外研版三起小学英语四年级下册教案[1] 下载本文


Lingling had a headache yesterday, and today she’s got a fever. Step 2:Learn the sentences:

T: Now I’ll give you 8 minutes to read the text with your partners . If

you’re have questions, please hands up. OK, Ready , go.

(学生读课文,把刚才不会的,可以请教老师或者同桌,及时解决自己不会的单词或者句子) Step 3: Check


2. 老师利用开火车游戏进行抽测,有错即停,并请其他学生给予纠正. 3.读错的单词和短语板书于黑板上,并请学生再读。 Step 4: Homework 1、Read the text two times. 2、Copy the sentences three times.

(要求:①在四线格内书写 ②用手写体书写 ③书写要认真、细心、端正、漂亮) 四、板书

Unit 2 got a stomached had a cold got a headache got a fever
