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Step3: Exercises

1. You will lose your chance of going to college _____ you study hard.

A. unless B. if C. when D. as soon as

2. Every time he ____ me, he will write to me as soon as possible. A. will hear from B. hear from C. hears from D. has heard 3. They went on doing their experiment ____ they had failed many times. A. unless B. until C. though D. as long as

4. The news was ____ exciting ____ many of us were moved to tears. A. such; that B. as; as C. so; as D. so; that 5. ____ how hard I pushed, the door stayed closed.

A. Even if B. Since C. Though D. No matter 6. Put the umbrella ____ you took it.

A. when B. as C. after D. where

7. ______ Alice goes these days she always carries an umbrella with her. A. Whatever B. Wherever C. Where D. Not matter where 8. ____ books you read, _______ you will feel.

A. The many; the happy B. The more; the happier C. The most; the happiest D. More ; happier

9. No matter ____ the conditions were like, we think that a car should be driven as fast as it could. A. what B. how C. which D. when

10. It was nearly mid-night ____ Henry began to feel terrible. A. until B. that C. when D. while Unit12 语音知识:从A, B, C, D四个选项中,找出其画线部分与给出单词画线部分读音相同的选项。 ( ) 1.Christmas A. thanks B. date C. January D. calendar ( ) 2.smooth A. length B. worthy C. path D. southern ( ) 3.yard A. warmth B. particular C. hard D. quarter ( ) 4.early A. hear B. learn C. pear D. wear ( ) 5.express A. exam B. exit C. expensive D. excellent 二、词汇与语法知识:从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选择出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 6. I would like out for a walk because I like in the rain. A. going; walking B. to go; to walk C. going; to walk D. to go; walking 7. The naughty boy doesn‘t spend much time his homework. A. do B. doing C. to do D. does

8. The Spring Festival is the first day of a year lunar calendar. A. on; at B. at; in C. on; in D. on; on

9. We are busy the University Entrance Examination.

A. prepare for B. preparing for C. to prepare for D. prepared for 10. He didn‘t mean you, but the way he spoke meant you.

A. hurt; to hurt B. to hurt; hurting C. hurting; to hurt D. hurting; hurting 11. They clean their houses sweep out all the bad luck in the past year. A. meaning to B. mean to C. means to D. meant to

12. the whole family together, they share happiness and joy. A. For B. As C. By D. With

13. At midnight, we have some dumplings and crackers to welcome the New Year. A. set about; coming B. set down; come C. set out; comes D. set off; coming 14. That lady always carefully when she goes to the party. A.wears B. puts on C. dresses D. dresses up

15. We get up early and go to show to the senior members of the family. A. luck B. respect C. honor D. wishes

16. I wish I a bird and could fly freely in the sky. A. am B. was C. were D. be

17. The students plant trees on sides of the road. A.both B. every C. each D. either

18. far away from home, people try to get back home before New Year‘s Eve. A. No matter what B. No matter who C. No matter how D. No matter where

19. our family, we have a family reunion on every lunar New Year‘s Eve. A.As if B.As though C. As for D. As well

20. Let‘s get up early we can get there in time. A. as B. than C. so that D. in order to 三、完形填空。

Many years ago there was a poor man. He had, 1 his garden, an orange

tree. On the tree there were many fine oranges. 2 he found one 3 his oranges was much bigger 4 the others. It was as 5 as a football. Nobody had ever seen 6 orange, The poor man took the orange to the king. The king was so happy 7 he gave the man a lot of money for it.

When a rich man heard of it, he said to himself, \the king given so much money 8 it? I'll take my gold cup to the king. He'll give me 9 money.\

The next day when the king received the gold cup, he said to the rich man, What a beautiful cup! I'll show you 10 , please take this great orange. ( ) 1. A. on B. in C. over D. with

( ) 2. A. One day B. Yesterday C. When D. This morning ( ) 3. A. for B. in C. of D. among ( ) 4. A. of B. than C. like D. as

( ) 5. A. big B. bigger C. smaller D. smallest ( ) 6. A. so big B. such big C. such a big D. such an big ( ) 7. A. when B. that C. as D. while ( ) 8. A. to B. buy C. get D. for ( ) 9. A. many B. lots of C. a little D. more

( )10. A. the cup B. beautiful thing C. something beautiful D. nice something 四、阅读理解。

There is a one-day holiday in most countries on New Year's Day. The real cele- brations for New Year happen on the night before - on New Year's Eve. There are several interesting customs in the West, and there are many differences from country to country.

Though Christmas is a family get-together, New Year for some is a time to be with friends too. Parties are most often held to welcome the New Year. At these par-

ties, there is food and drink and dancing until the time nears for the coming of New Year. At midnight, people often say \香

槟酒) is a favorite drink at New year's. In many western countries fireworks(烟火)are let off at midnight, and many people like to make noise, possibly to drive away bad spirits(幽灵). One important song is often sung at New Year‘s___ the Scottish song of Auld Lang Syne ( good times long ago).

( ) 1. Great celebrations for New Year usually begin on . A. the morning of New Year's Day B. the night before New Year's Eve C. the night of New Year's Day D. the night before New Year's Day ( ) 2. Reading the passage, we know .

A. the celebrations all over the world begin at the same time

B. only the western countries have great celebrations for New Year's Day C. most people have celebrations for New Year's Day D. the celebrations all over the world are the same

( ) 3. The word \ in Chinese. A.风俗 B.常规 C.海关 D.关税 ( ) 4. The parties on New Year's Eve don‘t finish . A. until they have all food and drinks B. until New Year‘s Day comes

C. after the morning of January 2nd comes D. when they feel too tired ( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. Western people hold parties to welcome the New Year. B. People hold parties to have much food and drinks. C. People hold parties to drive away bad spirits. D. Only the young are interested in New Year‘s Day.


1. express A. older in years; higher in rank

2. senior B. accepted behavior among members of a social group 3. celebrate C. of or relating to or associated with the moon 4. custom D. a person related by blood or marriage 5. share E. nice to eat.

6. relative F. do sth. to show a day or an event is very important 7 .colorful G. the act of coming together again

8. lunar H. make known, show by words, looks, actions 9. reunion I. to use or have with others 10. delicious J. full of colors 六、单词拼写。

1.The Spring Festival is the Chinese (阴历的) New Year‘s Day. 2.The family members would get together to (庆祝) the Spring Festival. 3.We share (幸福) with our friends.

4.We all send some beautiful cards to our teachers to show (敬意) on Teachers‘ Day. 5.We have a family (团聚) on every Mid-autumn Day. 七、词形变化。

1. People usually begin to prepare for the (celebrate) a week before the festival.

2. They prepare many kinds of Chinese (tradition) food, such as dumplings, and so on. 3. At midnight, we set off crackers, (watch) wonderful TV programs. 4. We usually paste (color) paper-cuts on windows on the Spring Festival. 5. The old (say) goes, ―East or west, home is best‖. 八、改错。

1. He is such kind a man that everyone believes him. A B C D

2. You mustn‘t cross the street until the traffic lights will turn green. A B C D

3. The Englishman speaks Chinese so fluently as if he is a Chinese. A B C D 4. I don‘t know if we are going back home or not. A B C D

5. Though he was very young, but he had been to many other cities. A B C D