心形曲线,生日蛋糕matlab程序 下载本文

%%心形曲线 clc; const=0;

x=-5:0.05:5;y=-5:0.05:5;z=-5:0.05:5; [x,y,z]=meshgrid(x,y,z);

f=(x.^2 + (9/4)*y.^2 + z.^2 - 1).^3 - x.^2.*z.^3 - (9/80)*y.^2.*z.^3-const; p=patch(isosurface(x,y,z,f,0));

set(p, 'FaceColor', 'red', 'EdgeColor', 'none'); daspect([1 1 1]) view(3)

camlight; lighting phong;grid on


% Following code bakes a birthday cake for someone special to whom you % wanna surprise on his/her birthday with a cake in MATLAB ;) %

% This is a chocolate flavored cake decorated with cheries on top ...... % yyuummmyy :) :) %

% Lighted birthday candle has been put up on cake; Think of a wish and blow % off candle by clicking on flame (yellowish in colour)... and here comes % the celebration with birthday song.. :) :) .. Wish you a very very happy % birthday.. %

% While running code, make sure that PC speakers are ON %

% Cake prepared by Amol G. Mahurkar %

% Birthday_gift.m Revisions %

% Version 1.2 04/25/2013 A/V sync


% Version 1.112/19/2011 %

% Version 1.010/28/2011 %

% Please suggest some extra features you think should be in this birthday gift % %%

function Birthday_gift()

clc; clear; close all;

instruc = ['Happy Birthday !!!!',char(10),char(10),...

'Here is a birthday cake for someone special,',char(10),char(10),... 'Make sure that PC speakers are ON',char(10),char(10),... 'This cake has following features:',char(10),...

'1. Chocolate flavored... and yummy :) :) ',char(10),... '2. Decorated with cheries :) :)',char(10),...

'3. Lighted birthday candle on top of it',char(10),char(10),... 'Think of a wish, and',char(10),...

'Blow off candle by clicking on flame (yellowish in colour, obviously)',char(10),...

'Enjoy your birthday cake!!!',char(10),char(10),... 'And ya, wish you a very happy birthday'];

if(~strcmp('Ok',questdlg(instruc,'Surprise !!!!!','Ok','Cancel','Ok'))) quit; end

global bday_name; global your_name; temp = inputdlg({

'Birthday boy/girl name:','Best Wishes from:' });

bday_name = temp{ 1 };

your_name = temp{ 2 };

clear temp; %% Base

n = 20;

theta = (0:n)/n*2*pi;

sintheta = sin(theta); sintheta(n+1) = 0; m = 11;

r = ones(1,m)';

x1 = r * cos(theta); y1 = r * sintheta;

z1 = (0:m-1)'/(m-1) * ones(1,n+1);

r = [1 1 linspace(0.8,0,9)]'; x2 = r * cos(theta); y2 = r * sintheta; z2 = ones(11,21);

%% Cherry

theta = (-n:2:n)/n*pi; phi = (-n:2:n)'/n*pi/2;

cosphi = cos(phi); cosphi(1) = 0; cosphi(n+1) = 0;

sintheta = sin(theta); sintheta(1) = 0; sintheta(n+1) = 0; x3 = 0.1.*cosphi*cos(theta); y3 = 0.1.*cosphi*sintheta;

z3 = 0.1.*sin(phi)*ones(1,n+1);

%% Candle

x4=0.05.*ones(m,1)*cos(theta) + 0.5; y4=0.05.*ones(m,1)*sintheta + 0.5;

z4 = (0:m-1)'/(m-1) * ones(1,n+1) + 0.5;

r11=linspace(0.05,0,10); r11=[0.05 r11]; r11=r11';

x5=r11*cos(theta) + 0.5; y5=r11*sintheta + 0.5;

z5 = linspace(1.5,1.8,11)' * ones(1,n+1);

%% Flame

theta = (-n:2:n)/n*pi; phi = (-n:2:n)'/n*pi/2;

cosphi = cos(phi); cosphi(1) = 0; cosphi(n+1) = 0;

sintheta = sin(theta); sintheta(1) = 0; sintheta(n+1) = 0;

x6 = 0.04.*cosphi*cos(theta) + 0.5; y6 = 0.04.*cosphi*sintheta + 0.5;

z6 = (linspace(1.7,2,21)')*ones(1,n+1);

%% Cake

[figure1, axes1] = figureset();


again = 1; while(again)

[xin yin] = ginput(1);

if(xin < 0.5 && xin > -1 && yin < 0.6 && yin > -1) again = 0;

load('bday_song_8bit_11025.mat'); % sound(song,11025,8);

obj = audioplayer(song, 11025, 8); play(obj);


[figure1, axes1] = figureset();


eatmore = 'Wanna eat more ?? Use rotate tool or/and zoom in/out tool for it';

msgbox(eatmore); else

while(~strcmp(questdlg('Blow off candle','Click on candle to blow it off','Ok','No'),'Ok')) end

again = 1; end end

function [figure1, axes1] = figureset()

figure1 = figure('NumberTitle','off','Name','Wish you a very very happy birthday');

axes1 = axes('Visible','off','Parent',figure1,'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[1 1 1],...

