2013浙江省高三上学期第一次五校联考英语试题及答案 下载本文







1. We don’t think the experiment is ______ failure. At least we have gained ______ experience for future success. A. the; a

B. a; /

C. a; an

D. the; the 2. — Sally, our monitor, was late for her class this morning. — ______? As far as I know, she never came late to class. A. How come

B. What for

C. So what D. Why not

3. —You don’t go to that supermarket quite often, do you? — No, I only go there ______ because it’s too far away from my house. A. consequently of food supply. A. where

B. constantly C. occasionally

D. frequently

4. Many people tried to leave the country, ______ there was much violence and a serious shortage B. which C. that D. what

5. The scientists hoped further research would lead to a better understanding of the disease, how ______ spread, and what other factors might be involved. A. they

B. it C. one B. Stick; was there D. Stuck; was B. As a matter of fact D. In addition to it

D. which

6. ______ in a branch of the tree ______ a note which read \ A. Sticking; was there C. To stick; was A. On the other hand C. As a consequence airport today.

A. will be working; arrives C. will have worked; has arrived

B. was working; arrived D. is working; is arriving

7. You can take the rest of the pie with you. ______, I wish you would, since I’m on a diet.

8. My wife ______the night shift when my plane ______. That’s why no one is to meet me at the

9. While working outdoors, Linda was ______ by the heat and fell to the ground, unconscious. A. astonished B. depressed C. overcome D. hit

10.The drilling in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental ______ and severe cold. A. concerns

B. assumption

C. occupations

D. ignorance

11. Often organized outdoors or at big venues ______ their popularity, music festivals provide one day or even several days of non-stop entertainment. A. due to

B. in spite of C. in honor of

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D. apart from

12. With Hurricane Sandy ______ the US east coast, Obama had to cancel Wednesday's campaign events in order to focus on the rescue and response efforts for Sandy. A. approach B. approaching C. approached works quite impressive. A. As

B. Since

C. If

D. While

14. Former Brazilian President Luiz Silva was______ Wednesday to be cancer-free, a year after doctors first detected a cancerous tumor in his throat. A. announced

B. suspected

C. confirmed

D. removed

15. Economic growth in the world remains weak throughout 2012 and it is hoped that it will _____ gradually in 2013. A. break up

B. make out

C. work out

D. pick up 16. Red Sorghum was adapted from Mo Yan’s 1986 novel of the same name, ______ to life a visual landscape of red sorghum and a fiery ______ sun. A. brought; setting

B. bringing; setting D. bringing; set C. available D. accessible

C. having brought; set A. adaptable

B. adoptable

D. being approached

13. ______ I couldn’t fully understand what he wanted to show in his paintings, I thought his

17. Wolves are very ______: they can live in forests, on open plains, or in the snows of the Artic. 18. Global Health officials have been closely monitoring a new virus related to SARS that is believed ______ at least one person in Saudi Arabia. A. to kill

B. to be killing C. to have killed D. kill

19. I think that's unlikely to happen, but if that ______ occur, both America's and China's interest would be severely damaged. A. should

B. could C. would D. might

20. China's reform and opening has been going on for ______ is like about 30 years now and it's really quite remarkable. A. that B. which C. what

D. it



One day I was shopping in a small town in southern California. It was my 21 to be approached by a clerk whose personality clashed(冲突) with mine. He seemed most 22 and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought 23 , and marched angrily out of the store. My 24 toward that clerk and the entire establishment increased with each step.

On the outside, standing by the parking lot, was a dark-skinned young man in his early twenties. His 25 brown eyes met and held mine, and in the next instant a beautiful, broad smile 26 his face. My attention was immediately arrested. The 27 power of that smile removed all 28 within me, and I found the muscles in my own face 29 responding. \day, isn't it?\I remarked, in passing. Then, obeying an impulse(冲动), I

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30 . \

His smile deepened, 31 he made no attempt to answer. A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby. The woman 32 and eyed me inquiringly. \does no speak English,\ 33 . \

In that moment I felt 34 . Carlo’s smile had made a big person of me. My friendliness and good 35 toward all mankind stood ten feet tall.


