大学体验英语课文翻译及课后翻译(完整版) 下载本文

Consequently the English major with an emphasis in business is particularly well prepared for a future in business administration. Nearly four hundred companies in fields ranging from banking and insurance to communications to manufacturing were asked whether they hired college graduates with degrees in English, even when those graduates lacked special training in the industry: Eighty-five percent of the companies said that they did. College graduates with degrees in English are working successfully in marketing, in systems engineering, in personnel management, in sales, in programming, in project design, and in labor relations.


English majors are also at work in the thousand occupations provided by government at all levels. Consider, for example, the federal government — by a very wide margin, America’s biggest employer. In organizations ranging from the Marine Corps to the Bureau of Mines, from the Commerce Department to the National Park Service, the federal government employs a work force of nearly three million men and women. English majors may qualify for many of these jobs. Recently, 51 federal agencies were asked the same question: whether they hired college graduates with English degrees but without special job training, 88 percent of these federal employers said yes. The list of federal positions for which English majors may qualify ranges from Claims Examiner to Foreign Service Officer to Highway Safety Management Specialist. Again, those who seek positions of high reward and responsibility may be asked to take a test — the federal government uses the Professional and Administrative Career Examination, or P.A.C.E., to evaluate applicants for about 10 000 jobs each year — and again, the test focuses on language skills: comprehension, analysis, interpretation, the ability to see logical relationships between ideas, and the ability to solve problems expressed in words. Not surprisingly, competent English majors often receive very high scores on the P.A.C.E.

主修英语的学生也正在各级政府提供的上千种岗位上工作。就拿可以算得是美国最大的雇主的联邦政府来说吧。从海军陆战队到矿务局,从商业部到国家公园服务处,联邦政府各种机构雇佣的劳动大军近三百万人。主修英语的学生适合做其中的许多工作。最近,向51个联邦政府机构调查了同一个问题:是否聘用有英语学位文凭而却没有受过专门行业训练的大学毕业生,88%的这些联邦政府单位的回答是肯定的。主修英语的毕业生能胜任联邦政府的一系列工作,从索赔审议到外交官到公路安全管理专家等等。再说,那些要求高薪高位的人可能还需要参加一种考试,也就是说,联邦政府每年都要举行\业务和管理职业考试”对大约 10 000种工作岗位的求职者进行考核,而测试的焦点仍然侧重语言技能:理解、分析、阐述、理解概念间逻辑关系的能力,以及解决用文字表述问题的能力。毫不奇怪,主修英语的学生时常在这一考试中获得高分。

In short, a major in English is neither restricting nor impractical: the study of English is excellent preparation for professional life.


1. 我妹妹虽然年龄还小,可是她对将要从事的职业已胸有成竹。(as)

Young as my sister is, she already knows for sure what career she is going to follow. 2. 我舅舅今天下午要来看我们,他的照片我昨天给你看过。(whose)

My uncle, whose photo I showed you yesterday, will come to see us this afternoon.

3. 正是由于英语这门语言的功能非常灵活,才使得英语成为一种全球性的语言。(It is ...that...)

It is because of its very functional flexibility that makes English become a global language. 4. 我们很高兴代表我们研究中心向你们海外客人致意。(in the name of)

In the name of our research center we are very glad to pass on our greetings to you,our overseas guests.

5. 这台新发动机比那些旧的要好,因为它耗费的燃料少得多。(superior) This new engine is superior to the old ones in that it consumes much less fuel.


As for the moral advantage in business, of all places, everyone knows a modicum of ethics is called for in any business — you can't cheat your customers forever and get away with it. But wouldn't it be more advantageous if you actually could get away with it? Profits would soar out of sight! Then you would really have an advantage, or so the thinking might go.


The notion of seeking the moral advantage is a new way of thinking about ethics and virtue in business, an approach that does not accept the need for trade-offs between ambition and conscience. Far from obstructing the drive for success, a sense of moral purpose can help individuals and companies achieve at the highest — and most profitable — levels.


Cynicism dominates our attitudes about what it takes to succeed in business. A common way of thinking about morality in business goes something like this:


Ethical conduct is an unpleasant medicine that society forces down business people's throats to protect the public interest from business avarice.


Morality gets in the way of the cold, hard actions truly ambitious Skepticism people must take to reach their goals.


