CATIA CAA关于workbench和adding的二次开发 下载本文



4. 添加CreateCommands和CreateToolbars方法

1). NewAddin.h头文件


// COPYRIGHT DassaultSystemes 2013

//=================================================================== //

// NewAddin.h

// Provide implementation to interface

// CATIPrtWksAddin


//=================================================================== //

// Usage notes: //


//CAA2 Wizard Generation Report


// TIE: CATIPrtWksAddin

//End CAA2 Wizard Generation Report //

// Apr 2013 Creation: Code generated by the CAA wizard Administrator



#define NewAddin_H

#include \

#include \ //黄底为代码中添加的语句,以下相同



* Class representing xxx. *

Role: Provide the basic class function...


* It implements the interfaces :



  1. @hrefCATIPrtWksAddin



* @hrefClassReference, Class#MethodReference, #InternalMethod... */

classNewAddin: public CATBaseUnknown {

CATDeclareClass; public:

// Standard constructors and destructors for an implementation class

// -----------------------------------------------------------------

NewAddin ();

virtual ~NewAddin ();


CATCmdContainer * CreateToolbars();


// The copy constructor and the equal operator must not be implemented

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

NewAddin (NewAddin&);

NewAddin& operator=(NewAddin&); };


#endif 在其中:


●添加头文件包含语句:#include \;

2). NewAddin.cpp源文件


// COPYRIGHT DassaultSystemes 2013

//=================================================================== //

// NewAddin.cpp

// Provide implementation to interface

// CATIPrtWksAddin //
