英语翻译(综合学术英语教程3) 下载本文


1. 科学家应该警告人们防范PM2.5,限制他们孩子的户外活动,以避免对孩子造成哪怕


Scientists should warn people about PM 2.5 and the need to restrict their children’s outdoor activities to avoid even the minimal damage.

2. 当地政府为爬山者实施了一项可发展的计划,以使环境不受到影响。

The local government has implemented a development program for the mountain climbers to leave the surrounding region unaffected.

3. 由于我们能确定危险的地方,我们现在能把科学家的风险降到零。

We can reduce the risks to zero since we are sure of what risks they are running. 4. 为了抵制焦虑,你应该强迫自己想象一个问题已经解决的积极的未来。

To combat your anxiety, you should compel yourself to visualize a promising future in which a problem has already been settled. 5. 他说,发达国家有责任促进全球范围内的经济发展。

He holds that developed countries should be held accountable for economic growth on a global scale.

6. 垃圾中有利用价值的资源被忽略了,因而没有得到充分利用。

Trash is not yet fully utilized, leading to overlooking the potential in it. 7. 许多女性做出这个选项,她们想通过理财来掌握自己的生活。

A large number of females choose the option of personal finance to achieve control of their own lives.

8. 大学决定对这个项目进行投资,因为这个项目比其他类似的项目显示更多的技术上优点。

The university has decided to invest in the project because it has many technical advantages over other similar ones.

9. 我们往往忽视了树木的功能,树可以遮蔽动物也为人类遮荫。

Trees can provide shelter for both man and animals, which we tend to overlook. 10. 我们正努力全面了解大学文科课程,因为这些课程包括的科目非常广泛。

We are trying to achieve a sound understanding of liberal arts courses, which encompasses a wide range of subjects.


1. 合理地使用有限的自然资源对人类所处的地球环境有好处。

An appropriate use of limited natural resources is advantageous for the Earth environment where human beings live。

2. 本地区不确定因素持续增长,更不幸的是人们可能还需要时间来适应。

The uncertainty over this region continues to grow; what is more unfortunate, people may need some time to adapt.

3. 传统观念认为有机食品比转基因食品更健康。

Conventional notionsholds that organic food is much healthier than genetically modified food.

4. 玛丽娜设计的品牌晚装,可以满足许多场合着装需求,包括教堂、晚宴、商务和其他特


The brand gown designed by Marina comes to accommodate the need for a number of occasions, including churches, dinners, business and other special occasions. 5. 人们普遍关注到,该研究的欠缺是由于缺乏对艾滋病群体的了解,以及难以接触到这些


There is a more prevalent concern that the shortage of this research is due to the overall lack of knowledge of AIDS groups and the difficulty of access to those groups. 6. 权衡风险因素之后,美国研究人员建议,儿童肥胖症的预防应趁早,尽可能在出生之前。

After being exposed to and weighing the information about those risks, US researchers suggested that childhood obesity prevention should occur/happen as early as possible, as much as possible before birth.

7. 如果做出这样的改变,你就有可能面临失去观众和声誉的危险。

If this change is made, you are likely to run the risk of losing the audience and your reputation.

8. 在当今社会,与女性更需要照顾的传统观念不同,很多女性承担起了养家的责任。

In the modern society, in rejection of the traditional stereotype that women need more care and tendance, many women assume/undertake the responsibility of raising a family.

9. 二十一世纪以来,短期证书广受欢迎,尤其是对有色人种的学生来说。

Since the 21st century, the short-term certificates are rapidly gaining popularity, especially for non-white students.

10. 研究发现75%的美国青少年始终拥有健康的自我形象。

The research found that 75 percent of American teenagers always boast a healthy



1. 各国政府正在努力应对各种形式的网络犯罪,从电子邮件病毒到知识产权盗窃。

Governments are trying to address various forms of cyber-crime, from email viruses to intellectual property theft.

2. 这家芬兰公司的移动安全产品为防止恶意软件感染智能手机设计。

The Finnish company’s mobile security products are designed in order to offer anti-malicious software protection for smart phones. 3. 微软正在实施一个软件补丁来破解计算机受到的攻击。

Microsoft is implementing a software patch to crack the attack on computers. 4. 如果你收到了垃圾邮件消息或欺骗性的电子贺卡,尽快删除。

If you receive spam messages or fraudulent electronic greeting cards, delete as soon as possible.

5. 电动汽车研究人员所面临的技术挑战是有限的电源。

A formidable technological challenge that the researchers of electric vehicle technology are facing is finite power sources.

6. 黑客发现很有讽刺意味的是:这个政权使用公共资金来安装网络进攻武器,而让自己的


Hackers f ind it ironic that this regimes using public financial gains to install network attack weapons, but they leave their own database open to attack. 7. 他们进行了安全评估、入侵检测、数据恢复和修复的实验。

They conducted experiments of security assessment, intrusion detection, data

recovery and repair.

8. 考虑到不同国家的文化,任何一刀切的方法是不可能成功的。

Taking the diverse cultures of different countries into account, no one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to succeed.

9. 在数字信息时代,学生应该采用更多的教育技术来提高学习。

In the digital information era, students should employ more educational technology to improve learning.

10. 该研究旨在研究一个人机交互系统的自主移动机器人。

This study aims to develop an autonomous mobile robot equipped with human-robot interaction system.


1. 分阶段取消矿物燃料补贴的时机已经成熟,这样我们能够更好地应对气候挑战。

It’s time to phase out fossil fuel subsidies so that we can better address our climate challenge.

2. 我们应当使政策适合当地情况,使经济的增长方式从投资转向消费,从企业转向家庭。

We should adapt the policy to local circumstances, and shift economic growth from investment to consumption, from industries to households.

3. 经济危机导致了一阵换工作潮,为了能成功地找到一份工作,你需要为每个职位定制你


Economic crisis led to a wave of changing jobs. In order to succeed in finding a job, you need to tailor your resume for each position.

4. 如果这些措施未能扭转经济危机的局面,将会加大社会不稳定的可能性。

If these measures fail to avert the economic crisis, the risk of social instability will be heightened.

5. 印度需要控制其人口,否则,人口将超过其资源限制。

India needs to regulate its population,otherwise population will exceed resource limits.

6. 新政策使很多夫妻有资格多生孩子,这使大批人怀了第二胎。

The new policy qualifies many couples for more children, leading to a huge number of women pregnant with a second child.

7. 房地产市场的宏观调控政策末日已经来临,政府应该提出新的方案。

The macro-control policies on the property market have run their courses. The government should put forth new schemes. 8. 中央政府发布了一份报告称水污染的问题已得到缓解。

The central government released a report that the problem of water pollution has been mitigated.

9. 晚婚和晚育是否对控制人口有很大作用存在争议。

Whether the policy of late marriage and late childbirth has a significant impact on population control remains debatable. 10. 联合国报告对气候变化的影响发出严重警告。

The UN report issued dire warnings about the impact of climate change.