湖北省咸宁市重点高中2018届高三英语11月联考试题 下载本文

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(Text 3)

W: Have you seen the programme I Am a Singer?

M: No, I’m so busy that I haven’t watched TV for a week. W: You’d better have a rest. How about seeing a film tonight? M: Sorry, I will work overtime tonight. (Text 4)

W: I hope the rain will stop this afternoon.

M: It will. But it won’t be fine. The weather forecast says it will be foggy then. (Text 5)

W: Peter, fm sorry to trouble you again. M: What’s up?

W: My family are planning a trip to England to visit my sister. Would you please take care of my dog when fm away next week? M: No problem. Enjoy your trip. (Text 6)

M: Hey, Diana, fm sorry! W: Hi, Peter, what’s wrong?

M: We were going to Hong Kong this weekend, but fm afraid I can’t go. W: How come?

M: I have a really big geography test and I have to study for it. W: We can go next week instead.

M: No, I don’t want to ruin your weekend. You go ahead and please take the book I bought for my friend— Sally. Tell her I have to study all weekend, because I can’t afford to fail the test.

W: OK, then I’ll go with Susan. But it, s a pity you can’t come. (Text 7)

M: Alright, Sara, we know that you are planning something big for John’s birthday. Could you tell us just what you have in your mind.

W: I wanted to make his birthday a very special event. John has a sister, Susan, living in France. And I’ll send her a plane ticket, so that she can be here for his birthday.

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M: What an excellent plan! That’s something special. I kind of guessed you had some secret plans and you were waiting for the right time to tell me. W: Well, I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure she could come. (Text 8)

M: Hi. IM like to get my hair cut.

W: Well, can we interest you in today’s special? We’ll shampoo, cut, and style your hair for one unbelievable low price of $ 12.

M: Okay, but I just want to get my hair cut a little bit. A little off the top and sides, that’s all.

W: No problem. Okay, here we go. So, what do you do for a living? M: I’m a lawyer, and I’m in town for a job interview, and… W: Oops.

M: What do you mean oops? Hey, can I see a mirror? W: Nothing to worry about, sir. Relax.

M: Ouch. That really hurt! What are you doing anyway? Oh, look at all my hair on the floor. How much are you really cutting off? W: Relax. Time for the shampoo.

M: Hey, you got shampoo in my eyes! Where’s the towel? Oh, gosh, you cut my hair too short. I want to talk to the manager…now! W: I’m sorry, but he, on vacation. M: Ugh! (Text 9)

M: I have with me this evening Louise Graham, a group leader at Ravensfield Outdoor Adventure Center for children. Louise, how long have you been there?

W: Well, before I first went there, two years ago, I thought I’d probably only stay for a year, but after six months or so I really started to enjoy the job. So I’ve been there ever since. To be honest, I was lacking in self-confidence, and when I first arrived, I was a bit worried about making mistakes. I was frightened I might put children in danger because of my inexperience. M: What’s the best thing about your work?

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W: One thing I like is seeing them have so much fun, even if sometimes their behaviors aren’t perfect. And I can suggest activities that haven’t been tried before. But there are always some children who haven’t quite got as much ability as others, and for me the most rewarding part of the job is getting them to succeed in things they haven’t managed to do before. It’s hard work though. Sometimes you are on duty at night.

M: Mm, what do you think about that?

W: Well, I can say I look forward to starting work at 10:00 p. m., but the kids have to be looked after 24 hours so someone has to do it and all the staff take turns. (Text 10)

W: A new report says giving children money to pass exams does not help the exam grades. Parents could be wasting their money by doing this. Researchers in England and the USA said the promise of a trip to somewhere nice could get students to try harder and do better at school. Researchers looked at how promises of cash and trips affected studying and learning. They looked at the test scores of over 10,000 pupils. Many students tried harder in class and did more homework, but this did not help them get better test scores. The lead researcher said they looked at the wrong areas. He said they needed to look at the things that got students to work harder. He said, “Some pupils have a lot of goals and believe that education is a way of getting what they want out of life, but there are kids who think that working hard doesn’t make a difference.” He said these children think exam success is due to genes and family background. An education expert said good teachers were more important than money, especially for children from poor families. He said good teaching makes a big difference.

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