高中英语单元综合检测3(含解析)牛津译林版必修2 下载本文

The strong economic development since early 1990s has led to the narrowing of the living environment for elephants. The forests,which were once their habitats, have been replaced by rice,coffee and rubber farms,or factories,water dams and roads.Meanwhile,the large forests with precious wood have been cut down for money.

【语篇解读】 全亚洲的大象都面临严重威胁,特别是在印度和泰国。然而,越南的情况更是格外令人绝望,野生动物保护组织已经感到无能为力了。

8.What does the author intend to tell in the passage? A.Vietnam's elephants are in great danger. B.Most elephants are killed for food in Vietnam. C.Measures have been taken to care for elephants. D.Vast forests are being cut down in Vietnam.

A [主旨大意题。这篇文章讲述了目前越南大象所处的危机状况。文章开头的“gave the warning that in Vietnam the 150 elephants were in the danger of becoming extinct”表明了文章主题。因此选项A正确。]

9.The elephants in Vietnam become endangered . A.because the poachers have done much killing B.because elephants disappear for some reasons C.because the government fails to do its duty D.because elephants have lost all their habitats

C [细节理解题。依据文中第二段的“Though the...do more to protect its elephants.”可知,虽然在越南偷猎者还不能让大象完全消失,如果越南政府不实施措施保护大象,大象灭绝是一件预见中的事。因此选项C正确。]

10.The second paragraph implies that . A.Frank Momberg visited the training center B.most people were against Frank Momberg C.people got a ray of hope at one time D.no one likes to conserve the wildlife

C [推理判断题。依据文中第二段的“At that time,people kept optimistic...wildlife conservation plan.”可知,在那个时候,人们对这个项目的可能性持乐观态度,认为这将有助于实施野生动物保护计划。因此选项C正确。]

11.The conservationists have given in because . A.the National Park covers too small an area B.there are only 29 elephants alive in the center C.the illegally hunting happens frequently

D.the local officers killed the elephants

C [细节理解题。依据文中第三段的“However,the small scale...protect the lives of elephants.”可知,这个规模小的中心和有限的资金不能有效地让官员阻止非法狩猎大象。因此选项C正确。]


Robert Jarvik,born on May 11,1946 in Michigan and raised in Stamford,is a medical scientist and researcher,who played an important role in the invention of the artificial heart.He was interested in medicine from a young age.He watched his father perform operations and gained a patent(专利权)for a machine applied in the medical operation before he graduated from high school.

Jarvik attended Syracuse University and considered a career in art.When his father developed heart disease suddenly,he decided then to work on a medical career.He applied to medical schools,but was not admitted to any schools in the US.Before long,he was admitted to the medical school in Italy and stayed there for two years.He returned to get a degree in medicine from New York University in 1971.

After working for a period of time,Jarvik got a job in the organ transplant(器官移植)program at the University of Utah in 1972.He worked with the director of the program,Willem Kolff,who invented the kidney dialysis(肾透析)machine.

By the time Jarvik came to the University of Utah,the organ program had already developed the primary artificial heart.He improved it by creating a diaphragm (横膈膜),which solved many issues with the heart.Eventually,he created the first artificial heart in 1981,the Jarvik-7,to be placed in a human patient,which was considered one of the most important inventions in human history.

Barney Clark,a retired dentist suffering from serious heart disease,received the Jarvik-7 transplant on Dec.2,1982.He lived for 112 days after the operation,but the transplant was considered a success.Though receiving criticism for the risk referred to transplant an artificial heart,the Jarvik-7 still became very important for patients who were waiting for a heart.In 1987,Jarvik moved to New York City and formed Jarvik Research Inc.He began developing a new heart—the Jarvik 2000.This smaller machine fits inside a patient's heart rather than replacing the entire organ.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇人物传记。主要介绍了美国著名的医学科学家——Robert Jarvik在发明人造心脏方面做出了巨大的贡献。

12.What method does the writer use to develop the passage? A.By comparing opinions from different fields.

B.By following the natural time order. C.By discussing research experiments. D.By presenting some research results.

B [细节理解题。本文是一篇人物传记,主要介绍了美国著名的医学科学家——Robert Jarvik在发明人造心脏方面做出了巨大的贡献。通读全文可知,作者依据时间先后顺序对Robert Jarvik进行了介绍。]

13.What do you know about Robert Jarvik from the passage?

A.He was good at observation and made an invention when he was young. B.He was born and raised in the same place where his parents worked. C.He began to help his father from a young age when he performed operations. D.He was admitted to an American medical school soon after he graduated from college.

A [推理判断题。根据第一段“He watched his father perform operations and gained a patent(专利权)for a machine applied in the medical operation before he graduated from high school.”可知Robert Jarvik看他爸爸做手术并在高中毕业前获得一项专利,由此可以推断他善于观察并做出了发明。]

14.Which of the following incidents made Robert Jarvik determine his life-long career?

A.He received a patent for the medical operation.

B.He was refused to be admitted to any medical school in the US. C.He took part in the organ program at the University of Utah. D.His father developed heart disease suddenly.

D [细节理解题。根据第二段“When his father developed heart disease suddenly,he decided then to work on a medical career.”可知,Robert Jarvik是在爸爸突然患心脏病之后决定把医学作为自己的职业的,从此以后他一直在医学领域发展。]

15.What is the greatest achievement for Robert Jarvik as a medical scientist? A.He created the first artificial heart in 1981. B.He invented the kidney dialysis machine.

C.He did the first heart transplant operation for a heart patient. D.He created a diaphragm to fit inside a patient's heart.

A [细节理解题。根据第四段“Eventually,he created the first artificial heart in 1981,the Jarvik-7,to be placed in a human patient,which was considered one of the most important inventions in human history.”可知,Robert Jarvik创造了人类历史上第一个人造心脏,这是他作为医学科学家的一个最伟大的成就。]


The eyes are the windows of the soul.Having a pair of bright,clear eyes is very important,so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.

16 Don't read while lying down or walking.Relax after every hour of reading. Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.

Don't stare at the sun or try to read in the darkness. 17 This can damage your eyes easily.

Get your eyes checked often.Not many people have this habit,but it is necessary.If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes,get them checked quickly. 18

19 You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes.A small break will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.

Be careful when you choose your glasses. 20 .Make sure your glasses are right for you.If they don't feel right,get your glasses changed.

A.Develop good reading habits. B.Rest your eyes whenever you can.

C.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.

D.Glasses that aren't suitable for you could bring you trouble. E.Even if you're wearing sunglasses,never look directly at the sun. F.Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.

G.Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems. 【语篇解读】 眼睛是心灵的窗户,所以一定要保护好我们的眼睛。要养成良好的阅读习惯,要让眼睛定时休息,不要盯着太阳看,还要佩戴合适的眼镜。

16.A [下文说的是不要躺着或走路时看书,每读一个小时的书之后要让眼睛休息一会儿,所以上文应该是告诉我们要养成良好的阅读习惯。故答案应为A。]

17.E [上文说“不要盯着太阳看也不要在黑暗的地方读书”,下文说“这样很容易伤害你的眼睛”,故E项“尽管你戴着太阳镜也不要直接看太阳”衔接上下文,故答案选E。]

18.F [上文说“如果你感觉眼睛有了问题,要快点去检查。”所以下文应是“通过定期检查,眼睛的问题能够早发现和治疗”,故答案选F。]

19.B [根据下文“You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes.”可知,本段讲的是让眼睛休息,故答案选B。]

20.D [上文说“当你选择眼镜的时候,要当心”。所以下文应是“不合适的眼镜会使你的眼睛出问题”,故答案选D。]