新视野大学英语读写教程第二版4课后答案完整版 下载本文


5. She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her

money was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable. 6. No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more

criticism of him. XII

1 . If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous attracted a

larger audience .‘

2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility

, it would have

for her to become a successful actress. 3 . I never had formal training along ·

, I just learned as I went

4. As their products find their way into the international market , their brand is gaining in popularity.

5 . She could make up a story by saying she was knocked

unconscious by thieves and that all her

money was gone , but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable. 6 . No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him . XII.




2.令人感到宽慰的是,他的努力最终给予了他长期渴望的结果—他成功地发现了这种疾 病的原因。

3.查理·卓别林是最伟大、最广受热爱的电影明星之一。从《流浪汉》到《摩登时代》, 他拍

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摄了许多他那个时代最有趣、最受欢迎的电影。他最出名的是他扮演的一个人物—年轻 可


4.卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他 了这个国


5.查理·卓别林对 20 世纪初期每个人的生活都产生了影响。与有史以来的任何人相比, 他让更


6. 1977 年,查理·卓别林在圣诞节那天去世了,身后留下了悲伤的家人和朋



友,以及全世界数 以百万计的影迷。 Cloze XIII.

1 . C 2. B 3. C 4.B 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. C 11 . D 12. A 13.A 14.C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C

19. B 20. A Structured Writing XV.

Charlie Chaplin is a great comic for his native land Britain, but even more so for the world. On the

stage he often wore tiny moustaches, huge pants and tailcoats that were perhaps more

characteristic of



Europeans and may be not much of the British. Since more than half of the roles Chaplin played were

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