新标准大学英语视听说教程第三册听力原文 下载本文

plot of land near the sea.The local community wanted him to have a bigger home and despite the small size of his plot of land,they built him a three-storey house,which is now the tallest in the village. A happy ending to such a horrific tragedy.

The rebuilding here has also had a positive effect on the local economy,because the earth bricks that were used to build the homes were produced in Khao Lak,another tsunami hit island——all part of a post-tsunami livelihood development project.

Talking to people here,I've discovered that the project not only provided them with much needed shelter,but also the process has helped rebuild a spirit of community amongst them.A host of foreign as well as local volunteers joined together to work in rebuilding the villagers' homes and lives,and even an American TV celebrity volunteered.

The project has also been visited by former US president Jimmy Carter,who is an active supporter of Habitat for Humanity.He and his wife offer one week of their time every year to volunteer on construction projects around the world. It's certainly encouraging to see the strength of the human spirit and generosity of people who help others in times of need. Habitat for Humanity is continuing their work in the south of Thailand,helping poor local families and communities to improve their lives.Their \scheme encourages families to save 30 per cent of the cost of building or rebuilding their home.The charity then lends the family the rest of the money they need,and helps in the building of their new home.It's then paid for in monthly repayments of under $30,which supports those who want to build a better life for themselves.This is Marianne Harper reporting from Southern Thailand...

Uint 9

Listening in Part 1

OK,so a little test .Coca-Cola...Nike...ferrari.Think!What image did you get as I said these very famous brand names?Wait a moment.There?s no real need to answer,is

there,because we know,more or less,don?t we?Coca-Cola—that delicious fizzy drink,ice cold,on a summer?s day. Nike, running shoes for strong,beautiful bodies.Ferrari—an attractive,powerful car for attractive,powerful people.The fact, the names, the brand names say it all.what?s in a brand

name?Ideally,everything!Everything the manufacturer wants you to think of when you hear the name.that?s certainly what both customers?exeprience and research tells us.it?s the reasons why manufacturers attach such importance to choosing the right name for their products.

Let?s have a look at some of the qualities a good brand name should have.Firstly ,it should be simple and easy to remember.Imagine if Coca-Cola had been namd “Cocafantaslicola”.It?s just too long!Or,take other

name—starbucks,the name of a famous coffee shop.now,that?s an easy name to remember,starbucks. Second point,the brand name should be

different,unique,something you can?t confuse with anything else.Like Coca-Cola.Or—let?s take another famous brand name—Microsoft.It combines two words,micro,meaning very small,and the word soft.Two words that together make a unique name—Microsoft.

Thirdly,if the word is a real word,it should be strong,positive associations.Take the name Alfa Romeo,Alfa is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and has the association of the best or the strongest.Romeo is the name of the most romantic lovers of all in a famous Shakespeare play.Alfa

Romeo—strong,romantic.The words have great association,don?t they?

Forth point,the sound of the name is very important.take

Ferrari.The word has a long vowel sound—“aaari”—that makes it sound luxurious.So Ferrari must be a luxurious car.How about Coca-Cola?It?s got a sharp,fizzy sound,just like the drink.

So—all these things are what you should be looking for when choosing a brand name—something

simple,memorable,unique,with positive association and a great sound.whew!It?s not easy,is it,to choose a name that does all those things?But the very best brand names do exactly that. Part 2

Interviewer: Clare, tell me about the names in your family. You say some of them have quite an interesting history.

Clare: Yes, they do. Well, ok, I?ll begin with my own name. My maiden name was Habibis, but I?m married and my name?s Clare Thompson.

Interviewer: Thompson.

Clare: Yes. I don?t know much about the names or my husband?s side of the family, so I?ll talk about my own instead…OK, so…my full name?s Clare Elsie Thompson. “Elsie” is my middle name , which used to be a very old-fashioned name. in fact, it?s just come back into fashion-I met someone who called their baby ”Elsie”-but when I was younger it was the kind of name that made people laugh and I hated it.. Anyway, my parents wanted to name me after my grandmother, whose name was Elsie Clare, so their first idea was to call me Elsie Clare. Interviewer: Elsie Clare!

Clare: Yes, but when they told my grandmother, she was horrified, and said, “you can?t do that to the child, I?ve had to put up with Elsie all my life, I don?t want her to have to” . So they called me Clare Elsie instead. Interviewer: Sounds better!

Clare: Yes…My father?s surname is Habibis . My mum?s English but he was Greek, so that was the name I grew up with. But Habibis isn?t a Greek name. It?s a Middle Eastern name and means “loved one” in Arabic. Interviewer: Really?

Clare: Yes, and the reason for the surname, we discovered, is that my great-grandfather on my father?s side lived in Lebanon—there was a well-established Greek community there. And my great-grandfather was a very sociable, friendly kind of

person and everyone liked him a lot so they gave him the name, “Habibi”,which means “loved one” Interviewer: Ah, that?s lovely!

Clare: Yes, I do like that story. But my father had a great first name too. He was called Homer, after the Ancient Greek poet. Interviewer: The English would see that as a very unusual name, but I suppose the Greeks wouldn?t, would they?

Clare: No, I don?t think so. But one of his brothers was called Mitton.

Interviewer: Mitton , the 17th century English poet?

Clare: Yes. And you wouldn?t think that a Greek family would call their son after an English poet, would you? But they did!

Unit 10 Inside view Conversation 1

Andy: So today, we're meant to be meeting a woman who does walking tours around mysterious London.

Janet: What's that about?

Joe: Aha! That's what we're going to find out. Apparently, she takes visitors round the mysterious sights of London. Anyway, ask her yourself! Janet: Why me?

Andy: We were going to ask you, Janet, if you like to do the interview?

Janet: Me? But I don't know anything about London!

Andy: Which makes you a perfect person to ask some real questions.

Janet: I don't believe it.

Joe: And if you're any good, we'll upload your interview next week.

Janet: I'm not sure what to say .It's great but are you absolutely sure you think I'm OK for this?

Joe: Too late, here she comes. Hi, this is Janet……

Janet: Emma, tell us about some of the legendary characters in London.