2019-2020学年上海市杨浦区初三第一学期英语一模期末考试卷(word版含答案) 下载本文

67. Could you tell me where to park the car?(保持句意基本不变) Could you tell me where _________ _________ park the car? 68. find, new skills, you, it, do, to learn, difficult(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

Ⅵ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)

A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)

Crystal was a reporter for her school’s newspaper, The Real Story. She’d done several different kinds of stories before, but never anything like the story she was about to do. During an interview, the school nurse, Mrs. Jones, had told Crystal that the school had a secret basement. Crystal was eager to find out what was in the basement. It could be just about anything! So Crystal asked the newspaper’s advisor, Mr. Adair, if she could do a feature on the school’s basement. He agreed with her that basement might be a fascinating story, especially since a lot of people weren’t even aware that it existed.

Crystal got permission from the headmaster to go down into the basement as long as some teachers went with her. So Mr. Adair and Mrs. Jones accompanied Crystal when she went to explore the basement. The guard unlocked the basement door, and Crystal and the two teachers slowly descended the narrow staircase. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Mrs. Jones turned on the light, and she, Mr. Adair, and Crystal began to look around.

Crystal soon discovered a large set of bookshelves with a collection of old dusty books on them. “What are those?” she wondered aloud. Neither of the two teachers knew, so Crystal made her way over to look more closely at the books. They turned out to be yearbooks from every year since the school opened. For almost an hour, Crystal, Mr. Adair, and Mrs. Jones paged slowly through the yearbooks. They joked about the old-fashioned clothes and hair in the oldest books, and they commented on some of the people they recognized. All of a sudden, Crystal knew the next feature she wanted to write. These books were the school’s story just waiting to be told.

69. How did Crystal know about the basement?

A. From Mr. Adair. B. From Mrs. Jones. C. From the headmaster. D. From the newspaper. 70. The underlined word “descended” is closest in meaning to “_________”. A. touched B. checked C. went down D. fell on 71. Which of the following about the basement might be TRUE?

A. It is no longer in use these days. B. It used to be a school clinic C. Some clubs hold meeting there. D. Few people dare to visit it. 72. How did Crystal feel about her experience?

A. Frightened. B. Embarrassed. C. Disappointed. D. Excited. 73. Crystal’s next featured topic is most likely to be “_________”.


A. the school nurse B. the old yearbooks C. the lost fashion D. an underground library 74. What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To amuse readers with a personal story B. To warn children not to take adventures. C. To describe how a reporter got a story. D. To explain how a mystery should be solved.

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) Have you ever tried playing the kind of video games that your parents played? The Museum of Science in Manchester, in the UK, has held an exhibition for the last few years, which invites visitors to do __75__ that. It offers them the chance to play games from the last 40 years, in various sessions throughout the day.

These video game sessions have now become one of the main attractions of the museum. They are full of people every day, playing a wide range of games. However, visitors often choose the ones they’re __76__. For parents, for example, these are usually the games they used to play in their childhood.

There’s also a(n) __77__ purpose to the games. For instance, some old types of computer, dating back 40 years, are also available in the sessions. They were originally used in classrooms to teach pupils to write their won computer programs. And at the time, it helped lots of young people to do that. Now, the museum is holding workshops that encourage children to learn similar skills -- and they’re still very popular.

The exhibition also shows how much __78__ technology has made over the last 40 years. Parents can often remember playing very simple games. But the games that are played today are more complex. They have better story-lines and animation, too. And the players also have to use much more complicated techniques.

___79___, one serious side of the exhibition is that organisers also want to show that video gaming is an important industry, employing many skilled people. So they hope the exhibition will __80__ this message. That way, people who enjoy gaming will also understand all the hard work, talent, imagination that goes into creating these amazing games.

