湖南省长沙市长郡中学2020届高三英语第二次月考试卷(无附听力材料)人教版 下载本文


25. When you study the local map, you’ll find this town is ______ . A. twice as a large town as that B. twice the size of that one

C. twice as larger as that one D. twice as larger a town as that

26. When ______ about his success, the great man said with a big smile on his face: “One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.” A. being asked B. asked C. asking D. to ask 27. Well-paid as he was, he often ended up in financial troubles, ______ . A. yet B. too C . either D. though 28. When the American Civil War made ______ important for England to send prisoners to North America, Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.

A. that B. this C. one D. it 29. Without the help of the volunteers, many local people ______ in the big earthquake last year.

A. will die B. would died C. would have died D. were dying

30. ---- Remember the first time we ______ , Jack?

---- Of course, I ______ . We’ve been close friends ever since.

A. met; do B. met; did C. had met; did D. have met; do

31. On hearing the sad news that Mary was seriously ill, ______ . A. tears came into my eyes. B. my eyes were full of tears

C. I couldn't help crying out. D. my face turned pale

32. The car ran into a crowd of middle school students, ______ to hospital immediately.

A. two of whom sent B. two of them sent C. two of whom are sent D. two of them sending

33. It was not until after the First World War ______ his most important discovery.

A. did he make B. made he C. that he made D. he made 34. ______ I like the book with some nice pictures very much, it is a pity that I don’t have enough money to buy it.

A. Since B. While C. As D. If 35.The newly learnt words will soon be forgotten ______ frequently used in everyday communication.

A. if they are B. unless they are C. when they are D. till they are

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm his flight home with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to 36 his Spanish. When he was speaking to people 37 he had no 38 understanding what they said. 39 , when he was speaking on the phone, he 40 had a problem. Andy 41 the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o’clock three days from that day. She 42 told Andy to be at the airport two hours 43 in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.

Since he was 44 in three days, Andy didn’t 45 any time. He visited as

many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money 46. He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain.

Too quickly, the final 47 arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to 48 . He went to the clerk to 49 his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with 50 . “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o’clock in the morning, and 51 it is eight in the evening.” “But I confirmed my flight,” 52 Andy. “Will I have to pay for another ticket?”

“No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now.” Andy’s 53 of shock turned to one of 54 as he realized that now he could continue his 55.

36. A. prepare

B. improve

C. enjoy

D. learn D. in exchange D. interest

37. A. in reality 38. A. difficulty 39. A. Instead 40. A. even

B. in public C. in person B. confidence C. troubles

B. Therefore C. But

C. still

D. However

D. seldom

D. asked

B. just

41. A. called 42. A. again 43. A. before 44. A. moving 45. A. take 46. A. also

B. liked B. also

C. trusted

C. only

D. once D. after D. leaving D. find D. yet

B. earlier C. later

B. returning C. staying B. have

C. lose

B. again

B. week B. go

C. still

47. A. month 48. A. speak 49. A. buy

C. season

C. rush

D. day D. delay

B. present C. order D. offer

50. A. astonishment B. patience 51. A. maybe

B. today

C. respect

D. delight

C. here D. now

D. said

52. A. insisted 53. A. experience 54. A. pleasure 55. A. plan

B. added C. replied

B. expression C. look

B. comfort

D. face

C. sadness D. hopelessness

B. flight C. movement D. vacation


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A

Earthquakes are measured on a scale designed by U.S. scientist called Charles Richter. Each increase of one whole unit means a tenfold increase in intensity. That is to say, an earthquake of 7.0 is ten times more powerful than one of 6.0; and 8.0 earthquake is 100 times stronger than a 6.0 one. More than a million people died when an earthquake destroyed the eastern Mediterranean in July, 1201. The biggest killer in modern times was the 7.8 earthquake that destroyed Tangshan in China’s northeast in 1979, killing about 200,000 people. Following are the other major earthquakes over 8.0 in Asia in the 20th Century.

Major Earthquakes in the 20th Century Date Place Magnitude 8.6 Death Toll 180,000 140,000 40,000 2,900 Dec. 16, 1920 Gansu, China Sep. 1. 1923 Tokyo, Japan 8.3 May 22, 1927 Nanshan, China 8.0 March 2, 1933Japan 8.4 8.9 Jan. 15, 1934Indian-Nepal 10.700