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Lesson 10

10.3 中国与欧盟的关系 女士们、先生们、朋友们:

今天,我很荣幸给大家介绍欧盟的一些情况以及欧盟与中国的关系。 欧盟全称叫欧洲联盟,是在欧洲共同体基础上有25个独立的国家组成的,目的是为了加强政治、经济和社会合作。原来叫“欧共体”或“欧洲经济共同体”。


欧盟25国总面积400平方公里,差不多半个中国的面积。总人口数为4.544亿,排行第三,仅次于中国和印度,约占世界总人口的7%。 欧盟同一货币为欧元,2002年一月正式启用。到目前为止,已经有12个欧盟国家用欧元取代其本国货币。同一货币使旅行和价格比较容易些,它还为欧洲的商业往来、刺激增长和竞争创造了一个稳定的环境。





10.4 中国与东盟的关系

A. Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? and how many member countries does it have now?

B. 东盟于1967年8月成立,目前有10 个成员国,它们是文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南。

A. Besides these 10 member countries, ASEAN also always holds the 10+1, 10+3 meetings. Does this mean that ASEAN has some dialog partners?

B. 是的,东盟有10 个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本、俄罗斯、新西兰、韩国和美国。

A. What is the area that ASEAN covers? How many languages are spoken in this region? What is the total population?

B. 东盟地区面积大约有450万平方公里,有14种官方语言和7种主要的宗教信仰。人口总数在2000年一共有5.12亿。

A. 4.5 million square kilometers is about half of China’s territory, such a big regional organization neighboring China. How is the relationship between ASEAN and China?

B. 东盟地区不止是范围广阔,而且在经济、政治和科学技术方面也是举足轻重的地区。所有的东盟成员国都是中国的友好邻居。自从上世纪90年代起,中国与东盟的关系一直很好,政治关系更加密切。 A. Could you give me some data?

B. 在中国与东盟的关系中,经贸、科技方面的合作是基本的组成部分。1994年的贸易总额从120亿美元增加到235亿美元,其中中国的出口是109.2亿美元,进口是125.6亿美元。双方的相互投资过去几年也不断增加。东盟在劳动力合作和项目开发方面已经成为中国的重要市场。中国和东盟已经同意用8年的时间创建世界人口最密集的自由贸易区。

A. The relationship is very good economically, and how about politically? B. 东盟是一个非常活跃的地区性组织,在发展相互了解和互信、捍卫地区国家间的和平与发展起到非常活跃的作用。中国与东盟的友好合作证明,国家无论大小、他们可能有不同的历史背景、社会制度、发展水平、文化传统以及价值观,但是只要他们遵守和平共处五项原则,他们一定会和谐共处,共同发展。

10.5 Diplomatic work for the people

It is true that we have been working every effort to serve the purpose of doing diplomatic work for the people. On the international stage, in order to do good and practical things for the people, we have to rely on our friends. In this regard, Chinese leaders have played an exemplary role. They have made many good friends for China in the world. Last year, President Hu Jintao, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the NPC, Premier Wen Jiabao and Chairman Jia Qinghong of the CPPCC visited a total of 34 countries. During their short yet tightly scheduled visits, they conducted extensive activities. Last year alone we received 29 visiting heads of state, 23 heads of government and 42 foreign ministers.

In addition, different departments and industries across the country have been engaged in other diplomatic activities so as to make friends for the motherland and do practical things for the people. The inter-parliamentary, party-to-party and military-to-military diplomatic activities between China and other countries are fairly active, and a large number of Chinese NGOs are also active players in the international arena, such as the Chinese Youth League, the All China Women’s Federation and the All China Federation of Trade Unions. Many Chinese cities have also established twin-city relations with their foreign counterparts.

At present, China has 235 diplomatic missions abroad staffed with over