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young woman? Is the painting a portrait of a real person, or a 问题待人们解答。 那位年轻女子是谁?这幅画sitter representing more general attributes of womanhood? How 到底是一幅真人肖像画,还是一幅表现女人普遍old is she meant to be? Is the pearl real? What's the significance of 特征的模特画?她有多大年纪?那颗珍珠是真the turban? What is she thinking as she stares out at us? 2 In general, very little is known about Vermeer. We know he was born in 1632, spent his entire life in Delft, and died in 1675. 2.

总的来说,有关维梅尔的记载很少。 我们

We know his work includes paintings of religious and 知道他出生于1632年,一辈子都住在代尔夫特,mythological themes, domestic interiors and landscapes. He never 于1675年逝世。 我们知道他的画作包括宗教及seems to have been wealthy, perhaps because he produced 神话题材的画,室内家居画以及风景画。 他好relatively few paintings. His other well-known works include Girl 像从来没富有过,可能是因为作品相对较少的缘Reading a Letter at an Open Window, and Woman with a Water 故。 他的其他名画包括《在窗前读信的女孩》Jug.



3 We also know that although he came from a Protestant 3. convert to Catholicism before they married and had 14 children. 4 As far as the Girl with a Pearl Earring is concerned, it seems that it wasn't meant to be a portrait, but a study of expressions, 4.

family, he married a Catholic girl Catharina, who insisted that he 却娶了一位信仰天主教的女孩凯瑟琳娜,凯瑟琳



facial characteristics or other interesting features. It's true that the 作肖像画来画的,而是一幅表现人物表情、面部girl's face would probably not be considered beautiful in a 特征,以及其他一些特点的习作。 的确,少女conventional sense. If it had been a portrait, a painter would have 的那张脸在传统意义上或许算不上漂亮。 如果worked harder to convey the sitter's beauty, even if it meant 是一幅肖像画,画家会花更多的力气来表现被画slightly distorting the truth! This kind of study was popular in 者的美貌,即便那么做会有些背离事实!这种肖Holland at the time, and would have been easy to sell. We don't 像画当时在荷兰很流行,而且可能也更容易出know, however, if this painting was ever sold during Vermeer's 售。 然而,我们并不知道这幅画在维梅尔生前lifetime. We don't even know if it was commissioned by 是否卖出去过。 我们甚至不清楚它是不是维梅Vermeer's patron, van Ruijven. If so, the model might have been 尔的资助人范 ? 鲁文的委托之作。 如果是的话,one of his daughters who was about the same age as the sitter. We 画中的模特有可能是维梅尔的一个年龄相仿的know less about the Girl with the Pearl Earring than any of 女儿。 我们对《戴珍珠耳环的少女》的了解比Vermeer's works. Indeed, the unexplainable lack of background 对维梅尔的其他作品都少。 实际上,这种无法information may even contribute to the worldwide popularity the 解释的背景资料的缺失甚至会使得该画更受欢painting enjoys.



5 With so much mystery, the painting has been the theme of 5.

first, a novel and later, a film, both of which attempt to answer 的主题,而后又被一部电影所采纳。它们都试图some of the questions about the painting, as well as one, which is 揭开有关这幅画的一些谜题,其中一个是:女孩immediately more appropriate to the medium of the novel or the 那双睁得大大的眼睛,以及那一丝神秘的微笑,film: Are her wide eyes and enigmatic half-smile innocent or 到底是天真还是诱惑?像小说或电影这类媒介seductive?


崔西 ? 雪佛兰于1999年出版的小说向我们

6 Tracy Chevalier's novel, published in 1999, tells us the story 6.

of Griet, a 16-year-old Dutch girl who needs to start work in order 讲述了一位16岁的荷兰女孩格里特的故事。 她to support her family. She becomes a maid in Vermeer's 必须去工作来养活家人,于是成了维梅尔家的一household, with its five children, grandmother, a long-time 名女仆,和维梅尔的五个孩子、一位老佣人以及

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servant, and Catharina, Vermeer's volatile wife. While Griet goes 他喜怒无常的妻子凯瑟琳娜生活在一起。 在他about her duties, she attracts the attention not only of a butcher's 家干活的时候,格里特不仅被一个屠夫的儿子彼boy, Pieter, but also of the painter himself. Despite their different 得看上了,也引起了画家本人的注意。 尽管他backgrounds and class, he invites her into his studio and engages 们有着不同的背景,隶属于不同的阶级,但维梅her in his world.



7 At first Griet merely runs errands and performs tasks for 7.

Vermeer. But gradually, his relationship with her changes. 活。 可渐渐地,他们的关系发生了变化。 维梅Vermeer recognizes Griet as having visual talent and artistic 尔发现了格里特的视觉才能和艺术潜质,开始让promise, and takes her on as his studio assistant. Griet is wary of 她做画室助手。 格里特清楚自己在维梅尔家的her position in the Vermeer household but revels in being 地位,一直谨小慎微,但她还是对画家鼓励她学encouraged to develop her skills. Her role is to grind paints and 习绘画技巧而感到高兴。 她的工作是帮维梅尔develop the colours which Vermeer will use for his paintings and 磨颜料、调颜色,有模特生病的时候,她担当模when a model falls ill, she takes her place. Catharina has long 特之职。 凯瑟琳娜很久之前就被禁止进入画室been forbidden to enter the studio, so the apprenticeship takes 了,所以格里特的学徒生涯是在秘密中进行的。 place in secret. Griet and Vermeer grow closer, although their 格里特和维梅尔的关系日见亲密,虽然他们之间feelings are never stated explicitly.


