新视野大学英语第三版答案 下载本文


since its economic reform and opening-up to the world, china’s education has gone through rapid development and made remarkable achievements. the chinese government gives top priority to the development of education, persists in revitalizing the country by science and education, and fully advocates quality-oriented education. meanwhile, it actively promotes equality in education to guarantee everyone access to education. china’s achievements in education can be reflected in two different layers: one is the popularization of the nine-year compulsory education; the other is the

realization of mass higher education. the development of education has made significant contributions to china’s

economic development and social process. in recent years, to satisfy the needs of social and economic development, the chinese government had sped up the training of qualified personnel urgently needed in various fields. unit7

在所有美国人的信念中,最基本、最强烈的信念可能就是崇尚个人自由。要理解美国人,最重要的也许就是了解他们对“个人主义”的热爱。生活中他们很早就开始受到教育,把自己看成独立的个体,对人生中自己的处境以及自己的前途命运负责。美国人认为自己的思想和行为高度个性化。他们不愿被视为任何同质群体的代表。如果确实加入了群体,他们也认为自己有特别之处,与同一个群体中的其他成员有着些许的差别。与美国人对个人主义赋予的价值紧密相关的是他们对个人隐私的重视。美国人认为,人“需要有自己的时间”或者“有时间独处”,用来思考事情,或者恢复他们所消耗的心理能量。美国人很难理解那些总想与人结伴、不爱独处的外国人。 integrity and harmony are traditional chinese virtues.

“harmony” is demonstrated in various aspects. in regard to interpersonal relations, traditional chinese thoughts hold that “harmony is most precious” and “a family that lives in

harmony will prosper”. a harmonious social environment can be created based on these principles. as for relations between human beings and nature, people should learn to understand, respect and protect nature. harmony is essential to

interpersonal relations, relations between human beings and

society, as well as between human beings and nature.

nowadays, harmonious development is still the way of running the country and managing talented personnel. with the

development of china’s society, economy and culture, the idea of “harmony” goes even deeper into people’s hearts. china is on its way toward the goal of building a harmonious socialist society. unit8

作为世界上唯一一个真正具有普遍性的世界组织,联合国已经成为处理超越国界、而且任何一个国家都无法独立解决的问题的首要论坛。 联合国最初的宗旨是维护和平、保护人权、建立国际公平主义的框架以及促进经济和社会进步。 近年来,联合国又面临着新的挑战,诸如气候变化、国际恐怖主义和艾滋病等。 现在,解决争端及维护和平仍然是联合国最主要的任务。除此之外,联合国及其专门机构还致力于各种旨在改进世界人民生活的活动, 从赈灾到教育和妇女进步,再到原子能的和平使用。联合国及其专门机构推动世界成为一个更加友好、更加宜居的地方, 为全世界人民带来了福祉。 since the founding of the people’s republic of china, china has persisted in the independent foreign policy of peace, and made tremendous progress in foreign affairs. by 2011, china had established diplomatic relations with 172 countries. over recent years, with the enhancement of its comprehensive national strength, china has been playing an increasingly

important role in international affairs, and china’s international status has been further enhanced. in regional affairs, china actively promotes all kinds of regional cooperation. it has made important contributions in maintaining regional peace and promoting regional development. china’s diplomacy will hold high the banner of “ peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit”. on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence and through all-round and friendly cooperation with various countries, china will make uemitting efforts to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.