2020高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero知能演练轻松闯关 新人 下载本文

C Susan Brownell Anthony was a lady ahead of her time. She fought for women’s rights long before they became a popular issue. Susan was born on February 15, 1820, in Adams,Massachusetts. At that time, women had few rights. They could not own property. Money earned by a married woman belonged to her husband. Major decisions regarding children were made by the fathers. Women could not vote. At the age of 15, Susan became a schoolteacher. She taught for 15 years. Then she began organizing women’s groups to promote causes that were important to women. She helped gain better educational rights for women. She helped give married women possession of their earnings. After the Civil War, Susan became very involved in the women’s suffrage movement. After years of lecturing, writing,and appealing by Susan and other women, some parts of the United States changed their laws to give women the right to vote. The first state was Wyoming in 1869. Other areas and states gradually followed Wyoming’s decision. It was not until 1920 that the U.S. Constitution was changed to give all women voting rights. Susan Brownell Anthony died in 1906 at the age of 86. She was elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950. She was the first American woman to have a likeness(肖像) of her face on a coin. It was the 1979 Susan Brownell Anthony dollar. 【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了美国历史上著名的女权运动领袖Susan Brownell Anthony.她努力为妇女争取了财产权、投票权等权利. 7.What was the situation of American women like when Susan was born? A.They had low social status. B.They could vote after getting married. C.They managed money for their husbands. D.They were responsible for decision-making. 5 / 15 A 解析:细节理解题.根据第二段中的“At that time, women had few rights. They could not own property. Money earned by a married woman belonged to her husband. Major decisions regarding children were made by the fathers. Women could not vote.”可知,在那时,女性没有什么权利,地位是低下的,故A项正确.B、C和D项均与此表述不符. 8.What is the third paragraph mainly about? A.Susan’s teaching experiences. B.Susan’s educational background. C.Susan’s efforts to abolish slavery. D.Susan’s fighting for women’s causes. D 解析:段落大意题.通读第三段尤其是“Then she began organizing women’s groups to promote causes that were important to women.”可知,本段主要讲述Susan Brownell Anthony为争取女权而斗争的情况,故D项正确. 9.What does the word “decision” in the fourth paragraph refer to? A.Promoting the social movement. B.Changing the U.S. Constitution. C.Giving women voting rights. D.Uniting other areas and states. C 解析:词义猜测题.根据第四段第二句中的“some parts of the United States changed their laws to give women the right to vote”可知,在Susan Brownell Anthony的努力下,美国一些地区修改了法律,给了妇女投票权;结合该段第三、四句可以判断,画线词指代“给妇女投票权”这一决定,故C项正确. 10.What may be the best title for the text? A.The First American Woman to Invent Coins B.The Problem of Women’s Rights in the U.S. C.The Most Popular Women Organizations D.A Pioneer in Fighting for Women’s Rights D 解析:标题归纳题.通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了美国历史上著名的女权运动领袖Susan Brownell Anthony.她为妇女争取了财产权、投票权等权利.据此可知D项最适合作文章标题. Ⅱ 七选五 1.________,and others have them rarely.Tantrums are a normal part of child development.They are the way young 6 / 15 children show they’’t get something (for example,an object or a parent) to do what they want. 2.________. ’t yet say what they want,feel,or need,a frustrating experience may cause a tantrum. 3.________. 4.________—more than they may be able to handle.This can lead to power struggles as a child thinks “I can do it myself” or “I want it,give it to me”.When kids discover that they can’t do it and can’t have everything they want,they may have a tantrum. So try to prevent tantrums from happening in the first place,whenever possible.Give plenty of positive attention.Get in the habit of catching your child being good.Reward your little one with praise and attention for positive behaviors.Most importantly,keep your cool when responding to a tantrum.Don’ A.Some kids may smile all the day B.Some kids may have tantrums often C.You may wonder how long a tantrum will last D.As language skills improve,tantrums tend to decrease E.Kids want independence and control over their environment F.Learning to deal with frustration is a skill that children gain over time G.Remind yourself that your job is helping your child learn to calm down 【解题导语】 本文是一篇科普类说明文.文章介绍了1岁到3岁的孩子容易发怒的原因及这种情绪得到缓解的原因,告诫家长应当遇事冷静,并帮助孩子们养成冷静的习惯. 1.B 解析:根据上文“They’”可知,1岁到3岁的孩子发怒很正常;结合该句中的“and others have them rarely”可知,一些孩子可能会经常发怒,但是另一些孩子很少发怒.故B项正确. 2.F 解析:空格处在该段结尾,其作用是总结该段内容并引起下段内容;通读该段内容可知,该段主要陈述孩子发怒是表现他们不开心或沮丧的方式,下段内容是说随着年龄的增长,孩子们的语言技能得到提升,他们也就不那么容易发怒了.F项“久而久之,孩子们就拥有处理这种沮丧的技能了”承上启下.故F项正确. 7 / 15 3.D 解析:根据空格上一句可知,处在这个年龄阶段的孩子由于无法用言语表达他们的需要,所以会发怒.D项“随着语言技能的提高,发怒的行为将会减少”承接上文,符合语境.故D项正确. 4.E 解析:根据该段第二句可知,孩子们总是在想“我能自己完成”或者“我想要,给我吧”;据此可以判断,E项“孩子们总是想要独立并控制他们的环境”与该段内容相符.故E项正确. 5.G 解析:根据空格后一句可知,该处建议遇到问题首先自己要冷静.G项“你要想着你的工作就是帮你的孩子学会冷静”与此构成因果关系,衔接紧密.故G项正确. 语言运用与写作规范练 Ⅰ 完形填空 I worried about my personal image and how I could be remembered during my boyhood.In the fifth grade,there seemed to be only one__1__—to be cool.In the sixth grade,suddenly,there were two choices:be cool,or be invisible.__2__,one day,when a teacher had us fill out a questionnaire with__3__questions,I found the__4__option. Assuming(假定) the teacher would read our answers privately,I felt it was__5__to share my privacy.To my__6__,she collected and redistributed(重新分发) them to us.We were asked to__7__the name and our three favorite answers to the whole class.My answers went to the meanest boy in class. The first question was “What’s your favorite movie?” My answer was Beauty and the Beast.A laugh erupted and my cheeks__8__.The next was “Where would you like to travel?”My answer was__9__special—“Wherever a book takes me.”The__10__this time had an explosive quality. I could__11__remember what happened next;all that I had in mind was the laughter.But something amazing happened.A(n)__12__came,“Guys,cut it out.”The room went__13__.It’s Michelle Siever,a popular and cool girl.Then she__14__,“Why are you laughing?What is the point of__15__if we just laugh at others?” I can’t remember the teacher or other kids’ names,but I remember Michelle’s When she__16__for me that day,she__17__me we actually have three choices if we want to be remembered. 8 / 15