Moneymaking is inevitably tainted by greed, deceit, and exploitation. 赚钱就不可避免地要被贪婪、欺诈和盘剥的行为所玷污。

The quest for profits stands in opposition to everything that is moral, fair, decent, and charitable.


Skepticism about moneymaking goes back a long way. The Bible warns that it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. \é de Balzac in the 1800s, \a great crime.\British author G. K. Chesterton sounded the same theme in the early 20th century, noting that a businessman \occupation.\

对赚钱持怀疑的态度由来已久。圣经警告说,一个有钱人要进入天堂比让一头骆驼钻进针眼还要难。十九世纪法国小说家巴尔扎克(Honoré de Balzac)写道:\在每一笔巨大财富背后都隐藏着巨大的罪恶。”英国作家切斯特顿在20世纪初也论述过同样的主题,指出商人是\唯一要对其职业永远说抱歉的人。”

The contemporary media often characterize business as nothing more than a self-serving exercise in greed, carried out in as corrupt and ruthless a manner as possible. In television and movies, moneymaking in business is tainted by avarice, exploitation, or downright villainy. The unflattering portrayals have become even more pointed over time. In 1969, the businessman in Philip Roth's Goodbye, Columbus advises the story's protagonist, \in business, you've got to be a bit of a thief.\with Wall Street's 1980s icon, Gordon Gekko, whose immortal words were \

现代媒体常常把商业定义为一种既自私又贪婪的运作,过程是极其腐败和冷酷的。在电视和电影中,商业挣钱充满了贪婪、盘剥和尔虞我诈。这些逼真的描绘日后甚至变得更加尖刻。1969年,在非利普·萝斯的《再见》一剧中的商人哥伦布忠告剧中主人公时说,\要想在商界站住脚,你就得多少有点做贼的本领”。华尔街20世纪80年代的偶像哥登·节科有一句经典名句:\贪婪为好”,与他相比,哥伦布看起来就象一个慈祥而明智的父亲形象。 

Yet some important observers of business see things differently. Widely read gurus such as Stephen Covey and Tom Peters point to the practical utility of moral virtues such as compassion, responsibility, fairness, and honesty. They suggest that virtue is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success, and that moral standards are not merely commendable choices but necessary components of a thriving business career. This is a frequent theme in commencement addresses and other personal testimonials: Virtuous behavior advances a career in the long run by building trust and reputation, whereas ethical shortcomings eventually derail careers. The humorist Dorothy Parker captured this idea in one of her signature quips: \

然而一些重要的商界观察家对此又有不同的看法。如象颇受读者喜爱的斯帝夫科·威和汤姆·皮特斯等著名权威,他们都指出了怜悯、责任、公平和诚实等道德操守的实际作用,如他们认为道德是成功秘诀中的首要组成成分,道德标准不仅是值得称赞的选择,也是商业兴旺的必要动力。这些言词是毕业典礼致词和其他个人德行证明书中一个常有的主题:从长远来看,道德高尚的行为有助于建立信任和信誉,从而推动事业的发展,相反,伦理道德的瑕疵最终会导致事业的败落。幽默家多萝斯帕克在她所题写的警句中抓住了这一观点:\时间会弄伤所有的脚后跟。” 

So who's right --- those who believe that morality and business are mutually exclusive, or those who believe they reinforce one another? Do nice guys finish last, or are those who advocate doing well by doing good the real winners? Is the business world a group of thievery or a haven for upstanding citizens?


With colleagues Howard Gardner at Harvard University and MihalyCsikszentmihalyi at Claremont Graduate University, I've examined this question by interviewing 40 top business leaders, such as McDonald's CEO Jack Greenberg and the late Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, between 1998 and 2000 as part of our joint \found that a strong sense of moral purpose not only promotes a business career but also provides a telling advantage in the quest to build a thriving enterprise. In fact, a sense of moral purpose stands at the center of all successful business innovations. Far from being a constraining force that merely keeps people honest and out of trouble, morality creates a fertile source of business motivation, inspiration, and innovation.


This is different from the view of morality you'll encounter in a typical business-ethics course. It's so different that I now speak about moralities, in the plural, when discussing the role of virtue and ethics in business. Morality in business has three distinct faces including moral warning,charitable feeling and moral initiatives, each playing its own special role in ensuring business success.


1.他们登上的飞机起飞后立刻就消失了。(soar, out of sight)