可是,维梅尔的那位有钱的资助人范 ? 鲁文

8 But then Vermeer's patron, the wealthy van Ruijven, who is 8.

attracted by Griet, insists that the maid and he be the subjects of 喜欢上了格里特,他坚持要维梅尔在他定的下一Vermeer's next commissioned work. Griet and Vermeer are 幅画里为他和格里特画张双人像。 格里特和维reluctant to agree because of her strict modesty and the scandal 梅尔都不情愿,因为格里特本人很矜持庄重,还caused by the last occasion van Ruijven was painted with a young 因为范 ? 鲁文最近和一位年轻女子一起画像时woman. Eventually, Vermeer compromises and agrees to paint 传出了绯闻。 最终,维梅尔作了一点妥协,他Griet on her own, wearing Catharina's pearl earrings. But while he 答应为格里特画一幅单人像,并让她戴上凯瑟琳is painting her, Vermeer sees Griet's hair, which takes some of her 娜的珍珠耳环。 作画的时候,维梅尔看着格里modesty away and, deeply embarrassed, she runs to Pieter for 特的头发,那一头秀发让她少了几分矜持庄重,comfort.

9 One day Vermeer's daughter discovers that Griet has been modelling for her father, and tells her mother. Filled with 9.


jealousy, Catharina storms into the studio and demands to see the 特,就把这事告诉了她妈妈。 凯瑟琳娜顿生醋painting. Griet is embarrassed when Vermeer accuses Catharina 意,冲进画室,要求看那幅画。 维梅尔则指责of not understanding art, and decides to leave the Vermeer 凯瑟琳娜不懂艺术,此时的格里特处境很尴尬,household.



10 Ten years later we understand that Griet has married Pieter, 10. 我们知道,十年后格里特嫁给了彼得,还为and has had children with him. In the meantime, Vermeer has 他生了孩子。 同时,维梅尔也去世了。他在遗died and in his will, has left the earrings to Griet. She sells them to 嘱里把珍珠耳环留给了格里特。 在与彼得结婚settle the debt due to the Vermeers by the butcher's shop when 时,格里特把珍珠耳环卖了,用来偿还彼得家的Griet and Pieter got married.


11 Tracy Chevalier's talent was to bring to life for modern 11. 崔西 ? 雪佛兰的才华在于她把几个世纪前readers the story of a young woman in a small city many centuries 一位生活在小城市的年轻女子的故事栩栩如生ago, and above all, to speculate on the answers to some of the 地展现在了现代读者的眼前;最重要的是,她对

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questions which the painting provokes. 于那幅画所引发的某些问题给出了自己的思考。 12 The novel was a best-seller, and consequently was made into 12. 这本小说很畅销,所以在2003年被改编成a film of the same name in 2003. Vermeer was played by Colin 了同名电影。 维梅尔由科林 ? 弗思扮演,格里Firth, and Griet by Scarlett Johannson. The film shows very 特由斯嘉丽 ? 约翰松扮演。 电影在描述维梅尔effectively the tension between the two when Vermeer pierces 为格里特穿耳洞,为了让她戴上他妻子的珍珠耳Griet's earlobes so she can wear his wife's pearl earrings for the 环,然后来画那位资助人要的画时,非常到位地portrait commissioned by his patron. It ends with a scene not 表现出他俩之间的紧张状态。 电影的结尾是小described in the novel, with the pearl earrings being mysteriously 说里没有的,那副珍珠耳环被神秘地送到了格里delivered to Griet, and we're left wondering if she ever marries 特的手中,至于她是否会嫁给彼得,电影留下了Pieter. 悬念。 13 The painting can be found in the Mauritshuis Museum in 13. 这幅画现在收藏于荷兰海牙的莫瑞泰斯皇The Hague, Holland. It has been described as the Mona Lisa of 家美术馆。 正是因为它像现馆藏于巴黎的列奥the north, precisely because, like Leonardo da Vinci's painting, 纳多 ? 达 ? 芬奇的画作一样,画了一位面带神秘now in Paris, it appears to be a simple likeness of a woman with 微笑的女人,那微笑蕴藏着多层意义和疑问,它an enigmatic smile, yet which contains levels of meanings and 被誉为北方的《蒙娜丽莎》。 仅仅一幅画就催questions. The fact that a single painting can generate a 生了一部备受推崇的小说,以及一部制作精良的thoroughly rewarding novel and a well-composed film 影片,这说明了《戴珍珠耳环的少女》之谜的巨demonstrates our fascination in the mystery of the Girl with a 大魅力。 Pearl Earring.

