员工招聘问题与对策 下载本文

自学考试本科生毕业 论 文






2014 年 1月8日




Abstract: In the modern society, economic is rapid developing and the competition

of enterprise is strong, talent is the key resource of enterprise, human resources strategy is the core of enterprise strategy. Each stage of enterprise business strategy needs qualified person as a support, and the enterprise needs high quality and the person who have the talent the business needs must use staff recruitment to support. Haian Xinyuan silk group has many problems in employee recruitment .How to improve the recruitment problem fundamentally and improve the status of staff recruitment, we must proceed from current situation. In this paper, by analyzing and studying the present situation of loss to the Haian Xinyuan Group employees and the recruitment problems , we can get the problems which Haian Xinyuan group needs to consider in the recruitment, and find out the subjective reasons and objective reasons of hindering the recruitment , to further strengthen the basic work, make the plan of recruitment , select diversity recruitment . So as to improve the effect of Xinyuan group recruitment and promote the development of enterprises.

Keywords: Recruitment Enterprise Status Existing Problems Measures

目 录

引言 ................................................................... 1 一、 海安鑫缘集团员工招聘的现状 ........................................ 1

(一)企业背景 ...................................................... 1 (二)企业招聘的现状 ................................................ 2 二、海安鑫缘集团员工招聘中存在的主要问题 ............................... 4

(一)人力资源招聘基础工作薄弱 ...................................... 5

1.没有专业的人力资源制度 ........................................ 5 2.缺乏长期的员工招聘规划 ........................................ 5 (二)企业的招聘方式不正确 .......................................... 5

1.单一化的招聘渠道 .............................................. 5 2.招聘中的甄选不够科学 .......................................... 6 3.关系网对招聘产生很大影响 ...................................... 7 (三)招聘标准尚不明确 .............................................. 7 (四)缺乏系统的考评体系和激励机制 .................................. 8 三、解决海安鑫缘集团员工招聘问题的对策 ................................. 8

(一)加强企业人力资源管理的基础工作,树立正确的人力资源观 .......... 8 (二)制定详细的人力资源招聘计划,明确招聘标准 ...................... 9 (三)选择多元化的招聘渠道 .......................................... 9 (四)提高招聘团队素质,组织规范的招聘活动 ......................... 10

1.尽量营造独立、封闭、安静、舒适的面试环境 ..................... 11 2.要有据可依.客观、科学、公正地选聘人才 ........................ 11 3、采用结构化面试,提高面试的准确性和可靠性 .................... 11 (五)评估招聘结果,总结招聘工作 ................................... 12 四、结论 .............................................................. 12 参考文献 .............................................................. 13