英语脑筋急转弯 下载本文

you have if you took thirty-two,divided by15,multiplied by 13 and minus 14?请问32 除以15,再乘以13,再减去14,将得到什么?Keys:1.None. Only babies are born there... 一个也没有,因为只有婴儿出生在那儿。2.A hole... 一个洞。3.A wrong answer.一个错误的答案。Notes:3.multiply/>m)ltiplai/v.相乘miuns/>main+s/V.减去Questions:1.Where were you when the power was cut off?停电时你在哪儿?2.Can I wear this genuine leather jacket in the rain withoutspoiling it?我穿着这件皮夹克在雨里走会不会把夹克弄坏?3.When is a chain-smoker most painful?烟瘾君子什么时候最痛苦?Keys:1.In the darkness... 在黑暗中。2.Have you ever seen a cow carrying an umbrella?.. 你见过牛撑伞吗?3.When he has a packet of cigarettes but no light... 当他有一盒香烟却没有火的时候。Notes:l.Cut off 切断(电源等)2.genuine />DNenjuin/ adj.地道的,真正的leather/>leJ+/n.皮革Spoil/sp&il/ V.弄坏,宠坏3.cigarette/?sig+>ret/ n.香烟light/lait/ n.点火物,引火物Questions:1.What is it that no one wishes to have, yet no one wishesto lope?谁也不想要,可是谁也不想不要的东西是什么?2.What’s the biggest thing in the world?世界上最大的东西是什么?3.How can two people stand two inches apart only,yet notbeing able to touch each other?两个人怎样站才能在相距仅两英寸的情况下无法碰到对方?Keys:1.A bald head... 秃头。2.Eyelids.They can cover everything in the world once you shut your eyes... 眼皮,因为眼睛一闭,世上所有的东西都被眼皮盖住了。3.Shut the door between them... 关上他们中间的门。Notes:1.bald/b&ld/ adj.秃头的2.eyelid/>ailid/ n.眼皮3.apart/+>pa:t/ adj.分开,离开Questions:


1.When can you get water With a net?什么时候能用网兜水?2.What is neither in the house nor out of the house,yetis a part of the house?什么东西既不在屋里也不在屋外,又是屋子的一部分?3.What do elephants have that no other animals is have?什么东西别的动物都没有,只有大象有?4.What do we have in December that we never have in other months?.. 什么东西别的月份都没有,只有十二月有?Keys:1.When water is turned into ice. 当水结成冰以后。2.A window... 窗户。3.Baby elephants... 小象。4.The letter“D”... 是字母“D”。Questions:1.What’s better than the presence of mind in case of aserious accident?.. 出现严重事故的时候,比保持理智更好的出路是什么?2.Why is Fatty sleeping With his mouth open?.. 胖子睡觉为什么嘴巴张着?3.Punctuate:It was and I said not but.加标点符号:It was and I said not but.Keys:1.Absence of body.身体不在场。2.Because his skin is so short that when he shut his eyes his mouth opens.因为他的皮肤绷得紧,眼皮一闭,嘴皮就要张开。3.It was“and”I said,not“but”... 我说的是“和”,不是“但是”。Notes: 1.presence of mind:直译是“思想在场,理智在场”。比保持理智更好的出路是人不在场,即“absence of body”,与“presence of mind”.. 逐字相对。Questions:1.What makes you believe that the moon is closer to us thanEgypt?什么使你相信月亮比埃及离我们要近?2.Can you name five things that contain milk?你能说出五样含有牛奶的东西吗?3.Where do you think are ammunition most dense in abattlefield?你认为战场上子弹最稠密的地方是什么地方?Keys:1.You can see the moon but you can’t see Egypt... 因为我们可以看见月亮,却看不见埃及。2.Butter and


cheese,ice-ream and two cows... 黄油,乳酪,冰淇淋和两头奶牛。3.In an ammunition truck... 在弹药车里。Notes:2.butter/>k)t+/ n.黄油cheese/CMi:z/ n.奶酪3.ammunition/?$mju>niM+n/ n.弹药,军火battlefield/>b$tl?fi:ld/ n.战场,战地Questions:1.The strangest thing: whoever has it doesn’t tell it,who ever takes it doesn’t know it,and who ever knowsit doesn’t want it.What is it?什么东西这么奇怪,你若有它也不会说出来,你若接受肯定不知道,你若知道肯定不会要?2.When can you go as fast as a racing car?什么时候你能像跑车一样快?Keys:1.Couterfeit money... 伪钞。1.When you’re in it... 当你坐在跑车里时。Notes:1.counterfeit/>kaunt+fit/ adj.伪造的,假冒的2.racing car 跑车,赛车Questions:1.Why was the baby raised on dog milk?这个婴孩为何吃狗的奶长大?2.When do horses have eight legs?什么时候马有八条腿?3.When a boy falls into the water, what’s the firs thinghe does?当一个男孩掉到水里,第一件事是什么?4.Where can you always find happiness?在哪儿总是能找到幸福?Keys:1.He’s a baby dog... 它是狗的婴孩。2.When there’re two of them... 当有两匹马时。3.Get wet·.. 打湿了。4.In the dictionary... 在字典里。Questions:1.What’s the difference between a presidential candidate and an overworked clerk?.. 总统候选人与工作过度的办事员的区别是什么?2 ... What ’.. s the difference between electricity andlightening?电和闪电的区别是什么?3.What’s the difference between a sailor and six brokenclocks?一个水手和六只破钟的区别是什么?Keys:1.One can’t wait to get into office and the other can’t wait to get out of the office... 一个迫不及待想就任


(总统),另一个迫不及待想下班。2.You don’t have to pay for lightning... 闪电不要钱。3.The sailor goes to sea while the clocks cease to go. 水手出海,时钟出故障。Notes:3.the clocks cease to go 时钟不走了Questions:1.A man and a woman with a baby in her arms were under anumbrella, but none of them got wet.How could they doit?一个男人和一个怀抱婴儿的女人共撑一把伞,没有一个人淋湿,他们是怎么做到的?2.A doctor and a salesman fell in love with the same girl.Thesalesman had to leave for a week on business and so hegave the girl seven apples. Why?一个医生和一个推销员同时爱上了一个姑娘,推销员得出差一个星期,因此他送给姑娘七个苹果。为什么?Keys:1.It wasn’t raining.没有下雨。2.Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away... 因为一天一个苹果就不用看医生了。Notes:2.leave.on business 出差“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”是西方谚语,人们相信一天吃一个苹果有益于健康,医生也不用看。Questions:1.Can anyone be safe if a man-eating lion is at large?如果吃人的狮子无人看管逍遥笼外,有没有人安然无恙?2.To whom does everyone always take off his hat?对谁每个男人都会摘下自己的帽子?3.Where does harvest come before work?在哪儿可以先收获,尔后劳作?4.What has four legs and one back but can’t walk?什么东西有四条腿,一个背,却不会走路?Keys:1.Women and girls. 女人和女孩。2.A barber... 理发师。3.In the dictionary... 在字典里。4.A chair... 椅子。Notes:1.be at large 无人看管,逍遥(尤指危险的人或动物)Questions:1. What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?什么东西干净时是黑的,弄脏了反而是白的?2.What can you place in
