北京市西城区2015-2016学年八年级下期末英语试卷含答案 下载本文

2. What do you often do together?

3. Share one memory of something you did together and describe your feelings about it.

北京市西城区2015 — 2016学年度第二学期八年级英语口试




1. What clothes should I take to LA?

2. Do you feel nervous when you speak English? 3. They fight a lot, but they really love each other.

4. I’ve just made a model spaceship for our school project.

5. Maybe she doesn’t fell very sure of herself in her new school.


Polite expressions

In the West, people are quite open about their feelings. Many people hug each other when they meet. People are friendly and informal. They usually use give names, even at work. It is polite for people to say “thank you” very often, even to their family members.

两人对话:(healthy life)

Student A: 喜爱运动; Student B: 喜欢打游戏;





1. Let me have a look.

2. How long have you been like this?

3. It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.

4. We should avoid making any noise in the background. 5. It’s so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing.


Living history

A popular hobby in America and some other countries is to live in the way that people lived long ago. Group of people find out about the past. At the weekend, they dress in the clothes which people wore in the past and live in the way that people did then. They not only enjoy the weekend, but also learn a lot about

life in the old days.


Student A: 喜欢旅游;

Student B: 计划去旅行, 向A咨询,希望得到建议。




1. I don’t want to climb.

2. I think there’s a lesson there!

3. Many things are more expensive in America.

4. They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. 5. I haven’t started yet because I’m not sure how to make it.


International travel can be fun and exiting. You can see new sights and try new things. Here are some tips to make your trip easier:

Begin to pack several days before your trip. Then you won’t forget something important.

Before you leave, look online for information about the place you will go. You can look for directions to different sights and even book hotels or restaurants.

During your trip, find time to relax. Then you will feel less tired and enjoy your trip more.


Student A:在Student B家做客,看到家里书架上放着很多模型汽车,于是俩人开始谈论各自的爱好。

Sometimes I wonder why I ever wanted to drive. This morning as I was backing up the car,I 1 the car behind me. After I dropped off my children at their school,I started driving to a small town thirty miles away,where I had a meeting. While I 2 along a beautiful,quiet country road,suddenly I saw some chickens 3 the road. Before I knew it,I had run over one of them, and the farmer ran out of her house shaking her fist(拳头)at me. It seemed country roads were not so 4 after all,and I decided to take

the highway instead. I turned off at the third exit,and before I knew it there was a police car 5 me. The policeman gave me a $ 150 ticket for going through a stop sign. I swear I didn t see it. Besides,that s a stupid place to put a stop sign.

Anyway,to make a bad day even 6 ,on my way home after I picked up my children from school,my car broke down. It cost me $ 65 to pull it to the nearest mechanic and another $ 400 to get it fixed. Next time I m going to take a taxi.

Some people choose to be vegetarian,but others are vegetarian because of their religion (宗教),their culture,or the place they live. There are vegetarians all over the world,but the country with the most vegetarians is India.

About one billion people live in India,and most follow the Hindu religion. Hindus think it is wrong to kill animals or make them suffer. They think if they do so,they will suffer the same way one day. Hindus believe cows are sacred,and they are respected by people. Therefore,most Hindus do not eat beef.

There are different kinds of vegetarians in the world. Some vegetarians do not eat beef or red meat,but they eat chicken and fish. Some do not eat red meat,chicken,or fish but they eat cheese,butter,eggs,milk,and other animal products. Other vegetarians do not use anything that comes from an animal. Some don t wear wool because it harms the sheep,don t use silk because it hurts silkworms,and don t eat honey because they do not want to hurt bees. Other vegetarians only eat vegetables;however they do not kill plants. For example,they will not eat carrots or potatoes because when you pick them,the plants die. They will eat apples or pears because picking them does not harm the plant. Some vegetarians do not kill or hurt any animal一not even a fly or a mosquito!

In India,too,there are different kinds of vegetarians. Some Hindus are strict vegetarians.Other Hindus eat all meat except beef, but they only eat it about once a week. Many families eat chicken or lamb a few times a year on special occasions,like wedding. The Hindus from the upper classes do not eat meat or drink alcohol. However,the lower classes eat all meat except beef. The upper classes, or Brahmans(婆罗门),cannot kill anything

that is moving. If they do, they believe they will become that animal in their next lives and will be killed,too.

Hindus follow other rules when they eat. They rinse their mouths,arms,and legs before and after eating to clean themselves. It is a custom for the man of the house to eat thirty two mouthfuls at each meal,chewing carefully and thinking about pleasant things. Strict Hindus do not eat garlic or onions. They believe that foods have characteristics. Some foods are“hot\,others are“cold” They think the strong smells of these foods are too powerful for the mild tastes and smells of other vegetables. Also,in middle class families,many women do not eat meat,but men do. Women think eating meat is something manly. They also connect meat with violence.

Vegetarians are everywhere in both rich and poor countries. In parts of the world such as Africa,the Middle East,and Southeast Asia,meat is uncommon,and therefore it is an easy choice to be vegetarian. Surveys show that in both the United States and Britain about 4 percent of the population is vegetarian. And more and more people are choosing vegetarianism every day. Many people become vegetarian for health reasons. They look and feel better when they stop eating meat. Some famous vegetarians include Leonardo da Vince,Albert Einstein,Thomas Edison.

7. What does the underlined word“sacred\ A. Eatable and to be cooked. B. Dangerous and to be killed. C. Dirty and not to be eaten. D. Godly and worth respecting. 8. What can you infer from paragraph 4?

A. Everyone in India eat all meat except beef. B. Upper classes eat meat on important occasions.

C. Upper classes will become the animals that they eat for food. D. People don t follow the same rule of being vegetarians in India. 9. What does the writer want to tell us?

A. People should eat less meat and more vegetables

B. There are different types of vegetarians all over the world. C. Being a vegetarian is a smart choice. D. Eating meat does harm to people s health. 10. What is NOT a reason why people become vegetarians, A. They want to be pretty.