仁爱英语七年级下册导学案合集 下载本文

He _____ _____ his homework at school. 2.Come upstairs. ______ come upstairs. 3.Put them away. ______ _____ them away. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 46.Don’t read in the sun. It may _____ (hurt) your eyes.

47.Xiao Wang drives too fast, so he gets a ticket for _____ (speed). 48.He is in _____ (dangerous). Let’s save him.

49.The station is about 15_____ (kilometer) away from here. 50.It’s good to help children _____ (cross) the road.


Unit 6 Our Local Area

Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office

Section D


1.Go over imperative sentences.

2.Go over sentences of talking about traffic rules, asking ways and giving directions.



1当心点____________________ 2上学不迟到_______________ 3上课保持安静______________ 4到你家怎么走?___________

5沿着这条街走_______________6在红绿灯处向左拐____________ 7在公园对面有许多公寓楼__________________________________ 8多远_____________9在…与…之间______________ 10在…与…的交汇处_____________________________



③ When the traffic light is green for people, we can … . When the red light is on, we should ….

When the yellow light is on, we must …

2. Be careful. Stop talking. Turn right. Walk along this road. Don’t play on the street. Don’t talk in class. Don’t be late for school.



①Stop. ②Turn right. ③Play on the road. ④Tell me about it. 2.Complete the conversation

A: Excuse ____. Could you tell me____ ____ ____ the park? B: ______ along this street, ______ right_____ the first_______.

Walk ____ and you _____see it_____ your left. It's ______ _____ the bank, you can't_______ it. A: Thanks__ ___. B: _______ _______ 翻译:

1.到邮局的路怎么走? 2.在第一个路口向左拐 3.我怎样才能到达…? 4.过桥

5.在学校对面 6.在…的拐角处 7. 15公里远 8.改乘108路公交车 9.多远 10 对直走 11.斑马线 12.受伤 13.失去生命 14.遵守交规 15.左右看 16.当心

17.超速罚单 18.别迟到 19. 保持安静 20 醉驾 3.Make some sentences:

① I bought a pen last Sunday. ②Each of us brought Kangkang


a present=All of us brought presents for Kangkang.

③Before Kangkang blew out the candles in one breath, he made a silent wish. ④ Did you have a good time at the party?


Last Sunday I _______(have) a busy day. I ______(get) up at six. After I_____(have) breakfast, I_____(go) to the supermarket. I______(buy) lots of things. I______(take)them home. Then I ____(begin) to clean the house. I______(wash) many clothes. I_____(help) my mother cook. When lunch was ready it______ half past twelve. After lunch I_____(go) to my uncle’s home. My uncle was ill. He ______(not can)look after himself. I ______(go) there to help him. I _____(clean)the house,







_____(have)dinner with my uncle.



1.We _______(have) a party yesterday. 2.Michael _______(lose) the game.

3.Judy’s father _______(think)she played video games. 4.Judy ______(tell) a lie to her father.

5.Kangkang _____(make) a silent wish and then _____(blow)the candles out in one breath. 6.______you ______(have) a good time last Sunday?