'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],'CameraViewAngle',10); % 10.7508094342063

view(axes1,[-72.5 30]);


oldRootUnits=get(0,'Units'); set(0,'Units','Pixels'); pos=get(0,'ScreenSize');


maxPos=[-3 27 pos(3)+8 pos(4)-22]; oldUnits=get(figure1,'Units');


set(figure1,'Units','Pixels','ActivePositionProperty','outerposition'); set(figure1,'Position',maxPos,'OuterPosition',maxPos);


%% Cake w/wo flame function


global bday_name; global your_name;

surf(x1,y1,z1,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',...

'FaceColor',[0.200000002980232 0 0]);

surf(x2,y2,z2,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',...

'FaceColor',[0.600000023841858 0.200000002980232 0]);

text('Parent',axes1,'String','Happy Birthday','Position',[-0.57 0.18 1.5],...


'FontName','Monotype Corsiva','Color',[1 0 0]);

text('Parent',axes1,'String',bday_name,'Position',[-0.3 -0.1 1.2],... 'FontSize',28,...

'FontName','Monotype Corsiva','Color',[1 0 0]); text('Parent',axes1,'String',['Best Wishes from ',your_name],'Position',[-1.5 -1.5 1.5],... 'FontSize',28,...

'FontName','Monotype Corsiva','Color',[1 0 0]);

surf(x3+0,y3+0.8,z3+1.1,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',... 'FaceColor',[1 0 0]);


'LineStyle','none',... 'FaceColor',[1 0 0]);

surf(x3+0.8,y3+0,z3+1.1,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',... 'FaceColor',[1 0 0]);

surf(x3-0.8,y3+0,z3+1.1,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',... 'FaceColor',[1 0 0]);

surf(x4,y4,z4,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',...

'FaceColor',[0.925490200519562 0.839215695858002 0.839215695858002]);

surf(x5,y5,z5,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',...

'FaceColor',[0.925490200519562 0.839215695858002 0.839215695858002]); if(flame==1)

surf(x6,y6,z6,'Parent',axes1,'FaceLighting','phong',... 'LineStyle','none',... 'FaceColor',[1 1 0]); end


'Position',[-10.162701816704 -0.924193626363743 14.9951905283833]);

if(flame==0) for i=1:110

view(axes1,[-10*i 20+0.2727*i]) pause(0.205) %0.15 end end % EOF

function [Y,FS,NBITS,encoding_info,tag_info,out] = mp3read(FILE) %MP3READ Read MP3 (\

% Y = MP3READ(FILE) reads a MP3 file specified by the string FILE, % returning the sampled data in Y. Amplitude values are in the range [-1,+1]. %

% [Y,FS,NBITS,encoding_info,ID3v1_tag_info] = MP3READ(FILE) returns the sample rate (FS) in Hertz

% and the number of bits per sample (NBITS) used to encode the % data in the file. %

% 'encoding_info' is a string containing information about the mp3 % encoding used %

% 'ID3v1_tag_info' is a string containing the tag information of the file

% (only ID3v1 tag supported in this version) % %

% Supports two channel or mono encoded data, with up to 16 bits per sample. %

% See also MP3WRITE, WAVWRITE, AUREAD, AUWRITE. a = length(FILE); if a >= 4

exten = FILE(a-3:a); if exten ~= '.mp3'

FILE = strcat(FILE,'.mp3'); end end if a <= 3

FILE = strcat(FILE,'.mp3'); end

if exist(FILE) ~= 2

error('File not Found') end

%%%%%% Location of the \s = which('mp3read.m'); ww = findstr('mp3read.m',s); location = s(1:ww-2); %%%%Temporary file%%%%%% tmpfile = ['temp.wav'];

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Data Decoding using \%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [stat,raw_info] = dos([location,'\\mpg123', ' -w ', tmpfile, ' ', '\

data_init = findstr(raw_info,'MPEG'); blocks = findstr(raw_info,'[0:'); if raw_info(blocks+3) == '0'

error('Error while decoding file. File may be corrupted') end

[Y,FS,NBITS] = wavread(tmpfile); % Load the data and delete temporary file


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tag_info_start = strfind(raw_info,'Title');

tag_info_end = (strfind(raw_info,'Playing MPEG'))-1; tag_info = raw_info(tag_info_start:tag_info_end); encoding_info = raw_info(data_init(3):data_init(3)+53);