穿PRADA的恶魔 The Devil Wears Prada 中英文剧本 下载本文

she retu...

我们每晚都把它送去马琳达的住处 然后她再?

Don't touch it. She returns it to us in the morning with her notes.

别碰 她做过笔记后在隔日上午交给我们

Now, the second assistant is supposed to do this... 现在,应该由第二助理来做这个

but Miranda is very private and she does not like strangers in her house.

马琳达很注重隐私 不喜欢陌生人闯入她的住处 So until she decides that you are not a total psycho... 直到她确认你不是什么变态?

I get the lovely task of waiting around for the Book. 先由我负责保管这本书 Oh, Emily? What do I do... 哦,艾米莉,我该怎么办? Deal with it.


Hello. Mrs. Priestly's office.


Hmm. That's what I meant. Miranda Priestly's office. 嗯,我就那意思,马琳达·皮斯里办公室

Um, you know, she is in a meeting. Can I please take a message?

呃,她现在开会 能为你留个口信吗? Okay. Can you please spell Gabbana?

好,请拼一下 Gabbana

{\\an8}Gabbana - Docle & Gabbana,又名 D&G,意大利时尚品牌 Hello? 喂?

I guess not.


I guessed an eight and a half. 我猜你穿八点五号鞋

Um, uh, that's very nice of you... 呃,你真好?

but I don't think I need these. 但我好象不需要它们

Miranda hired me. She knows what I look like. 马琳达雇了我,她知道我的样子 Do you? 你知道吗? Emily. 艾米莉 Emily? 艾米莉?

She means you. 她叫你呢

We just cut on the bias. That's not what I asked you. 我们刚才这样斜着剪 我要求的不是那样

I couldn't have been clearer. There you are, Emily. 我说得很清楚了 你来了,艾米莉

How many times do I have to scream your name? Actually, it's Andy.

要我喊你多少遍才够? 其实,我是安迪

My name is Andy. Andrea, but, uh, everybody calls me Andy.

我叫安迪 安吉丽雅,但大家都叫我安迪 I need 10 or 15 skirts from Calvin Klein. 我需要十到十五条 CK 的裙子

{\\an8}CK - Clavin Klein,美国最顶级时尚品牌

What kind of skirts do you... Please bore someone else with your questions.

你想要什么样式的? 这种无聊的问题你问别人去 And make sure we have Pier 59 at 8:00 a.m. Tomorrow. 去“五十九号码头”餐厅 确认明天八点的座位

Remind Jocelyn I need to see a few of those satchels that Marc is doing in the pony.

提醒约瑟琳,我要看看 马克在手抄里画的背包

And then tell Simone I'll takeJackie if Maggie isn't available.


Did Demarchelier confirm? D-Did D-Demarchel... 迪马休里耶确认了没?迪,迪马休里耶? {\\an8}帕特里克·迪马休里耶,著名摄影师 Demarchelier. Did he... Get him on the phone. 迪马休里耶,他?打电话给他 Uh, o... okay. 呃,好的

And, Emily? Yes?

还有,艾米莉? 是的? That's all. 就这样

It's just the cavalier disregard for clear directions... 这只是不符合?

Do you have Demarchelier? 联络上迪马休里耶了吗? Uh, Demarchelier. 呃,迪马休里耶

Leave it. Do you have... 让开 你有没有?

I have Miranda Priestly calling. 马琳达·皮里斯的助理 I have Patrick! 帕特里克在线

Uh, no, she called me in there and-and then she asked me about Pier 59.

哦,她叫我进去 还有什么五十九号码头

And there was something about Simone, Frankie, someone else.


And, um, she needs skirts from Calvin Klein. 她要 CK 的裙子

And, uh, there was something about a pony.

还有关于什么小马 {\\an8}小马和手抄同音

Did she say which skirts? No. No. 她说要什么裙子了吗? 没有

Did she say what kind? Color, shape, fabric? I tried to ask her.

她说是什么款式的、颜色、形状、材料? 我试着问过了

You may never ask Miranda anything.


Right. I will deal with all of this, and you will go to Calvin Klein.

好,我处理其它事,你去拿 CK Eh... Me? 呃?我?

Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have some prior commitment? 不好意思,你还有其它要事吗?

Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to? 要去“恶心裙子讨论会”吗? Miranda? 马琳达?

Are you there? I'm about to walk in. I'll call you as soon as...

到了没? 我正要进去,我马上打电话? Hello? Hi. While you're out... 喂?你好 你在外面?

Miranda needs you to go to Hermes to pick up 25 scarves we ordered for her.

马琳达要你去爱玛仕 拿她定的二十五条围巾

Okay. Cassidy forgot her homework at Dalton. Pick that up. 好的 卡西迪巴把作业忘在达尔顿了,你去那取

Miranda went out to meet with Meisel, and she will want more Starbucks when she gets back.

马琳达去见麦塞尔,她回来时要喝星巴克 Hot Starbucks. Can you just repeat that first... 要热的 你能重复第一件? Hello? 喂?

