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This project is the construction project of 3# block in Xi'an city. The project consists of 6 buildings (6~11# building) and its underground garage section, which belongs to a class of residential buildings 9~11#, 6~8# floor, are a class of commercial and residential buildings. The fire pool is set up on the top of 11#.

This project is a building of the 7#. With the drinking water system, sewage system, sewage system, drainage system, fire hydrant water supply system, automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system.

Fire protection system: this project underground garage sets the life water tank and the water pump. The indoor fire hydrant system design flow for 40L/S. According to 2 hours fire duration calculation of water storage, outdoor fire hydrant system design flow 30L/S. According to 2 hours fire continued time calculation of water storage, the building about 76.80m, is more than seven storey residential buildings, indoor hydrant water supply system is set up in the building and without partition. Water tank by the life of the pump water, storage 10min fire water, fire early by the water tank fire, fire pump started by the fire pump water supply fire. In addition, it should set the test and inspection of the fire hydrant on the flat roof. Automatic sprinkler system design flow 40L/S. According to one hour fire duration calculated water. According to the specification of the building for senior housing, for a class of construction belongs to the dangerous level, so the design spray intensity - square meters 106L/min. Area of effect for 160 square meters, nozzle pressure is 0.1MPa. Pool fire and fire pump set in 7# floor, the ground floor of a layer of, according to the actual set corresponding high fire water ring network and pressure reducing valve after the low area fire water ring network, supply the corresponding monomer and underground garage fire water supply system.

Water supply system: the water supply system of this project is about 0.1MPa, which only meets the requirement of one layer of water. So consider two times of pressure. By economic and technical comparison, the use of water supply by way of district water supply, pressure swing by the pump water supply, the way of reliable water supply, centralized equipment, easy to manage. Design 1-15 layer for low area,

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16-25 layer for the area, the building of the water supply system consists of introducing pipe, water meter node, water supply pipe, water distribution device, water equipment, water supply accessories, pressurizing and water storage device.

Hot water system: the design of the building to bring their own water.

Drainage system: sewage and sewage pipe system. Above ground for gravity flow discharge, the project no toxic and harmful waste water discharge. Sewage by outdoor drainage pipes collected after treated in the septic tank, discharged into the municipal sewage pipe.

Rainwater drainage system, the drainage of rainwater is using the roof slope, rainwater will be collected rainwater pipe and excluded by rain water. External drainage system is used in this building.

Key words: residential building water supply and drainage design calculation

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第一章 工程概况 1.1:设计题目:

本设计长岛盛业住宅项目7#楼建筑给排水工程设计 1.2:目的和作用:


1.3:设计任务 1.3.1:任务:


① 建筑给水系统; ② 建筑消防、喷淋系统; ③ 建筑热水系统; ④ 建筑污废水系统; ⑤ 建筑雨水系统; 1.3.2深度:

1、 设计深度为初步设计,要求达到建设部1992年《建筑工程设计文件编制深度的规定》的要求。

2、 卫生间大样达到施工图深度的要求。 1.4 设计要求


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4)阅读至少5000字外文文献,且完成外文翻译并附于已完成的论文之后。 1.4.2 格式与图件要求








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