½­ËÕÊ¡2016½ìÖп¼Ó¢ÓïÈË»ú¶Ô»°¿¼³¡Çé¾°¶Ô»°£¨Ð£© ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

There are three people in my family.

Who are they?

They are my father, my mother and I. [42]

ÎÒϲ»¶Ñ§Ï°ÉúÎÒòΪÑо¿¸÷ÖÖ¸÷ÑùµÄ¶¯ÎïºÜÓÐȤ¡£ Which subject do you like best? I like biology best.

Why do you like it so much?

Because it is very interesting to study all kinds of animals. [43]

ÎÒÏëÈ¥º£ÄÏÂÃÓΣ¬ÄÇÀïµÄº£Ì²ºÜÃÀÀö¡£ What's your plan for this holiday? I want to travel to Hainan.

Can you tell me the reason?

Of course, I can. Because the beach there is very beautiful. [44]

ÎÒÐÇÆÚÌìÈ¥Âò»¨£¬Ë͸øÓ¢ÓïÀÏʦ¡£ What are you going to do on Sunday? I'm going to buy some flowers.

Who will you buy them for?


For my English teacher. [45]

ÂÖµ½ÎÒ´òɨ·¿¼äÁË£¬ÎÒÒªÏÈÈ¥²Á´°»§¡£ Whose turn is it to clean the room? It's my turn.

What will you do first? I'll clean the windows first. [46]

ÕâÆ¿Å£Ä̱äÖÊÁË£¬ÎÒÉÏÖÜÁùÂòµÄ¡£ What's wrong with this bottle of milk? It has gone bad.

When did you buy it? I bought it last Saturday. [47]

ÎÒÔÚѧУÃÅ¿Ú£¬ÎÒºÍLucyÒ»¿é¶ùÈ¥·Å·çóÝ¡£Where are you?

I'm at the school gate.

What are you going to do? I'm going to fly kites with Lucy. [48]


ÎÒÃ÷ÌìȥͼÊé¹Ý½èÊ飬ÎÒÏë½èÒ»±¾ÓйصçÄÔµÄÔÓÖ¾¡£ What are you going to do tomorrow?

I'm going to borrow a book from the library.

Which kind of book do you want to borrow? I want to borrow a magazine about computer. [49]

ÎÒ½ñÌì±ØÐëÍê³É¼ÒÍ¥×÷Òµ£¬Ã÷Ì콫Ҫȥ±±¾©ÂÃÓΡ£ Can you play basketball with me now?

Sorry, but I have to finish my homework today.

Why can't you finish it tomorrow? I will travel to Beijing tomorrow. [50]


What are you going to do for summer holidays? I am going to visit Hong Kong for summer holidays.

How long will you stay there? I'll stay there for a week. [51]

ÎÒÔÚÄϾ©¹¤×÷£¬×ø·É»úµ½±±¾©ÐèÁ½¸öСʱ¡£ Where do you work? I work in Nanjing.


How far is it from Beijing?

It takes two hours to fly to Beijing. [52]

ÎÒ×òÌìÍíÉÏ¿´ÁË¡¶±äÐνð¸Õ¡·ÕⲿµçÓ°£¬¾õµÃËüºÜ¸ÐÈË¡£ When did you watch the movie Transformers? I watched it yesterday evening.

What do you think of the movie? It's really moving. [53]

ÎÒÀ´×ÔÖйú£¬ÖйúÓÐ13ÒÚÈË¿Ú¡£ Where do you come from? I'm from China.

What's the population in China? China has a population of 1.3 billion. [54]

Õą̂еçÄÔÊÇTomµÄ£¬¼Û¸ñÊÇ8,000Ôª¡£ Who does this new computer belong to? It belongs to Tom.

How much is it? It costs 8,000 yuan.