[K12学习]2018版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Module 5 Great People an 下载本文


Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China

Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空导学号 58082302

1.As we all know, there are four important _inventions__ (invent) in ancient China.

2.We should work hard in order to make great _contributions__ (contribute) to the cause of socialism.

3.He is a very _influential__ (influence) man in the company, so everyone would like to follow his advice.

4.In my opinion, _honesty__ (honest) is the most important part of friendship, because I hate being cheated.

5.The students had an _argument__ (argue) with their teachers about their uniforms.

6.Women want _equality__ (equal) of opportunity with men. 7.Please leave the building in an _orderly__ (order) fashion. 8.My parents gave me total _freedom__ (free) to do whatever I liked. Ⅱ.完成句子导学号 58082303


_In_conclusion/In_a_word/In_short/In_brief__, I think the best way to make a friend is to be one.


How long do you think the two countries will be _at_war_with__ each other? 3.我引以为豪的儿子结果没有考上大学。

My son _who/whom_I_was_proud_of或of_whom_I_was_proud__ failed to be admitted to a college.


I find that country life really _agrees_with__ me. 5.他们已把儿子们抚养长大,能自食其力了。

They have _brought_up__ their sons to stand on their own feet. Ⅲ.句型训练导学号 58082304 (Ⅰ)用适当的关联词填空

1.The only reason _why__ I went was _that__ I wanted to meet your friends. K12学习教育资源


2.The reason for the party is _that__ it's Sue's birthday.

3.The reason _(that/which)__ he explained to us is _that__ he hadn't read it before.



Can you work out a way _that/in_which__ we can solve this problem? 2.事故确实是在几天前发生的。

The accident _did_occur__ the other day. Ⅳ.语法填空导学号 58082305

根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to _1.those__of Confucius.Mencius was born in 372 BC.His father died when he was young,and he_2.was_brought__ (bring) up by his mother.He became a student of Confucius's ideas,and was then _3.given__ (give) an important position in the government of state._4.However__,when he saw that the ruler was not _5.following__ (follow) his advice,he resigned.For many years he travelled from state to state,teaching _6.the__ principles of Confucius.He then became an _7.adviser__ (advice) to another ruler.He spent his last years _8.preparing__ (prepare) a book called The Book of

Mencius.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is

_9.that__ man is good.He believed that people were more important than rulers,and hated the state when it treated people _10.badly__ (bad).

Ⅴ.话题写作导学号 58082306


1.Li Huan _held_a_senior_position__ in a large company and he _was_equal_to_his_job__.


2.During his work he always _stressed_the_importance_of_honesty_and_justice__,making him_become_an_influential_figure__ in his company.

在工作期间,他总是强调诚实和公正的重要性,这使他成为公司有影响的人物。 3.All his workmates thought he_made_great_contributions_to__ the development of the company.

他的同事都认为他对公司的发展做出了极大的贡献。 组篇公式:适当加入过渡词



