河南省实验中学2018-2019九年级英语第一次月考试卷(无听力 含解析) 下载本文


66. ________67.________68._________69._________70.___________ 71. _________72._________73._________74._________75.___________

【参考答案】trees,from,fell ,Knew,an,them,road,such,stopped,None

【解析】本文为记叙文,主要关于Bob和他的朋友在雪地里迷路,通过马的帮助,最终找到营地的故事。 整篇文章比较好理解,难度不大,主要注意单词适当形式的变化。

六、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分) A:Hello,Jack! B:Hi,Danish.

A:76___________________________,What happened? B:The big exam is coming.And I’m afraid of that.

A:Well,take it easy.In fact,I felt a little nervous about it,too.But now I feel much better. B:Oh,How do you make yourself feel less stressed out?77.________________________. A:Some advice?Sure!I think taking exercising is really a good way to relax yourself.

B:But I have no time.I have to study all day long.78.______________________________. A:I usually take exercise early in the morning.I feel very relaxed.Why not have a try? B:79___________________________________.But I can’t get up that early. A:Try to go to bed earlier.Enough sleep is very important. B:I know that.But how can I finish so much homework?

A:Well,with good sleep and exercise, your mind will be more active and you will spend less time Finishing more work.

B:Fantastic!80._________________Thank you very much/ A:You’re welcome.


76.You look worried.

77.Can/Could you give me some advice? 78.When do you take exercise? 79.That sounds good.

80.I’ll try it/I’ll follow your advice...




请以I’ve made great progress in _______为题,写一篇短文,描述一下你是如何在这一学科上取得进步的,并谈谈你的感受。


2) 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校姓名 【参考答案】略

【解析】作文话题为Unit 1内容,在某个学科上取得进步,比较符合课文的话题内容,难度不大。学生
