综合教程3答案 - 图文 下载本文

(2) Firstly, Van Gogh began painting more from memory, as Gauguin had done. Secondly, his works became more decorative and less accurate like Gauguin’s.

4) (1) Van Gogh uses color to convey emotion.

(2) He used white and yellow to create a spiral effect and draw attention to the sky.


1) It is considered Van Gogh’s greatest artistic achievement and is one of the most famous and reproduced works in the art world.

2) According to the text, the painting has multifold themes, which include:

(1) nighttime landscape featuring a contrast between the night sky brimming with energy and the silent village below; (2) the belief that even with darkness it is still possible to see light and hope; (3) an understanding of death.

3) The cypress tree symbolizes mourning and a connection between life and death.

4) They symbolize life and death.

5) They symbolize Van Gogh’s frame of mind and his search for hope during a time of great illness.

Language in Use 4.


1) agitation, agitated


2) eternal, eternity


3) rival, rivalry


4) symbolize, symbolic


5) characteristic, characterize

? ?

6) opt, options 7) gloomy, gloom


8) interpretation, interpret



1) contrasted with


2) Hailed as

? ?

3) refer to 4) conjure up


5) move away from

? ?

6) brimming with 7) associated with


8) perceive as




1) fondness for


2) compatibility with

? ?

3) confidence in 4) departure from


5) addiction to

? ?

6) conception of 7) superiority over


8) concentration on


1) His unwise refusal of the offer resulted in his wife’s disappointment. 2) Yuan Longping’s dedication to hybrid rice has greatly influenced and benefited the world. 3) Some people might resist the new policy because of their preference for the old system. 4) The director was furious at the critics’ negative reaction to his film. 5) This paper offered an analysis of and a solution to the security problem on campus. 6) Wolves’ invasion into the prairie disturbed the balance of the ecosystem there.

7) It’s hard to express my gratitude for your generosity and mercy. 8) Microwave energy’s application to everyday life has partly relieved the energy crisis.


1) 据说这幅画描绘的是他睡房窗外的景色。

2) 在《星夜》这幅画中,梵高笔下的夜空充满能量,与夜空下静谧的村庄形成鲜明反差。

3) 他此处描绘的村镇有几分虚构,教堂尖顶则让人联想到他的故乡荷兰。 4) 梵高在《星夜》中还画了一棵柏树,这种树在墓地里很常见,让人产生哀思。这颗柏树连天接地,也许反映出梵高对于死亡的理解——死亡是生命之旅的终点。 5) 随着《星夜》的创作,梵高摒弃了传统印象派画家写实自然的技法,相反,他表现了一种躁动不安的情感。


Traditional Chinese painting constitutes a unique school of fine art, a school that is distinctly different from any other fine art schools in the world, either in style or in techniques. Traditional Japanese fine art may be the only exception, but there is no doubt that it is heavily influenced by Chinese culture. No other traditional Chinese painting is better known than ink and wash painting. The Chinese do paintings with brushes, dipping their brushes in ink or paint and then skillfully wielding them on the paper. Painters produce pictures with lines and dots — some heavy, some light, some deep, and some pale. In the hands of an outstanding painter, brushes and ink can be highly expressive. Because of this, they are not only treated as tools for drawing pictures, but also as a symbol of artistic pursuit.

Text B

Reading Comprehension
