大学生网络游戏成瘾现象分析及应对策略 下载本文

学校编号:10472 论文编号:

新 乡 医 学 院


_ 大学生网络游戏成瘾现象分析及应对策略__

Analysis and Coping Strategies for Online Game Addiction among University Students

学 号:__ ___ 姓 名:_____丁 小 浩_______ 年 级:_____2 0 0 4 级_____ 专 业:___应 用 心 理 学___ 指导教师:_____李 昊______ 提交日期:___2008年6月8日___


摘 要


普及和互联网的蓬勃发展,上网已成为大学生日常生活的重要组成部分。随之而起的网络游戏,也超出想象地影响了大学生的学习和生活。网络游戏势如破竹迅猛前进,不少大学生已不知不觉成为网络游戏的受害者,把宝贵的网络资源和自己有限的经济资源用在网络游戏上,并且沉迷其中。网络游戏成瘾不但耽误学业,对身体造成伤害,并且严重影响了大学生心理健康。网络游戏成瘾已经成为当代大学生日益突出的心理健康问题,也给学校的管理和教学带来了诸多问题,并引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本文以大学生网络游戏成瘾的现状及其危害的相关研究为基础,从网络游戏的特点、学校、社会、家庭、个人性格等方面探讨了大学生网络游戏成瘾的主客观因素,提出了应对策略,如学校加强管理,社会加大监管力度,家庭正确培养,个人自我管理等,并采用适当的心理治疗手段进行矫正,以帮助大学生认清网络游戏,养成良好的网络生活习惯。 关键词:大学生;网络游戏成瘾;应对策略

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Analysis and Coping Strategies for Online Game

Addiction among University Students


In recent years, the quantity of the Internet bar around the university and personal computer increased unceasingly, with the popularization of the campus network and vigorous development of the Internet, surfing on line has become an important component of university students' daily life. Along with it, the online games also affect university students' study, which have surpassed the imagination. The online games go forward so swiftly and violently with irresistible force that many students have become the victim of the online games. They play online games with precious network resource and limited economic resource, and wallow in them. Online game addiction, not only delays studies and causes damages to the body, but also influences psychological health of the university students seriously. Online game addiction has already become the prominent mental problem of the contemporary university students day by day, it also brought many problems to the management and the teaching in school, and it has caused the widespread attention of the community. This paper, based on the related researches of the present situation and the harms caused by online games, discusses the subjective and objective factors which cause the university students being addicted to online games, and proposes some strategies to prevent being addicted to online games to help the university students recognize the online game and foster good habits in network.

Key words: university student;online game addiction;coping strategy

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