Oh, my God. 哦,天哪

What took you so long? I have to pee! 怎么那么久?我要去厕所!

What? You haven't peed since I left?


No, I haven't. I've been manning the desk, haven't I? I'm bursting.

没有 我一直坚守岗位,快憋不住了! Oh, hi. 哦,嗨

You do coat. Do the coat!

你挂衣服,挂起来! Okay. 好的

Now, be prepared. The run-through is at 12:30.


People are panicking, so the phone is going to be ringing off the hook.

大家都很惊慌,电话随时都会响起 The ru... The run-through. Right.


Yes. Editors bring in options for the shoot, and Miranda chooses.

没错,编辑们提出构思 马琳达选出好的

She chooses every single thing in every single issue. 她要精心挑选每一个主题

Run-throughs are a huge deal. I don't know why you don't know that, Andrea.

挑选是件大事 真不懂你怎么会不知道,安吉丽雅 Okay. Are you ready? Oh, hi, hi. 好了,准备好没? 哦,嗨

Right. Well, after the loo, Serena and I are going to lunch. 好了,上完厕所 塞莉娜和我去吃午饭 This is her... the new me. Hi. 就是她,新的我 嗨

Told you. I thought you were kidding.

我说吧 我以为你开玩笑

No, quite serious, yeah. I get 20 minutes for lunch, and you get 15.

当然不是 我有二十分钟吃午饭,你只有十五分钟 When I come back, you can go. Okay. 我回来后,你就能去了 好的 What exactly is she wearing? 她穿的是什么啊? Her grandmother's skirt. 她外婆的裙子

Hmm. Corn chowder. 嗯,粟米海鲜汤

That's an interesting choice. 有趣的口味

You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients in corn chowder.


So none of the girls here eat anything? 那这里的女孩都不吃东西?

Not since two became the new four and zero became the new two.

自从二号变成四号 还有零号变成二号,就不吃了 {\\an8}这里的号码指衣服尺寸

Well, I'm a six. Which is the new 14.

我是六号 那就要变成十四号了

Oh. Shoot. 哦,该死

Oh, never mind. I'm sure you have plenty more polyblend where that came from.

哦,没关系 你一定还有很多其它化纤衣服

Okay. You think my clothes are hideous.


I get it. 我知道了

But, you know, I'm not going to be in fashion forever... 但,你知道我不会一直留在时尚界

so I don't see the point of changing everything about myself just because I have this job. 我不想为了这个工作改变自己

Yes, that's true.


That's really what this multibillion-dollar industry is all about anyway, isn't it?

这个值好几亿的产业 就只关心一件事,对不对?

Inner beauty. 内在美



Right. Come on.


Miranda's pushed the run-through up a half an hour. Mmm!


She's always 15 minutes early. Which means? 她通常都早到十五分钟 意思是?

You're already late. Come. Shoot!

你迟到了,来 该死

Excuse me. 借过

Mr. Ravitz. 拉维兹先生

Nigel. 奈杰尔

Issue going well? Oh, yes. Our best September ever. 工作顺利吗? 哦,是的,至今最成功的一个九月

Great. Heard Miranda killed autumn jackets and pulled up the Sedona shoot.

很好 听说马琳达取消秋季夹克衫 选了赛多纳的设计

What's that costing me? 那要花掉我多少钱?

About 300,000.


Must have been some lousy jackets. 那些夹克肯定发霉了

Irv Ravitz. Oh, I'm sorry.

俄弗·拉维兹 哦,对不起

This is Andy Sachs, Miranda's new assistant. 这位是安迪·塞克斯 马琳达的新助理

Congratulations, young lady. 恭喜你,年轻人

A million girls would kill for that job.


Bye-bye. 再见

Hmm? Chairman of Elias-Clarke, Irv Ravitz.

嗯? 艾丽雅斯·克拉克的总裁,俄弗·拉维兹

You know what they say? Tiny man, huge ego. 知道别人怎么说他的? 个子小野心大

No. And I've seen all this before. 不行,都过时了

Theyskens is trying to reinvent the drop waist, so actually it's...

瑟斯肯斯尝试重新引进露背款式 所以?

Where are all the other dresses? We have some right here. 其他裙子呢? 这里有一些

Stand, watch and listen. And I think it can be very interesting...

站着,边看边听 我认为这样很时髦?

No. No, I just... It's just baffling to me.

不,不,我? 真搞不懂

Why is it so impossible to put together a decent run-through?


You people have had hours and hours to prepare. It's just so confusing to me.

你们有这么多时间准备 真让我搞不懂

Where are the advertisers? 广告部的人呢?

We have some pieces from Banana Republic. We need more, don't we?

我们从巴纳纳拿来这些 我们还需要更多,是吗?

Oh. This is... This might be... What do you think of... Yeah. 哦,这个,这个可以?你们觉得呢? 是啊

Well, you know me. 哦,你知道我这人

Give me a full ballerina skirt and a hint of saloon and I'm on board.

一条芭蕾舞裙加一点造型 我绝对赞成