老挝10大经济特区 - 图文 下载本文

Investment Projects 1. Agricultural Products Industry. 2. Wood Manufacturing Industry. 3. Light Industry. 4. Tourism-Services. 5. Electric Appliance Manufacturing Industry. 6. Machinery Industry. 7. New Energy Industry.

6. Phoukhyo Specific Economic Zone普乔经济特区


园区位于甘蒙省他曲区,2011年动工,土地使用期为99年,总投资额1亿美元,由老挝开发商全额投资开发。园区占地面积365 公顷,地租为2000-2500美元/公顷/年,电费为每千瓦时0.06-0.08美元 ,水费为每立方0.07-0.56美元。园区距老挝-泰国第三友谊桥14公里,该桥连接老挝、泰国和越南三国;且临近通往越南文安(Voung Anh)深水港的第12号公路。此外,该经济区靠近铁、铜、锡、钾和农产品的产地。 2.招商引资对象

●工商业:产品生产和组装、商品市场展销店、自然观光水上乐园 ●商用建筑:酒店式公寓、住宅、老人院

●体育公园:高尔夫球场、室内体育运动、国际体育场馆、竞技体育中心 ●机场和物流产业:航空运输、公路运输、航运服务

●教育领域:幼儿园、小学和中学、民族博物馆、文化中心 ●酒店和娱乐业:三星至五星级酒店、娱乐中心 Location Establishment Total Investment Developer Khammuane Province甘蒙省 2010 (Land Tenure: 99 years) 708,000,000 USD Private 100 % (Lao) Area Electricity Location Advantage 4,850 ha 0.06 - 0.08 USD/Kwh Water Fee 0.07 - 0.79 USD/m3 The project site is located 14 km from the Third Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge and close to Road No.12 as a main route to Voung Anh deep Sea Port Vietnam. - Finance, Education and Public Health sector will be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 3 - 6 years and afterward 3 - 4 % corporate profit tax will be applied. - Tourism, Sport and Agriculture sector will be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 3 - 7 years and afterward 4 - 5 % corporate profit tax will be applied. - Trade, Transportation and Services sector will be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 3 - 8 years and afterward 5 - 6 % corporate profit tax will be applied. - Light Industries sector will be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 3 - 9 years and afterward 6 - 7 % corporate profit tax will be applied. - Industries sector will be granted the exemption of profit tax for a period 3 - 10 years and afterward 7 - 8 % corporate profit tax will be applied. . 1. Commerce and Industries: 4. Airport and Logistic Sector: Tax Incentives by Sector Investment Projects - Industry for Goods Production, Assembly and - Air Transportation. Spare Part. - Road Transportation.