译林版英语9A Unit2精品教学案 下载本文

9A Unit2 课 题 9A unit2 color comic strip and welcome to the unit 知识目标 学习目标 能力目标 掌握本课时的重点词汇。 能辨别颜色并向朋友介绍彩虹的颜色。 通过学习有关颜色的词汇,更加热爱绚丽多彩情感目标 的世界。 理解描述颜色的词汇。 正确运用描述颜色的词汇。 课前自学 学习重点 学习难点 一、用颜色描绘这些空格,使句意完整。 1.You can‘t cross the road until the traffic light turns g________. 2.Look at the b_______sky and the w________clouds! What a fine day! 3.I like the p________flower called forget-me-not. 4.What‘s wrong with him? His face is turning w_______. 5.Many people like b______coffee without any sugar or milk in it. 彩虹很美,那么你还记得它有哪几种颜色吗?请写下来:______________ 二、完成下列短语 1. 想要做某事________________ 2..宁愿__________________ 3. 穿在某人身上很好看________________ 4.天上的彩虹___ 5一件粉红色的女式外套______ 6.蓝天__________________ 三、列出所学过的颜色的单词。说说周围有那些东西是有颜色的?它们是什么颜色的? 四、.说说自己所喜欢的颜色,并想一想颜色跟心情有没有联系。 五、.自主做一些带有颜色的卡片。 六、.根据对话找出问题的答案 (1) Which colour does Eddie want to wear ? (2)What is Hobo‘s idea about wearing pink ? (3)What is Hobo‘s idea about Eddie‘s wearing blue ? 课堂交流展示 1. 自主交流展示预习一和二的答案。(教师给予评价) 2. 教师向学生出示两张图片(黑白和彩色各一张),问学生它们之间有什么 不同。 学生分组讨论。(得出答案:one is black and white, another is colorful ) 教师问:Which picture do you like better ? 师:I like the colourful one better than the black and white one . =I would rather choose the colourful one than the black and white one . 宁可……也不。鼓励学生学着表达自己的爱好。(尽量用上would rather……than )并把自己的答案说给同伴听。 3.出示另一张图片:What is this in the sky ? It is a rainbow (彩虹 ) 师出示问题: 第1页

1). Have you ever seen a rainbow ?When can we see a rainbow in the sky ? 2).How mang colours are there in a rainbow ?What are they ? 学生分组讨论,后与邻组进行核对答案,看谁说的最好。 4.核对A部分的练习。让能力强的同学向能力一般的同学解释 indigo 与 violet 的区别。 5.让学生分角色朗读B部分的的对话,并进行扮演。提醒学生按照正确的顺序 说出彩虹的颜色名称。 6.让学生拿出课前准备好的彩色卡片,一问一答,准确的描述颜色,看哪组表现 最棒。 7.已经学过很多颜色并知道自己喜欢的颜色,Eddie和 Hobo 也在谈论颜色, 8.根据课前预习,请听听它们在谈论些什么。完整的播放录音后问。 (1) Which colour does Eddie want to wear ? (2)What is Hobo‘s idea about wearing pink ? (3)What is Hobo‘s idea about Eddie‘s wearing blue ? 同组内讨论答案。每组有代表公布答案。 1.He would rather wear blue than pink. (它宁愿穿蓝色也不穿粉红色) 2.There is nothing wrong with pink .(粉红色没有什么问题) 3.He thinks blue looks good on Eddie . (它认为爱迪穿蓝色好看) 9. 再放录音让学生跟读,注意文中所用的语音语调。围绕文章自己编写一个小对 话在班级进行表演。 课堂达标检测 一、 英汉互译(14) 1. colours of the rainbow 2. nothing wrong 3. would rather wear blue than pink 4. 天空中的一道彩虹 5. 穿在你身上看起来很好 6. 当然 7. 往窗外看 二、根据对话完成下列文章。(12) Eddie wants to ____ clothes. Hobo brings him two clothes, one is ____, the other is ____. Eddie thinks he _____ ______ wear ____ than ____ because ____ is girl‘s colour. Hobo ays there is ______ wrong ____ pink and helps Eddie put on a blue ____. Eddie feels shamebut Hobo says blue _____ good __ him. 三、翻译下列句子。(8) 1.与外出相比我宁愿看电视 2.与待在家相比我宁愿去购物 3.这个人的左腿有问题 4.这件毛衣穿在你身上看起来很美 第2页

