专四英语词汇测试练习 下载本文

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. picked up their bodies. A. infants ideas. A. rarity

B. picked over C. put up D. put out

14. Eighty percent of mothers cradle their __ in their left arms, holding them against the left side of

B. hoses

C. handkerchiefs

D. fences

15. Lack of jobs and __ of money might lead to us all becoming more inventive in our fashion

B. shortage

C. short

D. rare

16. Her youth had passed without ___, and her middle life was devoted to the care of a failing mother, and the endeavor to make a small income go as far as possible. A. disposal

B. distance

C. distortion

D. distinction

17. The ___ that John Reith adopted as the voice of the BBC was the one already identified by Daniel Jones as the 'Received Pronunciation'. A. sound

B. accent

C. noise

D. dialect

18. Volney wrote that during his journey in 1796 through the length and ___of the United States, he scarcely travelled for more than three miles together on open and cleared land. A. width

B. broad

C. breadth

D. wide

19. Good and evil oppose each other in the Academic sailor and the depraved master-at-arms, but they mysteriously ___ into each other too. A. behave

B. blend

C. bend

D. baffle

20. In class where such a grading \information for fear that their own grades will suffer. A. eager

B. willing B. effect B. longed

C. indifferent C. purpose C. loved

D. reluctant D. result D. desired

21. But we get the wrong idea if we think the only __ of advertising is to sell goods. A. influence A. needed A. fund A. sole A. landed A. rely

22. As the 1970's began, many people ___for a simpler way of life.

23. I simply can't build up my hopes on a ___ of confusion, misery, and death.

B. foundation C. construction B. broken B. anchored B. respond

C. sour C. gathered C. resist

D. founding D. sore D. endured D. recover

24. In some parts of central Africa, many children are suffering from ___throat. 25. I jumped down the step, ___ in the soft sand at the side.

26. No man can truly know love for others unless he can __ to it himself. 27. Nancy monitor in the class, was ready to ___heavy responsibilities.

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英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. take from A. sympathy A. injection

B. take over B. signal

C. take for D. take on D. signature D. proportion

28. What he talked about showed his simplicity, his ___with humble things.

C. passionate

29. There are risks associated with ___of any medication, even if given by a nurse.

B. persuasion C. conjunction

30. It is said that television had an enormous influence on ___and bitter blacks for it showed them how much better whites on the whole lived than blacks. A. fruitful Section B

1. If you want a visa, be sure to submit your application in good time. A. send for A. preliminary A. forbidden A. employ A. comport

B. send in B. initial B. specified B. usurp B. mixer

C. put aside

D. put down D. relevant D. revised D. deploy D. component D. innocence D. think D. epoch D. c1othmg

2. The speaker made a few introductory remarks about his subject.

C. progressive C. preserved C. utilize

3. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres cinemas and restaurants. 4. Hard-working farmers were eager to exploit technological innovations.

5. His blend of transcendence and particularity makes him a forbear of contemporary poets.

C. combination C. shame C. stimulate C. event C. grape

6. Hawthome's stories expose the corrupting powers of guilt and pride. A. unlawful activity B. blame A. rectify

B. submerge B. epilogue B. grease

7. He began to speculate. It was not for this --- and it could not be for that. 8. This horrible problem was only an extraneous episode. A. anecdote A. grain conscience. A. article Section A

1. Since no one has volunteered, I hereby name the following to serve on the ___ committee. A. entertainment

B. amusement

C. fun

D. play

2. Mary ___ at Jim to show that she wanted to leave the party.

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B. fundamental C. frustrated D. patriotic

9. Both of us shivered violently in our soaked garments of thin cotton.

10. Roger William's pamphlet effectively challenged John Cotton's right to deny anyone's liberty of

B. paragraph C. small book

Test 16

D. passage

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. made a sigh A. fastened A. quicken

B. made a face B. tied B. hasten

C. made a symbol D. made an eye C. wrapped C. speed

D. bound D. expedite

3. She ___the buttons of her coat and left the house.

4. The Zambezi river does not ___to the falls. It slides flat across the plain.

5. When it is ____ to catch the animals the tiger has been accustomed to eating, it is driven by necessity to killing human beings. A. unable A. brains building. A. Granite A. give ..back A. hand on A. towing A. spoke

B. Limestone B. give ..for

C. Sandstone D. Cobble C. give ..out C. hand in C. touring C. uttered C. at heart C. stand for C. tribune C. specific

D. give ..over D. hand out D. toiling D. yelled D. with her heart D. stands by D. tribunal D. spectral

8. I hope that the holiday will ___ me __ good spirits.

9. Will you help me ___the test papers as the students enter the examination room?

B. hand over B. tracing B. wailed B. in heart B. stands off B. tribute

10. In the darkness we could see that he was ___one boat to another. 11. He ___at me when he was shot in the leg.

12. She looked like a girl who was happy and loved meeting people, but ___she was very timid. A. from the heart A. stands on A. tributary A. spacious A. withdrawing A. go upon A. write in

13. The party ___ equality in employment, and fair trading.

14. Tom is a man of no small intelligence and his friend pays a high ___to his ability. 15. The book gives ____ instructions on how to make a desk.

B. spectacular B. withholding B. go without B. write out

16. Older people are complaining that the old values are ___ away in this free society.

C. withstanding D. withering C. go with C. write on

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B. enable C. allowed C. tact

D. forced D. wisdom

6. She didn't want to go but he used a lot of ___to get her to go.

B. intelligence

7. ___ is a common, coarse-grained, light-colored, hard igneous rock used in monuments and

17. Certain kinds of wine ___certain kinds of food.

D. go together D. write off

18. After the crash, the insurance company agreed to ___ the car as a total loss.

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

19. All the noblemen tried to ____ the sword from the stone, but only the true king was able to do so because of the magic in it. A. wrench A. in a spot A. draw

B. wreck

C. wrestle

D. wrinkle

20. The news of important events is often broadcast ____ over television.

B. on the spot B. suspend B. fright

C. at the spot D. to the spot C. admit C. temper

D. drive D. agony

21. The only way to deal with that boy is to ____ him from school for a week. 22. His wounds became infected and he died in ___. A. astonishment cold and distant. A. desirable A. drafts

B. available B. goods B. discusses B. thrive B. splashed

C. advisable C. forks C. improves C. gain C. split

D. profitable D. interests D. imposes D. progress D. spurred

24. Most countries are striving to advance the ____ of their own population.

25. Biologically, there is only one quality which ___us from animals: the ability to laugh. A. distinguishes A. profit

26. Now that the highway is finished, the shopping center should ___. 27. The big man ____ at the security guard with a knife and grazed the ribs. A. stabbed

28. Be aware of the sellers who are full of ____ and will make you buy what you'll soon find isn't worth the money you've spent on it. A. sin

B. mistrust

C. deceit

D. guilt

29. As he sang under the open sky to an ____ of thousands, a shouting, angry crowd gathered around the field. A. item

B. army

C. audience

D. organization

30. Throughout the country Negroes used to be allowed neither in the major baseball leagues nor in the ___leagues. A. tiny Section B

1. I am exceedingly grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son. A. excitedly A. looked

B. excellently B. felt

C. extremely D. excessively C. held

D. found

2. I groped in the dark for the torch which I knew must be somewhere in the room. 3. The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year.

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23. In cultures where close physical contact is acceptable and ____, Americans may be regarded as

B. petty C. trivial D. minor