综合教程3答案 下载本文


3) applauded for

? ?

4) substituted for 5) compensate for


6) stand for


7) weep for


8) blame for



1) comment on


2) deciding on


3) elaborate on

? ?

4) imposed on 5) concentrate on


6) acts on


7) feed on


8) relied on


Reference translation

1) 接下来的几分钟里,他简要介绍了通识教育的发展历史,告诉学生们“通识”一词来自拉丁语,意为“自由”,这种学校教育在古代只有自由的小孩(而非奴隶)才能享受。

2) 现代的通识教育让学生接触许多理工和人文学科,这些学科知识有助于深入探求人生重大问题的答案。

3) 他们认为,高等教育如果不以培训学生做事挣钱为核心,就是毫无意义的。 4) 如果想弄清我们的调查对象究竟做了什么成就了极富成效与创造力的人生,我们就必须理解为什么他们如此重视在选定专业领域之前所接受的通识教育。 5) 他们把教育理解为一种成长历程,在此过程中,他们致力于思维能力的提升,这样一种理解也影响到了他们所尝试的学习方向。


Reference translation

The imperial examination system in China began to be put into practice in the Sui Dynasty and lasted more than 1,300 years. In ancient China, class consciousness was distinct and people from lower classes had little chance to gain a position in the official court. But once the imperial examination system was introduced, scholars from poor families had opportunities to take the government exams, which enabled them to bring honor to their families. Such a talent-selection system had great impact not only on the politics, economy, education, cultural concepts and social customs in Chinese feudal society, but also on the education systems of such neighboring countries as Japan, Korea and Vietnam. To some extent, China’s current education system has selectively inherited some advantages from the imperial examination system.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


1) pro Plumbing college clearly has a lot to recommend it. You learn useful and relevant skills there. You become eminently employable. And you probably don’t find yourself having £30,000 of tuition fees to pay back when you finally complete the course. 2) con A humanities student in the 1980s, pursuing a non-vocational course, could still feel confident that the degree he or she was studying was worthwhile in itself. University was supposed to be about a broadening and deepening of the individual. 3) con Job prospects, employability skills and building networks of “contacts”, must be a secondary or even tertiary concern. Study something that fascinates you, and worry about the future later on. 4) con Classicists would be able to tell us that Aristotle’s concept of “flourishing” as an individual — eudaimonia — does not imply great material success at all. Living and doing well is what matters. One probably needs to be well educated to achieve this, but not necessarily paid an investment banker’s salary (or bonus). Language in Use

2. ?

1) affordable


2) conscientious


3) synthetic

? ?

4) suppress 5) defiant


6) condemn


7) incurred


8) fascinate



1) as far as ? is concerned


2) take on

? ?

3) die down 4) in due course


5) may as well

? ?

6) go through 7) for the sake of


8) pays off
