英语笔译 - 3 下载本文


Mankind (04年烟师)

Two or three million years ago in East Africa a new species of primate began to evolve. Over millennia his brain became larger, he began to walk on his hind legs, his hands became flexible, he developed an opposable thumb, he evolved a language, his brain and his hands enabled him to become a toolmaker in short, he become Man.

Nature began a new experiment. Instead of adapting to a specific environment, man acquired the capacity to adapt himself to any specific environment, man acquired the capacity to adapt himself to any specific environment; he spread throughout the globe changing as he moved, until he became the most widely-distributed species on earth.

Man adapted physically as well as culturally to the new surrounding into which he moved. Those who stayed in or moved to equatorial climates developed dark skin to protect them from the rays of the sun. Those who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D. people in cold dry climates became stocky, to conserve heat. People in hot dry climate tended to become tall and thin, to dissipate heat. Popularly and simplistically, most of the people of the world fall into three generally acknowledged racial groups --- Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. This grouping is based on rather arbitrary characteristic --- skin color, eye form, and hair form.

In temperate river valleys, agricultural developed about 10,000 years ago. It became necessary for large groups of people to cooperate in order to distribute the waters of irrigation equitably. With irrigation came surplus food, which meant that large numbers of people were freed from the land to pursue nonagrarian specialties --- technological development, scholarship for its sake, and war. These were the seeds of “civilization”. Human society became complex under these circumstances.








Guernica is the most powerful invective against violence in modern art, but it was now wholly inspired by the war: its motifs ---- the weeping women, the horse, the bull --- had been running through Picasso’s work for years for extreme sensation--- as John Berger has remarked, Picasso could imagine more suffering in a horse’s head than Rubens normally put into a whole Crucifixion.

格尔尼卡是在现代艺术中对暴力最强有力的鞭挞, 不过,它完全受到这场战争的启发(或它的灵感全部来自战争),哭泣的妇女、马群和公牛这个主题多年来始终贯穿于毕加索的作品中, 正如约翰.伯杰所言,毕加索能从马头上想象出老百姓遭受的苦难,而且比鲁宾斯画耶酥受难图时的想象还要多。

The spike tongue, the rolling eyes, the frantic splayed toes and fingers, the necks arched in spasm: these would be unendurable if their tension were not braced against the broken, but visible, order of painting.

长舌头, 提溜乱转的眼睛, 胡乱伸展的脚趾和手指, 脖子痉挛成拱形,如果他们紧张的神情不是 , 所有这些是难以忍受的。

… it is a general meditation on suffering, and its symbols are archaic, not historical: the gored and speared (the Spanish Republic), the bull (Franco) louring over the bereaved, shrieking women, the paraphernalia of pre-modernist images like the broken sword, the surviving flower, and the dove.

. . 以下是常见的对苦难的想象, 其象征手法古老, 但无任何历史一意义:被抵伤和刺伤的马(指西班牙共和国), 公牛(指佛朗哥将军?) 怒目而视因丧失亲人而放声痛哭的妇女,象断箭一样的前现代派形象的装备、残花与和平鸽。

Apart from the late Cubist style, the only specially modern elements in Guernica are the Mithraic eye of the electric light, and the suggestion that the horse’s body is made of parallel lines of newsprint like the newspaper in Picasso’s collage a quarter of a century before.


Otherwise its heroic abstraction and monumentalized pain hardly seem to belong to the time of photography and Heinkel 51s.

否则,对它英勇的抽象表达和极度痛苦看似不属于摄影和Heinkel 51时代。

Yet they do; and Picasso’s most effective way of locating them in that time was to paint Guernica entirely in black, white and grey, so that despite its huge size it retains something of the grainy, ephemeral look one associates with the front page of a newspaper.