75. A. especially B. exactly C. directly D. mainly 76. A. ready for B. poor at C. connected to D. familiar with 77. A. dramatic B. official C. historical D. educational 78. A. response B. progress C. knowledge D. impression 79. A. However B. Therefore C. In fact D. In conclusion 80. A. link B. check C. share D. record

C. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。)


A rare experience

Imagine the situation. You’re walking down the crowded high street and s__81__ a complete stranger stops you and says, “Hi! You were on the beach in the south of Spain six years ago. How are you doing?” This stranger isn’t necessarily m__82__. He or she might be a “super - recogniser”. These are people who have the unusual ability to recognise people they have seen only once -- a long time ago, maybe in a crowed. Whatever the differences in looks

It doesn’t matter what the person looks like now. People change, get different hair styles, dye their hair or go grey. Wrinkles, new glasses and makeups give them new a__83__, but the “super - recognisers” can still recognise them. An inborn skill

Although scientists have known for a long time that about 2% of people suffer from face - blindness, which means that they have huge problems recognising faces, they are only realising that some people are the exact o__84__.Tests have shown that a “super - recogniser” can identify people that they only saw for a brief moment -- and this is not an ability that we can d__85__, it’s something we are born with. A great h__86__

The police are starting to use “super - recognisers” to spot criminal faces in videos of crowds. They look for people with a specific build and facial features like beards and moustaches but they can even recognise quite o__87__ people, with no noticeable features at all. As well as surprising our holidaymaker in Spain six years later, this ability can be used for a very practical purpose indeed.

D. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)

The once was a king who wanted to find the answers to what he considered the three most important questions in life. The three questions are : when is the right time for every action, who are the most important people , and what is the most important thing to do? The king consulted learned men, promising he would richly reward anyone who could answer the questions, but their answers didn’t satisfy him. In the end, he decided to visit a wise hermit who lived in the woods. The hermit would speak only with common people, so the king put on simple clothes. When he got close to the hermit’s hut, he ordered his bodyguards to wait behind. He approached the place and found the hermit digging. He asked the wise man his three questions, but the hermit didn’t respond. Seeing how old and weak the hermit was, the king began helping him dig. The king dug for hours, but the hermit never answered his questions. Just as the king was about to leave, a wounded man came running to the hut and fainted before them. Then the king carried the wounded man to Hermit’s hut and took care of him. The king was exhausted and fell asleep as well. When he awoke, he talked with the man, who said that he had wanted to kill the king but was wounded by his bodyguards. He asked for forgiveness and promised to serve the


king faithfully.

Afterwards, the king went outside and repeated his questions to the hermit once more. The hermit replied, “If you had not helped me dig earlier, you would have left and been killed by the man. So, the most important man back then was me, and the most important time was when you were digging. The most important thing to do was to be kind to me. When the wounded man arrived, he was the most important person, and saving him was the most important thing. By doing so, you made peace with an enemy.”

The king finally had his three answers. The most important time is the present, as it’s the only time we have the power to act. The most important person is the one you are with, and the most important thing is always to __92__.

88. Was the king satisfied with the answers given by learned men? 89. Where did the hermit live?

90. Why did the king help the hermit dig?

He thought the hermit _____________________________________________. 91. Who was the wounded man?

92. What best fits the blank in the last sentence?

93. What were the king’s rewards after he helped the hermit and the wounded man? He __________________ and ____________________________________.

Ⅶ. Writing (作文)

94. In 60-100 words, make up a two-turn dialogue according to the given situation(根据所给情境编一篇60-100词的两个轮次的对话。标点符号不占格,对话的开头和结尾已给出。) Situation: Tome Brown, a 40-year-old P. E. teacher, saved a boy from being knocked down by a car. Crystal school reporter wanted to write an article about his good deed(事迹). She interviewed Tom Brown.

The interview begins like this:

Crystal: Mr. Brown, May I ask you a few questions? Tom Brown: Sure. Please go ahead.

Crystal: _______________________________________________________________ Tom Brown: _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Crystal: ________________________________________________________________________ Tom Brown: ___________________________________________________________________
