国有商业银行发展低碳金融的问题及对策研究 下载本文




关键词:国有商业银行 低碳金融 绿色信贷 碳交易

Title The study of problems and countermeasures to the development of low carbon financial in the state-owned commercial bank Abstract

China is the largest developing country in the world, so it should play an actively advocate role in the tide of the low carbon economy. And in the process of the implementation of low carbon economy, low carbon financial development is an important problem that we needed to face. Now China's state-owned commercial bank have made the grade in the development of low carbon financial, but it is in the initial stage, because the low carbon product innovation is not enough and the relative of lack of policy support. These problems still restrict the further development of the low carbon finance in our country. As a developing country, China must combine with the own national conditions, and this will have the important meaning when we use low carbon financial system to promote state-owned commercial bank development. Base on the research results of low carbon financial in China, this paper mainly make a study of some low carbon financial problems of state-owned commercial bank in China. First of all, this article reviewed the research background and significance, and then give the concept is defined to low carbon financial, and lay the foundation of this paper. Secondly, this paper introduces the position of the state-owned commercial banks in the financial system in China, and systematically expounds about present situation and the existence question of development of the low carbon financial in the state-owned commercial bank, and analyzes the causes of the problems. Then, according to China's national condition and the present problems, we put forward some countermeasures to the state-owned commercial bank. Finally, make a summary and outlook in the low carbon finance career of state-owned commercial bank development.

Keyword state-owned commercial bank low carbon finance green credit carbon trading

目 次

1 引言............................................................. 1 2 国有商业银行发展低碳金融的必要性................................. 3 2.1 我国经济发展模式转型的需要...................................... 3 2.2 应对全球变暖的需要.............................................. 4 2.3 国有商业银行社会责任感的需要.................................... 4 2.4 银行盈利能力增长的需要.......................................... 5 3 国有商业银行低碳金融战略实施的现状和问题......................... 5 3.1 国有商业银行低碳金融的发展现状.................................. 5 3.2 国有商业银行发展低碳金融中存在的问题............................ 7 4 国有商业银行发展低碳金融的建议与对策............................ 10 4.1 引进和培养低碳金融人才......................................... 10 4.2构建完善的低碳金融体系 ......................................... 10 4.3 完善低碳金融法律法规........................................... 11 4.4 加强低碳金融的国内和国际合作................................... 12 结 论............................................................. 14 致 谢............................................................. 15 参 考 文 献........................................................ 16

1 引言