恰恰相反,那个时期毕加索的最有效的表达方式是全部用黑、白和灰色绘出了《格尔尼卡》, 这样,尽管画幅巨大,但它仍保留了某些细微的、短暂的眼神,人们可以由此联想到报纸的首页。

Rubens (①姓氏 ②Peter Paul, 1577-1640, 荷兰画家)




科学研究就是探求真理。在探求真理 的道路上,人们对客观规律的认识要经过艰苦曲折的过程。常常会有这样的情形:由于研究的角度不同,掌握材料的差异,认识方法的不同,就会出现“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的情况,以至引起学术上的争论。因此,有作为的科学工作者都把反对的意见看作对自己的莫大帮助,把对自己的批评当作最珍贵的友谊。正如德国诗人歌T.W VonGoeth)所说,“我们赞成的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。”这是因为,赞同的意见未必正确,反对的意见未必错误。退一步说,即使错误的反对意见,对自己的科学研究也是很有好处的。可见,在科学研究中,一个科学工作者应该拓宽视野,心胸开阔,充分容纳和吸取各种意见,以求更快地达到对客观规律的正确认识。

On Scientific Research

What is scientific research? How to take the contending opinions concerning it? And how to deal with its agreement and disagreement? These are three issues worth of taking a serious consideration by all scientific researchers.

Scientific research is the exploration of truth. To observe the laws in the universe, one is sure to experience many hardships, to walk a long and twisted way. There is always such the case: the differences of perspectives, the collected date and the approaches

lead the scientific workers to different opinions, which cause the arguments in the particular field. Therefore, the promising scientist deems the approval beneficial to himself, and treasures the critic against him as one of the best friends. Just as what Goeth, a well-known German poet, said, “ what we approve will dull our mind, while what we disapprove will enrich our mind.” The reason lies in the fact that what we look with favor is not always right, and what we look with disfavor is not always wrong. Moreover, even the wrong opinion, different from ours, is of great help to our scientific study, where one should keep him well-informed and open-minded in order to discover the principles in the universe as fast as possible.



内心深处,我对给别人的书写序有点犯嘀咕。不久前刚听一位大师说,一个人落到为别人写序的地步,就表明自己的想象力不行了,观察力不够了,表达力下降了,这次为丁孝文《在美国看热闹》写序,倒是自愿自觉,而且自信能够写出几句话。原因是我和他有共同点:我也看热闹,而且和他在美国看过一些热闹。丁孝文毕业于中国外交部所属的外交学院,是一位年轻、内向、刻苦、好学的外交官。他的家乡海安和我家乡都有个说法:“外行看热闹,内行看门道。”粗粗翻一翻这本书我发现,我只是看热闹的时候居多,而他在看热闹的同时也常在观察门道儿。这是我和他的不同点。他能从人们熟视无睹的许许多多事情中选出和记下这么多有意思、能给人以启迪的东西,便可以证明这一点。就说“名片”吧,谁没见过名片?听说某省有个乡镇企业厂长的名片就写得很“别致”,它从中共中央、国务院、写到省、县、乡,最后才落实到他的尊姓大名; 有一位同志的名片在“副处长”职衔后加括号,注明“正处长长期不在”:一位“副局长“的名片在括号内注明“享受正局级待遇”。…..丁孝文在美国呆的时间不算长,见到美国的名片不会太多,却发现并勾勒出美国人名片简单,明了,突出所在机构或企业形象等特点,值得玩味。

In my heart, I am rather nervous to write prefaces for some book, for I was told before long that, if one degrades himself by writing prefaces, he is sure to have poorer imagination, duller insight and worse expressiveness. This time, however, I am in earnest to write a preface for Ding Xiaowen’s book, entitled What I saw in U. S. A, and I also feel very confident to write it well, because I and Ding have so much in common: I am, too, fond of seeing the world, and we had been in America, enjoying a lot. Ding Xiaowen, graduated from Foreign Affaires College attached to the Diplomatic Department in China, is a quiet, diligent and hard-working young diplomat. There is an old saying prevailing both in his hometown and mine, “the novices are keen to watch the excitement, while the experts appraise and admire the skill.” The first glance at his book enables me to come to the conclusion that for the most of time I am only a layman, he, however, is always managing to find the skills, while enjoying the excitement. This is where we are different from each other. The difference can be further proved by the fact that Mr. Ding has included so many interesting and inspiring things others might ignore. Take the name card for example. It is so common in our life that on one denies it. It is said that a card from a factory manager in a township writes very special. Starting from the Central Committee, the State Council, then the province, the county and the township, finally comes to his respected name. There is another man, who annotates his official tile, vice director, “the director is long absent”. And there is also another vice director who adds notes on his name card that he is treated the same as the director. …… Ding Xiaowen, having been in America for not long and having not seen many name cards, find the name cards of Americans brief and simple, characterizing their organizations and enterprises. The phenomenon calls for a serious