牛津深圳版九年级英语下Module1Unit1练习题有答案 下载本文

Unit 1 Great explorations

一.根据提示语及音标,完成下列句子。 1. Zheng He is a famous _________ (探险家) .

2. The boat is not in a condition to make a long _____(旅行) to London. 3. An ______( 官员)of the local government called to see him. 4. We try to maintain good _____(关系) with our customer. 5. We should learn a _________ (外国的) language.

6. The main impediment to _____(发展) is the country's large population. 7. It is raining outside,I have ___________(['n??hwe?])to go but stayed at home. 8. Do you know the biggest _________ (['k?nt?n?nt]) in the world? 9. Zhang Qian was a ________ ([pa??'n??])in setting up the Silk Road. 10. This is a ____([s?lk]) shirt.

二.根据句子意思,用所给的单词的适当形式填空。 1. You should avoid unnecessary ___________(repeat). 2. Bill Gates is an ______ citizen. (America)

3. The new _______ caused a great sensation. (discover) 4. ______ have very long necks.(giraffe)

5. Peoples in _____ are living in penury. (African) 6. Without wisdom,_____is worthless.(wealthy). 7. He is a government _________ (office). 8. The ________(develop) of China is great.

9. It seemed that __________ (everywhere) was too far for Zheng He to visit. How about the _______((relate) between you and your friends? 三.词语释义

1. My father returned with a big toy car. A.came


C.came back

2. How was your journey to the West Lake? A.travel



3. China trades with other countries. A.set up relations

B.buys and sells goods


4. Besides Tom,I like the bike. A. Beside

B. Except

C. In addition to

5. Eating too much meat can lead to serious illness. A.cause

B.take C.spread



1. Guangzhou is known _____ the Goat City. A. to B. by

C. for

D. as

2. Plenty of foreign firms have _____ factories here. A. set up

B. sets up

C. set off

D. sets off

3. The boy is old ____ _____look after himself. A. so; that

B. enough; to

C. too; to

D. such; that

4. Mum, may I go ____ a trip to Beijing? A. to

B. for

C. on

D. of

5. Does John know any other foreign language _______French? A. except B. but C. besides D. beside

6.Our English teacher,as well as we students _____ not ____Chinese in the English corner. A. is;allowed to speak B. is;allowed speaking C. are;allowed to speak D. are;allowed speaking 7.The boy _______ born in Shanghai ten years ago. A. was


C. is

D. been

8. Marco Polo wrote a book _______ The Travels of Marco Polo. A.call




9.He did not want to tell me __________. A.what did he see

B.what he see

C.what does he see

D.what he was

10.She works hard at English.Now she is _______ in it. A.more and more interesting C.less and less interesting

B.more and more interested

D.less and less interested

五.根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。 1.玛丽是如此喜欢这部电影,所以她想再看一遍。

Mary likes this film_________ _________ ________ she wants to see it again. 2.在去黄山旅游时,我们初次领略了大自然的神秘。

We _________ ________ ________ _________ _________ at the mystery of nature on the trip to Huang Shan.


I like singing ____ ____ ____dancing. 4.这个工厂一年前建立的。

The factory ____ ____ ____ one year ago.



Lao She ____ ____ _____ “People’s Artist”. 6.长大后,她成为了一名作家。

When she __________ __________, she became a writer.. 7.他是如此好的一个学生以致于许多老师都喜欢他。

He is _________ ________ ________ that many teachers like him.. 8.他太累了走不动了。

He was ________ ________ _________ walk.


The maths problem is _______ _______ for us _______ work out. 10.他足够大了可以去上学了。

He is _____ ____ _____ ____ to school.