课 题 9A unit2 color Reading (1) 知识目标 学习目标 能力目标 情感目标 学习重点 学习难点 掌握文中四会词汇以及描述颜色的短语和句型 了解不同颜色以及所代表的心情 通过了解颜色对心情的影响,在生活中学会适当用颜色来调节心情 通过阅读,了解不同颜色对情绪产生的不同影响。 1.将颜色与性格准确的搭配起来。 2.准确表达出文章的大意。 课前自学 一、我们的世界充满着颜色,说说你最喜欢什么颜色?你知道关于它的趣事吗,试着讲一讲? 二、找出本课时重要的语言知识点(生词、短语、句型和语法),边读边画线并查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题说明。 三、阅读文章,试着从文中找出问题的答案。。 1)How many kinds of colours are mentioned in the text? What are they? 2) What colour represents sadness? 3) What moods can both blue and white create? 4) What colours do people live in cold areas prefer to use in their homes? Why? 5) Should people who wish to have a sunny mood often use yellow? 6) Does green represent different characteristics? What are they? 四、阅读文章,判断以下句子正确与否,正确的打(F)错误的打(T) 1) Different colours may represent characteristics.( ) 2) Blue is a calm colour. It can creat the feeling of joy. ( ) 3)White will make you feel stressed. ( ) 4) Orange and yellow are warm colours. ( ) 5)If you feel tired or weak, you should wear green. ( ) 6)Red represents a strong feeling; it can help you take actions. ( ) 五、理解并概括每段文章的大意。 课堂交流展示


1..自由谈论关于自己喜欢的颜色,并说说原因。(小组交流) 2.对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示并讨论,教师对表现较好进行表扬。 3.让学生回忆前一节课学习的彩虹的颜色。(小组提问形式) 4.告诉学生不同的颜色代表不同的心情,并出示一些图片(风景图),问当你看到这些图 片时有什么样的感受。鼓励学生尽自己最大的能力去表达自己的观点。 听一遍录音让学生讨论预习问题的答案: How many kinds of colours are mentioned in the text? What are they? Four kinds(calm, warm, energetic and strong colours) 5.阅读文章,然后分组回答预习题第二大题的问题。(比赛的形式看哪组回答最好) 1.) What colour represents sadness? 2) What moods can both blue and white create? 3) What colours do people live in cold areas prefer to use in their homes? Why? 4) Should people who wish to have a sunny mood often use yellow? 5) Does green represent different characteristics? What are they? 6. 组内核对预习第三项判断题的答案。有不同意见的提出来全班进行讨论。 7.再次阅读文章后完成28页B2部分练习,对于能力较差的学生由组长负责讲解。 8.把学生分成几组,每组选择一个颜色进行讨论然后站到讲台前面进行描述。看哪组表 现最好。 课堂达标检测 一、根据句意和所给的中文写出句中所缺的词(5分) 1. The report explains what colours can do and the (特征) they (代表). 2. Have you ever walked into a room and felt (放松). 3. It could be because the walls were (涂) blur, a calm and peaceful colour. 4. Shakespeare (创造) many comic characters. 二、词形变化(5分) 1. The little girl looked (happy) at herself in the mirror. 2. Green represents new life and (grow). 3. Jack prefers running to (swim). 4. We had no (difficult) (find) the robber. 5. After he heard the bad news, we could see the (happy) on his face. 二、选用所给词组的适当形式填空(5分) look good on sb, make sb feel, cheer sb up, take action, have difficulty doing sth, hold on, calm down 1. I‘ll colour it orange . You will be happier. 2. Can you help me? I am homework. 3.. You have first when you are caught in a big fire. 4. I think this dress you than that one. 5. Green always me energetic. 三、完成书中28页B1部分的练习,核对答案。教师对各组进行打分。 第4页