预应力混凝土连续梁桥__本科毕设论文 下载本文

摘 要


关键词 预应力混凝土连续梁桥;梁、单元、节点;悬臂浇筑施工;内力分析;结构验算。


Prestressed concrete continuous bridges are constructed along a structural systEm which comprises continuous girders which are bent and crashed often .My thesis mainly combines with the building project of the North Part Bridge of the Second Nanjing Yangzi River Bridge, and analyses the whole structure. Firstly based upon acquainting myself with the structure, I established the plane finite element model, using the Dr.Bridge V3.0. Then I use the model to calculate the structure internal forces, which are caused by permanent load, live load and temperature changes. Then, I assembled the structure internal forces, and used the result to check the strength. The result is that they all meet the need of stress and strength. Through this bridge design, I acquaint myself with the load principle, the characteristic of bridge type and main elements of design about prestressed concrete continuous bridges.

Key words Prestressed concrete continuous bridges; internal forces strength stress



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