2018-2019版高中英语 Unit 2 Wish you were here单元检测试卷 牛津译林必修2.doc 下载本文

语篇解读 本文介绍了一些和衣服有关的英文表达。

61.Which of the following expressions can show someone is nervous? A.Get caught with one’s pants down. B.Have ants in one’s pants. C.Wear the pants in the family. D.Burn a hole in one’s pocket. 答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“We sometimes say that people who are nervous have ants in their pants.”可知,当一个人紧张不安时,我们会说“have ants in their pants”,分析选项可知B正确。

62.If we say someone has to tighten his belt,we probably mean he . A.has done something wrong B.used to live a rich life C.has put on the wrong pants D.is short of money 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If you have less money than usual,you may have to tighten your belt.”可知,如果你的钱比平常少(缺钱,手头紧),你可能不得不收紧你的腰带。故选D。

63.Someone who spends his money at the drop of a hat most probably . A.doesn’t save money B.earns much money C.never wastes his money D.spends more than he earns 答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Yet,when it comes to my own money,I spend it at the drop of a hat,which means I immediately spend it.”可知,当作者花自己的钱的时候,会很快就花个精光。此处指“不节省钱”,故选A。 64.We can use the expression “wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve” to describe

someone who . A.gets angry easily B.looks very serious C.shows his feelings openly D.often wears a suit and tie 答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“Some people who do not know him well think he is too serious and never shows his feelings openly.But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve.”可知,有些不太了解作者的父亲的人认为他太严肃,从不坦率表达自己的感情。但作者知道自己的父亲“wears his heart on his sleeve” 。此处的转折词but,表示前后意思是相反的。由此可判断父亲不是一个严肃的人,而是一个坦率表达自己情感的人。故选C项。


I was always an overweight kid.Whenever I told my family about dreams of becoming a policewoman,they would say,“Well,you’re going to have to lose some weight if you want to do that.” I knew they were right,and I felt ashamed of my body.But as time went on,I didn’t lose weight—I gained it.

At thirty-three,I was five feet two inches tall and weighed over 300 pounds.Needless to say,I hadn’t become a police officer.And of course,there was no way I could.I was too old,too heavy—it was too ridiculous to ever consider.But deep down,it was really what I wanted to do.Whenever I saw a cop,I felt the same longing I’d had as a child.

One day I looked into the mirror,and I truly saw myself as I was—a person with a good heart,with worthy dreams,who had given up on herself.I faced the woman in the mirror and asked,“How will you ever know what you can do if you don’t try?”

I decided to go for it.I took the first step:the civil service exam.But test-taking has never been a strength of mine,and I failed.While it is possible to join the police force without passing the civil service exam,it is decidedly more difficult.It would have been easy to give up then,but I was determined to pursue

my dream.

So,I contacted the police department in my community;I told the chief of police about my desire to join the force,and he asked to meet with me.I was very nervous about the face-to-face meeting.I kept reminding myself that what mattered was my sincerity,and my belief in myself.Still,I was consumed with fear and thought:he’ll take one look at me and then politely tell me,“Don’t call us.We’ll call you!”

But it didn’t happen that way at all.He simply accepted me,inviting me to join the police auxiliary group.

I had to set a uniform.Anticipating this task unnerved me.

Finally,I summoned enough courage to act.With sweaty palms,I tried on uniforms,but I couldn’t find any that fit me.Eventually I had to go to a tailor and have a uniform altered.How uncomfortable this was for me.While the tailor,an older man,was measuring and tucking my uniform,I could feel the temperature rising in the dressing room.I was consumed with humiliation.

Soon the chief recommended me for the thirteen-week training program at the North East Regional Police Institute.This school was demanding,both academically and physically.You had to learn criminal law,take CPR exams and learn to use handcuffs(手铐).

But the day I’d been dreaming finally arrived.Working in pairs,we were going to learn how to use handcuffs.I pretended not to notice when I was the last one to be chosen as a partner.Then one person put his hands behind his back,while the partner received instructions on how to handcuff the other’s wrists together.The instructor walked around,checking out each team and commenting on them in front of the entire class.Because of my size,I couldn’t get my wrists together the right way so that my partner could handcuff me.The instructor was making his way over to us,and I was so anxious that the sweat was pouring down my face.I could tell my partner was uncomfortable,too,as he tried his best to coach me on ways to get my wrists closer.I prayed to somehow become invisible.But the instructor didn’t pass over us.Instead,he pointed out our problem to the entire class.

I made it through the thirteen weeks.Although test-taking and risk-taking were my constant companions,I passed all final exams with flying colors.

“How are you going to know what you can do until you try?” has become my motto.Since that time,I have let myself dream freely and pursue the dreams that really move me.It is truly amazing what you can do—if you’ll only try.

语篇解读 本文通过讲述作者曾经想要放弃追逐梦想,但最终还是克服心理障碍进行了尝试。所以得出的道理是:只有通过不断尝试,我们才能发现自己能跨越原先认为不能逾越的障碍。 65.Why was the author nervous when the chief of police asked to meet with her?

A.The author didn’t pass the civil service exam.

B.The author’s family didn’t support her in going for the dream. C.The author felt anxious about being refused due to her obesity. D.The author was afraid of being made fun of by the chief. 答案 C

解析 细节理解题。由第五段中的“I was very nervous about the face-to-face meeting.”和该段最后一句可知,作者担心自己在面试时会因为过度肥胖而被社区警官拒绝。故选C项。

66.How did the author feel when the old tailor was measuring and tucking her uniform? A.Ashamed. C.Astonished. 答案 A

解析 推理判断题。由第八段中的“I could feel the temperature rising in the dressing room.I was consumed with humiliation.”可推断,作者因为身材肥胖不得不到裁缝店修改制服并为此感到羞愧。故选A项。 67.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The author didn’t manage to lose weight despite her dream.

B.While the author was good at tests,she didn’t pass the civil service exam. C.The author succeeded in passing the interview with the chief of police.

B.Delighted. D.Pitiful.