\ 36 .

I gave her arm a friendly pat 37 I turned to leave. \him that,\I insisted. \Oh, what a smile can 38 ! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning. 39 , I became smile-conscious, and I practice the 40 diligently, anywhere and everywhere, with everybody.

21. A. misfortune 22. A. helpful 24. A. attitude 25. A. blank 26. A. covered 27. A. magic 28. A. happiness

23. A. something B. luck B. hardworking B. nothing B. walk B. painful B. twisted

C. opportunity C. uncertain C. everything C. approach C. expressive C. spread C. evil

D. burden D. unfriendly D. anything D. anger D. critical D. wiped D. dragging D. sorrow D. slightly D. went away D. so D. passed by D. begged D. absorbed D. will D. confused D. after D. attract D. expression

B. shocking B. excitement B. happily B. for B. looked ahead C. bitterness C. merely C. cut in C. but 29. A. unwillingly 30. A. turned back 31. A. and

32. A. showed off 33. A. hesitated 34. A. ignored 35. A. power 37. A. while 38. A. operate 40. A. kindness

B. stepped forward B. volunteered B. involved B. mind B. as B. run B. art

C. marched on C. responded C. transformed C. fortune C. since C. do

C. discouraged 36. A. frightened B. frustrated 39. A. From that day on B. Since then C. Every now and then D. Up till now C. work

第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项选项的标号涂黑。


Have you ever gone to work to find that one of your coworkers is coughing and sneezing all day long? You do your best to keep a safe distance and wonder: Why did he or she come to work

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when they were ill? The reality for many Americans is that they do not have enough paid sick time each year to afford them the luxury of staying home because they don’t feel well.

This problem doesn’t just affect the working employees who are sick,though. In an article by James Warren for Bloomberg Business Week, a second-grade school teacher, Stilli Klikizos shares about the sick children that must stay in school all day long because their parents can’t get off work to come and get them. In the past school year, she had several children who were unable to be picked up at school who were later diagnosed with H1N1.

There is a movement called the Healthy Families Act in Congress that would change this situation for many Americans. The Healthy Family Act would require employers with 15 or more employees to provide 7 paid sick days a year for their workers. These days could be used not only for days when the worker is sick, but the time can also be used when caring for others, or going to routine doctor’s appointments.

Those who are against the Act argue that many businesses are struggling to make ends meet owing to recession (经济衰退), and point out that this is the wrong time to force employers to add an additional expense.

Those who support the Healthy Families Act say that our nation can’t afford to not take these measures. When an individual goes to work sick, they are possibly infecting their coworkers, clients and customers.

According to a report by Katie Couric on the CBS evening news, three fourths of low wage earners get docked when they are sick. Those individuals include daycare workers and restaurant workers, whose health can affect the health of many.

41. Why do many Americans still come to work when they are sick? A. They often ignore the illness if not serious. B. They work in high spirits. C. The cost of staying home is great. D. The cost of medical treatment is high. 42. In the article mentioned in this passage, James Warren intends to say ______. A. children need more thoughtful and considerate care B. teachers are responsible for taking good care of children at school C. parents shouldn’t leave the sick children at school D. adults’ not having enough paid sick time may be bad for children 43. According to the Healthy Families Act, ______.

A. all the employers are required to provide 7 paid sick days a year for their workers B. the employees can use the paid sick days to take care of their sick children C. the employees could demand their companies pay for their medical bills D. the employees can use the paid sick days to take a trip so as to relax themselves. 44. Why are some people against the Healthy Families Act?

A. Many companies’ financial situations are not so good due to the recession. B. Companies have no such duty to provide paid sick time. C. The nation can’t afford to do as the Act requires.

D. Usually one’s illness won’t infect his coworkers and customers.

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