go against her.”

27. 一个真正的男子汉

在古代的(ancient)一个王国里,所有的男人都由妻子统治(rule)。国王(king)不相信这一点,为了证明(prove)这不是真的,便把全国所有的男人都召来,并警告(warn)说,任何不说实话(tell the truth)者将受到严重的(serious)惩罚(punish)。

然后,他让遵循(follow)妻子命令(order)的男人站到大厅(hall)的左边(left side),所有的男人都站到了左边,只有一个小个子男人站到右边。


“陛下,”那个男人用虚弱的(weak)声音回答道,“这是因为离家前,我妻子交待我,不许扎堆。我不敢(dare)违背(go against)她的命令。”

28. Dialogue: Where Is My Pet Dog?

(L: Lisa, S: Sam)

L: Ten years ago, I went on a tour to London with my pet dog. S: Did you have a good time there?

L: Yes. I did. One day, after a tiring tour, I went into a restaurant with my pet dog. S: You should feed your dog first, I think

L: Right, so I signed(打手势) a waiter(服务员)to come over. At that time, I couldn't speak English. So I pointed to the dog and made an“eating”gesture, showing that the dog needed some food.

S: What happened then?

L: The waiter nodded and walked away with my pet dog. I was happy because I made the waiter understand me without any difficulty. But after half an hour, he returned with a plate

S: What was on the plate?

L: My pet dog! My pet dog was killed and cooked !



L:十年前,我带着我的宠物(pet)狗去伦敦(London)观光旅游(tour)。 S:你玩的好(have a good time)吗?



L:是的,所以我给服务员打了个手势。那时我还不会说英语。因此我指向(point to)我的狗,然后作了一个“吃”的手势(gesture),表示这只狗需要一些食物。


L:那个服务员点点头(nod)就带着我的狗走开了。我很高兴因为我没费吹灰之力(without any difficulty)就让服务员明白了。但半个小时后,他端着个盘子(plate)回来了。



29. Why Shouldn't We Smoke?

To begin with, smoking costs a lot of money. Smokers may also have to spend more on medicine and doctor visits. Another reason not to smoke is that it is bad for people who do not

smoke, Secondhand smoke(二手烟)is a serious public health risk It isn't polite for a person to smoke in front of a nonsmoker. Besides, nonsmokers usually don't like the smell left in rooms, cars, or even on a smoker's clothes!

Most importantly, smoking causes big health problems For example, smoking makes it harder to breathe if a person has illnesses like asthma (哮喘). Smoking hurts a person's lungs(肺) , causing diseases like cancer, etc.

So if you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, it's time to give it up.


首先(To begin with),吸烟(smoking)花费(cost)很多钱。吸烟者(smoker)可能还要花费(spend)更多的钱买药、看医生。

不吸烟的另一个理由(reason)是吸烟对不吸烟者有害。二手烟对公众健康来说是一种严重的风险(risk)。在不吸烟者面前(in front of)吸烟是不礼貌的。此外,不吸烟者通常不喜欢房间内、汽车里、甚至是吸烟者衣服上的烟味。


所以,如果你不吸烟,那就不要开始。如果你吸烟,是该戒烟(give up smoking)的时候了。

31. The Jobs of Tomorrow

What kind of work do you want to do when you are older? Many jobs might interest you. Two of them that have been around the longest are farming and building. People who work with computers have newer kinds of jobs.

The jobs of tomorrow will be decided by what people need and want. When we decide which job to take, we need to get the necessary information about chances of jobs. The chances result from the relations between the total population, labor force, and the need for goods(商品)and services.



未来(tomorrow)的工作将由人们的需求决定。我们决定做何种工作时,我们需要得到有关工作机会的必要信息(information)。这些机会来自总(total)人口(population)、劳动力(labor force)和商品服务需求之间的关系(relation)。

提供(supply)健康护理的人可能找工作从来没什么问题。人们对有些人,如(such as)卡车司机(truck driver),也总是有需求。大部分有车一族会需要轿车服务(service),因此技工应该也很容易找工作。


32. To Stop Two Boys from Fighting

I am sixteen years old. I have a younger brother. My brother's name is Jim. Jim is a handsome boy and sometimes very humorous, he makes me laugh a lot, and I love him and am proud of him

One afternoon I was walking from my house to the store to buy some ink when I saw a small boy running along the street towards me. He was running a thigh speed. When he came near me, I was surprised to see it was Jim

“Hi, Jim,”I shouted to him,“why are you running like that?”

Jim didn't stop. He looked a bit nervous, and shouted to me,“I'm trying to stop two boys from fighting.”

I was surprised again I laughed and said,“That's an important job for a little boy, isn’t it? You don't do things like that very often Who are the two boys?”

“They're Tom and me,”answered Jim as he continued running down the street very quickly.


我十六岁,我有个弟弟(younger brother),名叫吉姆。吉姆是个英俊的(handsome)男孩,有时还特别幽默(humorous),逗得我笑(laugh)个不停。我很爱弟弟,为他感到骄傲(be proud of him)。