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Environmental hazards truly affecting health status in the country are not those receiving the highest attention, whether measured by public opinion polls , news coverage, congressional actions ,or government expenditures.


Indoor air pollution ,in its various forms, receives relatively little attention compared with outdoor sources and yet probably accounts for as much ,if not more, poor health .Hazards waste dumped ,on the other hand, which are difficult to associate with any measurable ill health ,attract much attention and resources .The same chemicals in the form of common consumer





cleaners ,pesticides, and fuel (gasoline), account for much more exposure and ill health and yet comparatively little concern from the public.



Several explanations exist for this difference in perceptions ,the major ones relating to the fact that the public uses a number of criteria other than health risk to establish its concerns .However ,this mismatch between real and perceived risks has significant consequences .In a world of finite financial resources ,when money is used to reduce risks that have little measurable health impact ,there is less to spend on interventions that address more significant risks. 几种解释这种差异存在于认知,主要的影响因素,公众使用许多健康风险以外的标准建立的担忧。然而,这和现实之间的不匹配风险具有显著的后果。在金融资源有限的世界,金钱是用来减少几乎没有可衡量的健康影响的风险,减少花在干预措施,解决更重要的风险。

Some researchers argue that the public is frequently misled by the politics of public health and environmental safety .This is understandable since many prominent people become involved in such issues and use their public image to encourage people to look at issues from a particular point of view.


Whatever the issue , it is hard to ignore the will of the people ,particularly when sentiments are firmly held and not easily changed. A fundamental issue surfaces concerning the proper role of government and other organizations in a democracy when it comes to matters of risk. Should the government focus available resources and technology where they can have the greatest tangible impact on human and ecological well-being, or should it focus them on problems about which the public is most upset ?What is the proper

balance ?For example ,would adequate prenatal health care for all pregnant women have a greater effect on the health of children than removing asbestos from all school buildings?


Obviously, there are no clear answers to these questions .Experts and the public ,however ,are both beginning to realize that they each have something to offer to the debate .Many risk experts who have been accustomed to looking at numbers and probabilities are now conceding that a rationale exists for looking at risk in broader terms .At the same time ,the public is being supplied with more data to enable them to make