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10 In his study of coyotes, Hope Ryden tells how pairs can be observed curling up together,

hunting mice together, and greeting each other with elaborate displays. Ryden describes two coyotes

mating. Afterward, the female tapped the male with her paw and licked his face. Then they curled up

to sleep. This looks a lot like romantic love. Whatever distinctions may be made between the love of

two people and the love of two animals, the essence frequently seems the same.




11 An animal raised by another species will often show affection for a member of that species when

it grows up. Gavin Maxwell tells of an otter called Tibby, who was raised by a man who lived on an

island off the coast of Scotland and who got around with the help of a walking stick. When he became

seriously ill, he took Tibby to Maxwell and asked him to look after the otter. The man died not long after.



蒂比带到马克斯韦尔处,托付他照顾。不久后他便去世了。 全新版大学英语综合教程1课文对照翻译 BY12020212 - 39 -

12 Tibby made a habit of escaping and visiting the nearest village. There she found a man who used

a walking stick. She tried to build a nest under his house, but he chased her away.

蒂比经常要逃到邻近的村子去看看。它在村里找到一个使用拐杖的男子。它试图在他屋檐下做窝,可那人把它 赶走了。

13 A short time later Tibby disappeared again. One day

Maxwell received a call from a person who

had been alarmed by an otter that had acted strangely, even trying to follow him indoors. \

by any chance use a walking stick, do you?\过了一段时间,蒂比又失踪了。一天,马克斯韦尔接到一个电话,那人对一头行为怪异,甚至想跟他进屋的水


14 \in the world could you know that?\

“是呀,” 他回答说,声音里露出惊讶,“可你究竟是怎么知道的呢?” 15 (4) While the idea of love among animals has been generally rejected by science, doubts

remain. For stories such as these suggest that some animals may experience joy, love and heartbreak remarkably like our own.

(4) 虽然科学界普遍不接受动物间存在爱的看法,但是疑问并未消除。因为这些故事表明有些动物可能体验着

和我们人类极其相似的快乐、爱情和悲伤。 Unit 7 Emergency

Part Text Ⅱ A “Kids on the Track!” At first it seemed as if it might just be an old box or rags ahead of the train. But then they realized just what it was.

初看上去像是一个旧盒子或破衣裳。可紧接着他们就明白过来到底是什么了。 \Jack Murphy

1 Monday, May 1, 1989 was a pleasant morning in Ramsey, N.J. Kate Pritchard bent over her

car trunk and struggled with the bags of groceries she'd just brought home. She heard the distant

cry of a locomotive horn. The trains of Conrail passed less than 300 feet from the Pritchards' house.

No fence separated their backyard from the track ─ only a thick row of trees. But, her sons,

3?-year-old Todd and 18-month-old Scott, were nearby, playing on the driveway. “铁轨上有孩子!” 杰克·墨菲

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2 \groceries away. Then we'll go inside and have lunch, okay? \

“就呆在这儿,”凯特说,“妈妈去把食品放好,然后我们进屋吃午饭,好吗?” 3 \thumbs-up gesture he'd seen his father make.

“好!”托德一面说,一面竖起大拇指,做着他以前看他父亲做的这个手势。 4 \echoed Scott, trying to copy his older brother. “好!”斯科特随声应和,试着模仿他哥哥的样子。

5 They watched their mother enter the house with several bags.


6 Kate shut the refrigerator and hurried outside. Good. The boys were playing right where she'd left them.


7 As she lifted more bags from the trunk, Kate heard a train race past ─ a passenger express, she

judged from its speed. She carried more bags into the house. 当她从车后行李箱里又提出几个袋袋时,凯特听见有一列火车疾驶而过 —— 是特快客车,她根据车速判断。 她又将几个袋袋拿进屋去。

8 The sounds of the train apparently drew the boys' attention to the track. After making their

way through the trees, they climbed to the top of the steep roadbed, knelt down along the railroad and began to play.


9 A few thousand feet west, a freight train rolled slowly toward the children. Overhead lights

signaled to engineer Rich Campana that the passenger train ahead was out of the way, and they

could resume their normal speed of 40 miles per hour. The engineer adjusted the accelerator, then

turned to conductor Anthony Falzo, a man, medium in height and strongly built, who had worked

for Conrail for almost half of his 35 years.




10 \“你周末都干点啥,安东尼?”

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11 \messing around ─ a little TV, then bed. What else?\


12 Campana smiled. \Hey, you'd better cool down, Anthony ─ you're getting to be a real party animal!\


13 The two men laughed. They were still laughing as the train began gathering speed, moving at 21 miles per hour. 两人哈哈大笑。就在他们大笑的时候,正以21英里的时速运行的机车开始加速。 14 Rich and Anthony spotted something ahead at the same instant.


15 \answer. Staring intently, he was

trying to identify the curious shape on the track ahead. A box? Old rags?

“那前面是什么?”司机问道。安东尼没回答。他目不转睛盯着前方看,试图辨识前方铁轨上那怪形怪状的东西。 是盒子?还是旧衣裳?

16 Suddenly both men realized what it was. Rich threw on the emergency brake and pulled on the air-horn handle with all his strength.


17 The horn's blast and Anthony's words exploded at the same time: \


18 Anthony sprang through the cab door onto a narrow running board six feet above the wheels and

raced to the front of the swaying train. Climbing quickly down a steel ladder, he paused at the

bottom, two feet above the roadbed flashing by.
