江苏省扬州市邗江区2017-2018学年七年级第一学期期中英语试卷 下载本文

71.members’ 72.dancing 73. wishes 74.them 75.look 六 任务型阅读

76.rules 77.most 78. American 79.reasons 80.falling 81.also 82.easy 83.British 84.can’t 85.years 七 缺词填空

86.old 87. learn 88.in/inside 89.others 90.real 91. back 92.small 93.Children 94.look 95.tall 八 翻译句子

96. I spent two weeks buying all/different kinds of books for my father./ It takes me two weeks to buy all/different kinds of books for my father. 97.David seldom goes swimming on Sunday evening. 98. I can’t hear you well on the phone. 99. the girl in red is good at Geography. 100. Does his dream come true?.