Unit 3-3 The top five paintings in Western art 西方艺术史上最好的五幅画作 史上最伟大的画作有哪些?每个人都有他自1 Which are the greatest paintings of all time? Everybody has 1. their favourites, and choosing a short list from the huge array of 己最喜爱的作品,但要从数不胜数的西方艺术精masterpieces in Western art is likely to be a frustrating—and 品中选出几幅最好的,可能是一件费力不讨好的ultimately not very useful—task. But here are five paintings 事情。 不过,下面这五幅画可能在任何人的选单which would be high up on anybody's list. 上都会高居榜首。 其中最有名的、一眼就能认出来的可能就会2 Perhaps the most famous, and instantly recognizable, of all 2. is Leonardo's Mona Lisa, now in the Louvre in Paris. The 是列奥纳多的《蒙娜丽莎》,现藏于巴黎的卢浮longer you look at this painting, the more the mystery grows. 宫。 你看着这幅画越久,它就变得越神秘。 这Who is this person, whose eyes follow us wherever we are? As 位目光始终追随着我们的画中人到底是谁?正如a famous critic once said, she seems older than the rocks among 一位著名评论家所说的,她看上去比她坐着的石which she sits. 头还要古老。 《宫女》是迪戈 ? 贝拉斯克斯1656年绘制的3 Las Meninas was painted in 1656 by Diego Velázquez. It 3. hangs in the Prado Museum in Madrid, and is one of the most 作品,它悬挂在马德里普拉多美术馆中。它是西analyzed works in Western painting. Like a snapshot, it shows a 方绘画史上被分析得最多的画作之一。 这幅画像large room in the palace of King Philip IV of Spain, and 一张快照,展示了西班牙腓力四世皇宫里的一间19 / 64


presents a number of people from the court: the king's daughter 大屋子,还有屋里的许多宫廷人物:有国王的女Margarita, surrounded by her maids, a bodyguard, two dwarfs 儿玛格丽塔,簇拥着她的一群宫女,一名护卫,and a dog. In the background is Velázquez himself, working on 两个侏儒和一条狗。 后面是贝拉斯克斯本人,他another painting and looking out towards the viewer. The 正在画另一个作品,他把目光投向了观众。 这幅picture seems to be telling us that art and life are an illusion.

画好像在告诉我们,艺术和生活不过是一种幻觉。 《星夜》无疑是文森特 ? 凡 ? 高最著名的画作

4 The Starry Night is without question one of Vincent van 4.

Gogh's best-known paintings. It shows the view at night from 之一。 它展现了从法国南部圣雷米普罗旺斯的一the room in the mental hospital in Saint Rémy de Provence, in 家精神病院的房间里看到的夜空景象,凡 ? 高在一the south of France, where he was staying after a severe 次严重的精神崩溃后住在了那里。 这幅画也反映breakdown. It also reflects something of the mental turmoil 了他当时所经历的精神混乱。 目前在纽约的大都from which he was suffering at the time. It can be viewed in the 会艺术博物馆里可以看到这幅画。 Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.



5 Another well-known modern masterpiece is The Scream by 德 ? 蒙克所画的《呐喊》。 它展示了血红色的天the Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch. It shows a figure in 空下一位痛苦异常的人。 有人认为他并不是在呐apparent agony in front of blood red sky. It's thought that he is 喊,而是捂着耳朵,保护自己不受到喊声的伤害,not screaming himself, but protecting himself from a scream, 他极力把自然界令人痛苦的声音挡在耳外。 这幅struggling to keep out the distressing noise of nature. Some of 画名声远扬,部分是缘自它从奥斯陆国家艺术馆this painting's notoriety is due to the number of times it has been 被盗的次数。 stolen from its home in the Oslo National Gallery.



6 Last but not least, Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon was 女》,该画完成于1907年,描绘了妓院里的五个completed in 1907, and shows five prostitutes in a brothel. 妓女。 该画被誉为现代艺术史上最有影响力的作Within the history of modern art, it's held to be one of the most 品,也是立体主义画派的先锋之作。立体主义画influential, and a precursor of the Cubist style, which featured 派的特点是运用许多几何图形和多重视点,使画geometric shapes and a plural viewpoint of features on different 里的人物处于多个平面之中,展现出在单一平面planes and which would otherwise be invisible. It can now be 中无法看见的特征。 该画现藏于纽约现代艺术博seen in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.


Unit 4-1 Work in corporate America 在美国大公司工作 现在的孩子要是有人跟他们说长大后要―去1 It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank 1. and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to 工作来谋生‖,往往会表现出一脸的茫然和沮丧,\这并不奇怪。 问题在于,他们想象不出美国的大visualize what work is in corporate America. 公司里都有哪些工作。 不久以前,当家长说他要去工作了,孩子很2 Not so long ago, when a parent said he was off to work, the 2. child knew very well what was about to happen. His parent was 清楚他去做什么。 他不是去做东西就是去修理东going to make something or fix something. The parent could 西。 父亲可能会带着孩子去他干活的地方,让他take his offspring to his place of business and let him watch 20 / 64