Blender 你的第一个动画 下载本文

Finally, with the Clipping button checked, the mirror plane becomes a border that no vertex can cross. Also, when Clipping is active, every vertex that is on the mirror sticks to it. 最后,当我们勾选Clipping按钮,镜像平面将变得是任何顶点都不能够通过它,也就是说当Clipping被勾选时,每个顶点值只能够被它的镜像被粘住。

As you can see, the Mirror modifier gives us a lot of features to make our lives easier. 正如你所见的,镜像修改器给我们许多功能让我们工作更简单。

Arms and Legs手臂和腿

让我们创建Gus的手臂和腿.使用前面学到的知识, 按B键框选最右边上面的2个顶点 (Extruding the arm in two steps), 实际上也选择了后面4个看不到的顶点,实际一共选择了6个顶点. 按E键挤出它们(或使用工具栏的挤出按钮). 你可以用鼠标移动它们到1.5倍的正方形距离按鼠标左键完成操作. 再次按E键挤出正方形一半的距离. 下图显示了这个过程.

Extruding the arm in two steps.2次挤出手臂 Undo/Redo

Blender 有2个 撤消( Undo ) 功能,一个是编辑 模式另一个是物体模式. 在编辑模式一直按CtrlZ撤消直到设置的允许的值; ? ShiftCtrlZ 是重做. 在苹果系统使用? Cmd 代替Ctrl. 2件事情要记住的:

Undo in Edit Mode works only for the Object currently in that mode.、在编辑模式撤消仅仅工作在物体当前的模式。

? Undo data is not lost when you switch out of Edit Mode, but it is as soon as you start editing a different Object in Edit Mode. ? 当你跳出编辑模式,撤消数据是不会丢失的,但你开始在编辑模式编辑其它的物体除外。


In Object Mode the same shortcuts apply. CtrlZ to undo, ? ShiftCtrlZ to redo. If you made changes in Edit Mode that are not lost for that Object, they will all be undone in one single shot with CtrlZ when this step has its turn. 在物体模式和编辑模式一样的快捷键CtrlZ是撤消 ,? ShiftCtrlZ是重做。在编辑模式物体的改变操作是不会丢失的,可以一直按CtrlZ回到某一步。

If you change your mind in the middle of an action, you can cancel it immediately in many cases and revert to the previous state by pressing Esc or RMB . 如果你在一个操作中改变了主意,你可以立刻按Esc或点击鼠标右键取消它回到前面的状态。

Coincident vertices

Extruding works by first creating new vertices and then moving them. If in the process of moving you change your mind and press Esc or RMB to cancel, the new vertices will still be there, on top of the original ones! The simplest way to go back to the state before you started extruding is to Undo (CtrlZ). It is sometimes useful to intentionally create new vertices this way and then move, scale or rotate them by pressing G,S or R.



Gus 选择应该创建了左臂 (GUS面部朝向我们) 和Blender自动添加了右臂.我们使用同样的方法挤出下面的顶点3次创建出左腿. Try to produce something similar to the Body image shown to the right.如果你使用Extrude 命令, you will have to temporarily turn off the Mirroring modifier by unchecking the X option under Axis, and rechecking it after extruding (otherwise Gus will end up with a skirt rather than pants).

你可以按住鼠标中键左右移动你挤出(E)的点,在你点击鼠标左键前. If you do not do this your legs will end up going straight down, rather than down and to the side as pictured in Body.

提示:如果你想要准确的安置, 可以按住Ctrl移动.

我们使用了镜像模型. 接下来我们将使用其它的技术.我们的模型右边部分其实是没有东西被固定的除非你应用Apply了. 使 Gus 工作在物体模式Object Mode (按TAB键可以返回到编辑模式),点击镜像修改器的 Apply 按钮.

The Head 头

Gus needs a head. GUS需要一个头


精确地移动准心(cursor)到Gus 身体上的某一个正方形上。要放置准心到一个特定的网格点,点击鼠标左键放置准心到你想要放置地方的附近按 ? ShiftS 弹出吸附Snap菜单.选择 Cursor to Grid 将精确地放置到一个网格点上。这就是我们想要的。对于要精确地放置准心到选择的物体,有时是很方便的. 添加一个立方体作为Gus的头部 (? ShiftA >> Add >> Cube) (图Adding the head最右边的图像).



现在按G键向下移动新创建的立方体。你可以按住鼠标中键让立方体向下直线移动.将 Gus新的头部向下移动1/3网格单位点击鼠标左键完成操作 (图Adding the head最右边的图像).

Adding the head.添加头部

SubSurfaces (Subsurf) 细分表面