2021高考英语一轮复习课时作业3Unit3Celebration北师大版必修1 下载本文

D.Have a separate space within the garden.

11.What's the author's purpose in writing the passage? A.To offer tips on a small getaway in the garden. B.To share personal experience in gardening. C.To recommend best plants for small gardens. D.To advertise some new designs of gardens.


[2019·安徽省百所重点中学三模]Along with the progress of reform and opening up, the Chinese film industry has also made remarkable achievements and become in a flourishing (繁荣的) state in economic growth. It has recorded social changes in the past decades through the medium of the film. The film market of China has been much better than that of North America, becoming the largest in the world during the first season of 2019.

In the original stage of reform and opening up, old Chinese movies were prescreened and foreign movies dubbed (译制). Audiences' enthusiasm for movies was lighted up by both these practices. In 1979, the attendance of Chinese moviegoers reached a record high of 29.3 billion. However, televisions and other entertainment activities sprang up in the late 1980s and drew many audiences away from movies when the film market faced a danger.

The employment of a socialist market economy in China in 1992 brought energy again to the film industry. With the introduction of free competition and reforms, it made an abundant recovery and experienced rapid growth. In the same period, China began to introduce overseas movies into the home market, especially those from Hollywood. Despite the argument that foreign movies occupy the space of home-made ones, Chinese movies with increasingly higher quality have gained a firm foothold in the local market with box offices setting several new records.

The development of the Internet has added new energy to the Chinese film industry. In 2015, the powerful Internet companies, one called Tencent and another Alibaba, developed their own film arm and began to adapt popular online stories for movies. With big data, more accurate marketing skills can target specific audiences to satisfy their personal preferences. Yet the development of online cinemas may pose threats to the survival of offline ones. Now the film industry is exploring more advanced film screening technologies to provide audiences with an improved movie experience.

12.Which threat did the Chinese film market face in the late 1980s?

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A.Popularity of televisions. B.Development of online cinemas. C.A slowdown in economic growth. D.Introduction of overseas movies.

13.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to? A.The space of Chinese movies. B.The Chinese film industry. C.The socialist market economy.

D.The introduction of reform and opening up. 14.What does the author indicate in the end?

A.Online cinemas will replace traditional ones sooner. B.The film screening technology is the key to films' success. C.The Internet is a two-edged sword for the film industry. D.Movies made by Tencent and Alibaba are most successful. 15.What would be the best title for the text? A.The Ever-changing Film Market B.Popular Online Films C.Advanced Film Technologies D.Flourishing Chinese Film Industry 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



The study habits of top students at Oxford University

Go to your lectures.

For the first 2 years of Oxford, I went to maybe 4 lectures out of hundreds available. __1__ In my third year, I went to almost every single lecture available, including those topics I was not personally involved or interested in.

__2__ Firstly, lectures are FUN! I found so many gems (难能可贵的人) that influenced my thinking. I found so many passionate, knowledgeable speakers who got me excited about the topic. Second, I remembered more stuff! An hour in the lecture hall has massive returns on investment.

Be an active student.

For my first year at Oxford, I barely said anything in lectures. I didn't volunteer

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in discussions and, as a result, I didn't understand much. My understandings of different texts never matured or became complex. They stayed the same. __3__

Then, somewhere in the middle of my second year, I got over myself and offered more of my own opinions. I responded to others, asked thoughtful questions, and interacted way more.

Being an active student also means asking for help.The smartest people learned everything from other smart people.


It doesn't matter how much new information you stuff into your head if you forget it the next day or cannot apply it. When you structure your studying, the most important task is always to ensure you are remembering the information you have already learned. __5__

In order to improve your memory and absorb more information, you need to break your studying up into manageable pieces and review what you've previously learned in each new piece.

A.Study in small blocks. B.That always comes first. C.And they were often wrong.

D.Create a perfect study environment.

E.Some students study new information for hours. F.My mind changed when I actually went to lectures G.I was foolish and lazy, severely disadvantaging myself..

课时练(二) 语言知识运用·组块专练——练准度



第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


[2020·豫南六校第一次联考]Liz Woodward was working at the restaurant when she heard two firefighters __1__ a particularly rough task fighting a __2__ warehouse fire that took 12 hours to get under control. She ended up __3__ their breakfast and leaving them a __4__ note thanking them for their __5__.

“Thank you for serving us and for __6__ the places everyone runs away from. No

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matter what your role is, you are always courageous and __7__ ! Get some rest!” Woodward wrote in the note.

“It made me feel __8__ — we firefighters are wanted; people __9__ us,” Mount Holly Fire Department's Paul Hullings said about __10__ the message.

His fellow firefighter Tim Young made a post about the __11__ experience that was quickly __12__ more than 3,000 times. However, it was not until afterward that they realized they could help Woodward in a __13__ way.

“It turned out that the young lady who gave us a free meal is __14__ the one who needs help. Her father has been a quadriplegic (四肢瘫痪者) since 2010.” Young posted along with a __15__ to a GoFundMe page for Woodward's dad Steve.

__16__ news of Young and Hullings' return of kindness got out, the donations quickly met the page's $17,000 goal. One anonymous (匿名的) donor __17__ by the story gave $5,000.

Steve Woodward was allowed to leave a __18__ in Trenton as news of his __19__ and the firefighters' kindness spread. He is now doing well back at home and the family wants to __20__ a non-profit institution to help people who are in need.

1.A.take up B.talk about C.carry out D.prepare for 2.A.large B.slight C.frequent D.dying 3.A.cooking B.warming up C.ordering D.paying for 4.A.personal B.new C.secret D.kind 5.A.visit B.service C.discovery D.instruction 6.A.giving up B.looking for C.running into D.cleaning up 7.A.brave B.smart C.honest D.modest 8.A.sad B.convinced C.worried D.good

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